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Molting Cause Watery Droppings?


Sprinting down the street
Real Name
Claudia Grillo
I’ve spoken about Luke recovering from an infection in previous threads. He’s been off antibiotics since Monday and we are between vets at the moment. I don’t want to drive myself crazy because most of his his poops seem to look good but there will be these few random watery droppings either around like 9am or later afternoon. And sometimes I see him go for drink water but sometimes I don’t. He is also in the beginning of a molt he already lost a tail feather and a bunch of others (which I heard molting can cause watery droppings and I THINK I might have seen wet droppings in some of his previous molts as well) do you think these droppings look like they could be caused by molting?

I’m attaching his poop from when he had an infection and was sick (it looks much different from his poops now). I will also attach the current droppings I am talking about (his current poops)

Thank you everyone!



Rollerblading along the road
Croatia ( Originally from Slovenia)
Real Name
Doroteja Lenassi
Short answer no. Not in my expirince anyway.
Do you feed veggies fruit prior to the morning and noon watery poops? That coupled with the water he drinks could be a reason.
If the next vet visit isn't too far away, I'd just monitor closely. If it gets worse.. back to the vet asap. I'd also ask my ve about probiotics.. as antibiotics can leave a mess in the intestines.

@Ripshod @Lady Jane and @Lori D Pert might give you better answers.


Sprinting down the street
Real Name
Claudia Grillo
Short answer no. Not in my expirince anyway.
Do you feed veggies fruit prior to the morning and noon watery poops? That coupled with the water he drinks could be a reason.
If the next vet visit isn't too far away, I'd just monitor closely. If it gets worse.. back to the vet asap. I'd also ask my ve about probiotics.. as antibiotics can leave a mess in the intestines.

@Ripshod @Lady Jane and @Lori D Pert might give you better answers.
Thank you for your answer!
I spent hundreds of dollars at his last vet visit and the doctor was awful. Im worried because financially it’s a lot to bring him to another place and there are no places open near me that take birds.

I also want to note that he is acting totally normal (singing, chirping, playing) and hes gaining a healthy amount of weight back since the last round of antibiotics.

he is currently on probiotics (oasis live and well) which he gets 2 days a week according to the package directions. Do you think his tummy is just recovering from the antibiotics?


Biking along the boulevard
Avenue Veteran
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Other than a bit of extra urine the poops look great. Other than drinking extra water can come from fruit and vegetables, and from batheing. It's coming out so its going in somewhere - maybe he's sneaking extra drinks when your back is turned.
Moulting can stress a bird and so indirectly cause the polyuria we're seeing here.
In two words: Don't worry.


Sprinting down the street
Real Name
Claudia Grillo
Other than a bit of extra urine the poops look great. Other than drinking extra water can come from fruit and vegetables, and from

batheing. It's coming out so its going in somewhere - maybe he's sneaking extra drinks when your back is turned.
Moulting can stress a bird and so indirectly cause the polyuria we're seeing here.
In two words: Don't worry.
THANK YOU:arghh: I needed to hear that. I’ve been going crazy over these poops.