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  1. BirdLady13

    Favorite Toys - Small Bird Edition

    I need to replenish the toy stock for my lovebird and two parrotlets. What is your small birds favorite toy?
  2. B

    So I need toys for my Java Rice Finches...

    My Java's only have a swing and a toy that looks like a stoplight for pure "entertainment". They do play with them from time to time but was wondering if I should get more toys to amuse them with and what kinds would be best for birds that size.They do have a bath that they LOVE, several perches...
  3. MiniMarie

    Advancement of a chewer?

    Formatting will not be great cause I'm on mobile. So! My Jade is learning about toys still. She started with preening strings (not fabric, but grass type) to sea grass and other stringy things she would run her beak along.... Then she discovered she can actually remove pieces from her toys and...
  4. Zara

    How to make things at ¨zero¨ cost?

    I thought it would be a cool idea for us to have a thread where we can all post tips, ideas, inspiration and tutorials on how to make things for our birds (toys, foraging activities, accessories) at basically ¨zero¨ cost. Things like little DIY foragers, reusing broken toys, using items found...
  5. ZY28

    Is non-toxic Elmer's School Glue safe to use on bird toys?

    Hello everyone! I hope your having a good day :). I wanted to make some DIY toys for my GCC and I was wondering if a non-toxic Elmer's School Glue would be safe to use as an adhesif on the toys. Thank you!
  6. Oscarbird

    Find the lovebird!

    Can anyone find Oscar among his toys? Just sorting through them to see if any were worth keeping and Oscar decided to join me!
  7. barbs0nly

    good vendors from AA avenue!

    i would rlly rlly appreciate links or website info or rlly any information on toys i can buy from ppl on AA, i like that most are all natural and everyone’s birdies seem to have a lot of fun with them! (personal promo is welcomed and appreciated ;))
  8. LydiaB

    Best types of wood and rope for bird toys?

    So recently I've been working on re-making my birds favorite toy that has been discontinued in every store I've looked at and I'm trying to figure out what wood types would be best to use. I'll include an image of the toy that I'm recreating so you can all get a better idea of what it looks like...
  9. J

    Looking for Natural toys

    Hey guys, Just wondering where I can find natural wood perches, toys, foraging toys. I live in Singapore, can't find much avian shops here, the local pet store only has plastic toys and wooden dowels (Im looking for something which isn't perfect in shape like dowels). Is there any e commerce...
  10. casehulf

    What are your favorite ways (or your budgie's favorite) to entertain you budgie?

    Hi all, My budgie, Lemon, is super active and I am trying to figure out new ways to entertain her. She gets free reign of the house when I am home, which is most of the day. She is fully flighted (I firmly believe that she is a bird and is meant to fly. It would be like not allowing a...
  11. Skyandkiwi

    Is regular cork from the dollar store safe for birds?

    Hello! I want to buy regular cork boards to make toys out of them for my birds (from the dollar store). Are they safe?
  12. DuckyLou

    What's Your Favorite Toy Brand??

    Hi Everyone! With all the warnings out there for bird toy materials, pieces, products, etc. I wanted to ask on the forum what everyone's favorite bird toy brand is or what their favorite website is to buy toys from? I see the following come up pretty often and I'd like everyone's take, as I'd...
  13. anurim

    New toys and someone is already ungrateful

    I think this picture says it all, wanted to take a pic with all his new toys and he just decided to run away :joyful: Had to bribe him with a seed to make sure I get a good picture Also, here's a close-up with the toys :D
  14. bird_mama

    Affordable bird toys??

    So I have a bit of a predicament, Romeo loves to chew toys, and I can’t stop buying them. I know every bird does, And nothing makes me more excited than going out or shopping online and finding things that he’ll love; But forking out so much in less than 2 weeks is undoable. I really need some...
  15. Y

    Can you use a grill to bake wood?

    This sounds stupid, but I was wondering if it’s possible to use a grill to bake wood for disenfecting? I just finished using a bleach/water mix to disinfect some branches but I wanted to do some more and bake it. Do I have to bake it? And if so can I use a grill, or will that just grill the wood?
  16. Zara

    Pictures DIY jingle jangle toys

    I made a couple of jingle jangle toys for the sweetest girl, Charlie :) One is a hanging toy, the other is a beak toy for her to jingle and throw around :bliss: Items needed, -beads -o rings -clip Time; 5 minutes I'm sure she'll have lots of fun playing with these, I know she likes...
  17. Zara

    Pictures My SWS haul from Kazoo Bird and company

    Yes, that's right, it just got here and I'm soo excited! Spanish customs have held this package hostage all this time! :sad3: I'm actually not home, I picked up the package at the post office and went straight to my office after, but here are some pics of what I picked out, later I will show...
  18. D

    Best Canary Cage

    Hi, I’m new to this website, so sorry if I’m posting this in the wrong section; I’m still figuring things out. I’m getting a canary in July, but I want to make sure that I have a proper cage. For those of you that have owned a single canary before, or just have more knowledge than I do, is...
  19. Ladybird29

    How to stop unwanted habit.

    My cockatiel loves preening my eyelashes and I hate it! I think she is trying to get the mascara off. Lol I like her close to my face so I can give her kisses and so she can kiss me and clean me, but she loves my eyelashes! Please let me know ways to prevent her from doing this. I’m not sure if...
  20. Nimbus

    Pictures The Palace Has Arrived!

    The girls’ flight cage arrived today!! Took me about two hours to assemble because I’m an idiot and put several different things on backwards. Pictures! And the new cage beside the one they were previously kept in: Still adding toys and perches, any recommendations for cage accessories?