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cage advice

  1. bird_mama

    Yaheetech bird cage grate replacement

    I posted a thread yesterday and I was recommended to contact Yaheetech about their replacement parts. Sadly, they haven’t answered my calls or emails. I’m looking for a replacement grate for my cage as my CAG finds it amusing to bite it. It would be amazing if it was stainless steel since he...
  2. peachypjm

    A&E Flight Cages

    Hi! for my birthday I'm going to be getting mercury a new flight cage, and I fell in love with A&E's flight cages when I saw one at my local bird store. However, I checked the forums and saw the general guide and reviews for cages and saw some things about A&E. I'm a little hesitant to get him...
  3. S

    Grateless birdcage lining dilemma; Parakeets

    I have a cage that I don’t put the grate in since one of my parakeets had deformed feetsies and the vet said it could make her be in more pain, and want to keep it grate free for my new bird, are there any suggestion for a lining material for the tray? I can’t do paper because my very first bird...
  4. maounm

    2 months old GW macaw

    Hello everyone! My GW is 2 months now and i have a few questions. He tries to climb out of his box 3-4 times a day mostly after hand feeding and throws out some feed while trying to do so. My question is when should i put him in a cage? He doesn't perch yet but was able to climb out of a half...
  5. charlieboy

    Looking for Cockatiel Cage Advice!

    Hi peeps! Haha... get it? :laugh: Happy Easter! As some of you may know I want to get a bigger cage for my cockatiel, Charlie :) I've been eyeing this one a lot: Prevue Pet Products Wrought Iron Flight Cage with Stand, Chalk White, Large: Amazon.ca: Pet Supplies However, I've never had any...
  6. ZoraKarasu

    Wrought iron cages?

    Hi! I got a iron wrought cage. Zora hasn't moved in yet. But i just came across an article saying iron wrought cages are not safe for birds? Anyone here with iron wrought cages and how has it turned out? Also, should i paint my cage then, and with what? Thank you!!
  7. A

    Parakeets and canaries?

    Hi! I've had a pet canary for a few years now. When the weather's nice, we let his cage out in our garden. Usually, a lot of birds flock nearby because my lil baby canary is a very messy eater, but today I came home and found a blue parakeet latching on to his cage for dear life. It was...
  8. MPCacatúa

    Cage Setup for 4 Budgies

    Hello! I wanted to share my cage set up and ask if there are any improvements I should make? Also- how can I get more toys and such in the lower half so they can enjoy their whole enclosure? (most of my toys hang from the ceiling of the cage) Also- they are allowed out of the cage daily! The...
  9. A

    Advice For My New Baby Blue and Gold Macaw

    Hi there! My B&G baby is 7 weeks now. He comes with me to work and is obviously still being handreared.. I just wanted to know if/when can you start introducing fruits and veggies to their diet? I have read on a few places that says from 8 weeks... Any tips on this please?? Then he also comes...
  10. jadesha

    New lovie doesn't like sleeping in his cage

    My new 4 month old lovie, Pokka, seems to like his cage, but hates sleeping in it at night. I try to get him in at 8:30 every night as I wake up at 8:00 AM, however, I always have to basically force him to go inside and when he is in, he's always trying to escape. He loves sleeping outside in my...
  11. Frogpasta

    What to do with a non-independent bird

    Hello everyone! I’ve recently gotten a cockatiel (Gnocchi) and I love him to pieces!! He is a very well behaved bird, but he has one main “problem area”...he really doesn’t like to be left alone. I am well aware that cockatiels have a reputation of being somewhat “clingy”, but in this case I...
  12. budgelove

    Perches and Toys

    Hello! I'm researching into budgies, and planning to buy a pair in a week or so, whenever I feel adequate and knowledgeable enough to be a good budgie parent. I have a few questions, and I thought I'd ask actual budgie owners for their opinions and their experiences. I'd extremely appreciate...
  13. Frogpasta

    Cage Location - I want to put my cockatiel in the main living area, but I’m not sure how safe it is.

    I have a cockatiel (Gnocchi), and he is a social butterfly (as I’ve heard lots of cockatiels are). I am currently keeping Gnocchi in my room, because...I have cats (I feel like there should be dramatic music here), but I feel as though this might not fit my Gnocchi’s big personality. You see...
  14. vrnkstxx

    Advice wanted

    Hey guys! So far our baby Luna has been a blessing to our family. We love her very much. However since she came home, her sleeping ritual changed and she sleeps more at day and is more active at night. So i decided that covering her cage at night would be the best solution. However i am...
  15. sunnysara

    Help! Hyper Female Sun Conure

    Hi! My baby Sunny is about 5 months and she's a sweetheart. The problem is, she literally doesn't stay still... Ever! She's always going flying around the house or going crazy is she's in her cage (big toy-filled cage). Also she seems to hate her cage, she does play with her toys sometimes but...
  16. Chase Hein

    New Toys!

    Hi guys, I have a vet appointment for Wally concerning the foamy droppings, but on another note, my mom gave my a bunch of bird toys for my birthday, I was just curious for everyone with smaller birds. What toys do you birds like? And also, do I have enough?
  17. redrose27

    Help Looking for new cage for Budgie/Parakeet

    Hi I’m looking for a new cage for my sister (parakeet) Kony but I am a bit stuck on what to get. I tried visiting pet stores around where I live but they are all empty as if they were raided. I could not find a cage at the store and now I’m worried on what to get. I don’t have a big budget to...
  18. W

    design ideas for birdie room!!

    nori's cage is outside and india gets very cold and polluted in the winter so i think if i was ever to have another bird i would have to make the room on the roof (where i spend a lot of time in) equally as fun a i hope to make the aviary. i love the idea of those big ropes hanging up and those...
  19. M

    Trust Issues (Indian Ringneck)

    I purchased an Indian Ringneck (6 months old) around 4 days ago and has been in its cage since. Whenever I try to get really close to the cage it starts to frantically fly side to side and also does the same when I try to change its feed. It isn't tame so would like for it to gain some trust in...
  20. M

    IRN cage upgrade!

    So I've had my ringneck for around 4 days now and is pretty skittish and freaks out when I go too close to his cage. The current cage has bowls that I have to stick my hand into the cage to change and doing this causing my IRN to go crazy. So I've decided to upgrade to one that has dedicated...