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Moving in
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Just received a rescue Amazon about five days ago. He was badly neglected. When I arrived to rescue him he was highly agitated and distressed, obviously. I got him home. Set up his new cage and the works. The first two to three days he was highly energetic. We would wrestle and play and everything seemed normal. He would nip and peck but nothing I took as being aggressive because he would let me pet him right after. I moved his cage closer to a window so he could get sunlight and explore the area. The last two days however, he's been slightly less energetic and talkative. He doesn't fly so he climbs out of his cage to the perch at the top. He didn't do that today. On top of that he's been sleeping a lot and he's slightly more puffed up and standing on one leg. After some research, it's common for him to do that. But being new to birds, it seems maybe a little excessive? He's had a hard week and is just now getting rest? He's still getting used to a lot of attention and freedom to explore and play. His diet went from weeks old food with his old owner to fresh water and food daily with little fruit treats. It's a massive change from being neglected 25 years to all of a sudden being treated how a bird should be. I'm worried though, am I just freaking out or should he see a vet? His stool looks decent enough. His feathers are a little frayed but he's been constantly preening now he has more room. No odd spots on his skin and his eyes are very healthy looking. His beak and nails are overgrown, however I'm getting that handled tomorrow. He eats constantly. Am I just paranoid or is there something I'm missing? Also, I'm worried he's cold but his area is kept at 73 degrees. Other advice outlets suggest anywhere from 65-75 degrees is ok for them. I've been all over the Internet learning everything I can to better take care of him but I usually get mixed answers on anything. I know little about birds but I'm trying so hard to learn everything I can. Any advice is highly welcome, thank you.


Biking along the boulevard
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It's probably best for a vet check especially with his history and all.

It can be much colder by a window, it sure is by mine . So back the cage farther away incase getting a chill.

Make sure is eating enough..I like to weigh them to make sure . If before he had a lot of seeds and now doesn't , that's a big drop in calories. Sometimes with fatty liver birds you have to go slower with diet change because it throw the liver into fatty lipidosis to change so quick , even tho you are changing for the good ...stuff to talk over with vet


Rollerblading along the road
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Santa Fe, NM
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What an awesome thing you are doing! I agree, because of his history I’d say vet check either way. You want to know what you’re starting with.
Also would love to see pics when you’re ready!