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  1. A


    I’m a new conure owner, are there any recommendations for toys that can help condition my birds beak. There is nothing wrong with my conures beak, I just want to make sure she starts off a healthy way :) What are some opinions on vitamin drops in their water? Yes or No? Are there any...
  2. M

    Cockatiel consistently blocked nose

    I have a 5 year old cockatiel who lives with 3 other cockatiels in the same cage and 2 galahs in a different home in the same room. For most of his life, he’s consistently build up blockage in his nostrils that needs clearing every few weeks to few months when it starts impacting his breathing...
  3. N

    bald spot or spring sheading

    Hi everyone, my little guy is 9 years old, had no behavioral change, generally seems totally fine, is eating well, poops normal etc. but he started to develop this bald spot under right “armpit”. not sure what to do with it and if it’s something to be concerned about. any recommendations? i...
  4. cringybird

    Screaming while biting his leg

    I have a 6 month old Caique. Ever since I got him he would suddenly start screaming and bite one of his legs (like thigh part) for a while before going back to being ok. He does it at least once a day and its on the same leg every time. Up until now I thought maybe it was normal behavior since...
  5. Drosec

    Persistent Conure Sniffles

    Hello friends! I've had my gcc for 10 years and at the end of November she started sounding sniffly. Since then she has done two rounds of clavamox enrofloxacin and metacam and been nebulized regularly. We've also replaced all fabric toys and gotten an air filter and humidifier. We moved into an...
  6. S

    Bread making products??

    Hello fellow bread makers and bakers. I am an avid sourdough baker and have transformed all of my bakeware/cookware to PFA/non toxic since getting birds. I only use ceramic, glass and cast iron. However, I recently have been seeing so many great things about the silicone bread mats used to take...
  7. L

    Wired feathers

    Hello I have had my bird since 2020 but until recently I've noticed that lemons feathers are looking like this I noticed like 2 weeks ago and started to take extra care of lemon (since I go to medical school, the term that I was on at the time didn't allow me to give them the time lemon...
  8. dougk1989

    Potentially dangerous?

    Is microwaving things that have a microwave safe film on them potentially dangerous to birds? The plastic doesn't burn but are the fumes or whatever the plastic can potentially give off any danger? Does anyone microwave things like that around their birds?
  9. dougk1989


    Just received a rescue Amazon about five days ago. He was badly neglected. When I arrived to rescue him he was highly agitated and distressed, obviously. I got him home. Set up his new cage and the works. The first two to three days he was highly energetic. We would wrestle and play and...
  10. S

    Avian Gastric Yeast in Pigeon

    Hi everyone, I’ve never used this forum before, I hope this is the right place to post this. I have a pet pigeon named Diamond. I took him to the vet for a checkup recently and we found out that he has yeast in his system. The doctor wasn’t able to tell me if this was serious or not, and...
  11. Tammie123

    Questions + Mental Health topics

    Last night I read a post on here which gave me the confidence to come out and type all of this, so I'd like to preface my questions with a bit of an explanation. I've been struggling with severe anxiety for a few years now, but I haven't shared this with anyone other than my boyfriend. It...
  12. K

    Boy is my story ever interesting….

    Hello! I am a 26 year old birb mom to two wonderful (most of the time) birds. A little about myself is that I have pretty severe ADHD and possibly high-functioning autism as well. Having birds has been SO hard for me, but so very rewarding and has taught me a lot about myself. I work at a pet...
  13. F

    Wits End - Health/Behavioral Concerns

    Hoping I post this in the right place. Long time reader, finally created an account to post. Warning, long. My 8yr old female tiel is tearing my house apart, while teaching my new 4mo old possibly male her behaviors. I have 20 years of parrot hobbyist experience and I've never encountered such...
  14. B

    Need Help-Mite?

    Baby canaries have red spots on their backs. Also, the mother had red spots on her feathers because she was sitting in the hatch. What could be the problem with baby canaries? Do you have an idea? Thanks
  15. Baileybea

    Green Cheek Conure - Beak Suddenly Peeling a Lot??? Wasn’t like this yesterday

    Hi again, I just noticed the bottom of Momo’s beak suddenly looks like it’s really flaky/peeling a lot. I think she might be molting right now so I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it but the change seems so sudden and I’m really worried now? Does this look normal to you guys? 1st...
  16. Baileybea

    Aphids/bugs in vegetables??? Safe to feed?

    Hello! I have a question about store bought veggies…the past couple days when I bought new spinach/broccoli, I noticed what appears to be a few little aphid bugs! I bought more tonight because I was worried about feeding them to Momo, and I found them again. I just wanted to know, as long as...
  17. Baileybea

    A few questions for my Green Cheek Conure (long post, mental health/OCD)

    Hey guys! I’ll admit, I’ve been very stressed out lately. I’ve been having a lot of health issues (physical AND mental) which led to me realizing that I need to step up my game when it comes to caring for my green cheek Conure, Momiji (Momo). This is gonna be a LONG one, so thank you in advance...
  18. Turkey2017

    Do You Guys Order Blood Panels?

    Hello! I have an avian vet that I’ve been going to for years but we’ve only ever done a blood panel once. She doesn’t seem to think they’re really necessary but I think I’d feel better if I could keep track on everyone’s condition over the years so I can have a ballpark of what’s normal and...
  19. B

    Poor Posture in Budgie?

    My budgie tends to lean forward when perching, which I assume isn't normal because my other budgie sits up straight. He also been sneezing often these past months, and has some extra weight behind his legs. Any ideas on what it could be about? Money's too tight to see a vet atm so help would be...
  20. L

    Problem with parrot's leg

    Hello! We noticed something on our parrot's leg. She doesn't feel well these days and we noticed this things on both legs. Could someone help us what are these and how we could help her? Thank you! Adél and Sarolta :)