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bird advice

  1. Addi_KatX

    New Bird Mom and need advice ASAP <3

    ☞ Hello, my name is Addi! I'm new to this website and new to the bird community! I have two cutie patooties named Sailor and Moon. (I'm a huge anime fan.) Their gotcha day was November 25, 2024 (11/25/2024), and I've been reading and doing my research a TON. I only want what is best for them and...
  2. Mr Gg

    Introducing Gg

    Hello! Recently joined to get as much advice on our journey of new bird mums. We rescued a rainbow lorikeet in May and hand reared him/her (we like to say he’s a him) He’s a lovely funny energetic little guy recently moving into his ‘teen’ years good luck to us. Loves his native flowers, his...
  3. K

    is this bird safe?

    Hey guys, I bought some of this jute rope from the dollar tree because I know jute rope is bird safe but I’m not sure if I should use it in his cage or not. I haven’t found anything on if it’s treated or not. Is this bird safe or should I wash it? If have to throw it away that’s fine too. It was...
  4. K

    Blind Amazon Parrot. I need help from anyone!

    Hello, I am entirely new here. I found this when looking for ways to give enrichment to my grandmothers parrot. He is about mid to late 20’s. Due to cataracts he seems to be almost entirely blind, he also does not grow tail feathers as he had plucked them out before we rescued him. He was my...
  5. YogiBird

    One pluck, two no pluck

    I have two green cheek conures. One is Rico, who is almost 2. Pina is about 10 months right now. So, Rico never plucked when I got him back in december. He was lonely during the day when I was at work so I introduced him to his partner, Pina. They love each other very much (playing, eating...
  6. dougk1989

    Extreme aggression out of nowhere

    Hello everyone, I acquired a yellow naped Amazon (male) that's around 25 years old around December last year. He was badly abused and I took him in a changed his diet, got a new cage and all was well for about 3 months. He likes to play aggressively and I generally don't mind it but lately...
  7. H

    Green cheek conure not eating and also lit bit airy in crop but he seems very hungry but not interested to eat

    Hi I need help since baby conure is 30-35 days old and I’m concern about his health that yesterday he ate full and see at night his crop with air and he does not wanna eat anything. But crop also empty what should I do now Even I try to take to vet and others and it’s so expensive in walk in...
  8. H

    Urgent Baby conure cheek crop lit bit airy and don’t wanna eat anything even he’s hungry and he is 30-34 days old

    Hi I need help for my baby cheek conure since he ate full last night but around night I see his crop airy and nothing he can eat. Even he giving sign for hungry but he is not taking any formula. Today I see airy little less but he’s not eating but I give him lit bit by spoon so that he can fight...
  9. nekogaby

    Too watery bird droppings

    Greetings everybody, I am currently very worried about my bird, he is a 21 years old aratinga… he has been popping oddly for the past two weeks. Very watery, reduced appetite, drinking maybe a little bit more water than usual… I took him to the vet but the one I went didn’t have blood tests for...
  10. S

    Aggressive GCC, Please Help

    Hello, all, This is my first time on this forum, and I'm looking for some advice. I'm sort of at my wits end and I'm not entirely sure what to do at all. The GCC that is the subject of this forum post is not mine, but belongs to my sister, who is away at college. I will try to make this as...
  11. lolmcr

    Amazon Question

    Hey everyone! I just joined this forum today to ask a couple questions about my (45 ish) orange winged amazon. Lately, Ive been noticing a weird smell every morning coming from his cage. Ive noticed its coming from the bigger piles of poop he has at the bottom of the cage. I've been smelling his...
  12. YogiBird

    Screaming and body language

    Im trying my best to provide him with good communication, toys, food etc. But this is what happens during the weekend only! Hes fine during the week, but then he gets like this during the weekend. He has fresh food, water and i played with him! What more does he waaaannnttt please help (File...
  13. dougk1989

    Bird proofing the house

    Just received a rescue Amazon. I love him so much and I'm bird proofing the house. I removed all non stick cookware and things with Teflon or PTFE. Including even irons and ironing boards and hair straighteners. My question now is, are things like microwaves, toasters (not air fryers or toaster...
  14. T

    Advice when leaving bird

    I have had this lovebird for around eight months (unsure of gender, referring as "her"), and I absolutely love her. My family and I work from home, so we always have her flying around the home, eating fresh foods, and bonding with us. She is always sitting on one of our shoulders or playing...
  15. S

    I need help choosing a new conure (crimson bellied conure owner's give me your advice)

    Last year I was going to get a new bird but because of some personal issue, I had to give up the crimson I was just about to buy. Now that that personal issue have cleared up and I have most of the stuff needed for the conure (cage, toys, bowls), I started looking for some hand reared conures...
  16. BourkesKid

    Would I be able to cohabitate a bourkes parrot and a lovebird?

    Hello. One of my bourkes parrots recently died and I am looking for a new friend for the other one. I do not want it to be a ground forager due reasoning about my other bird’s death that I will not get into. Would I be able to cohabitate a lovebird and a bourkes parrot? What sex would be the...
  17. tameem

    Leaving bird home for vacation. Advice?

    Some context: It's a 5.5 year old cockatiel, been with us for the majority of its life. From what I know it only likes to be outside of the cage and prefers eating and drinking if out of the cage. We only use the cage for vet visits. On the 21st (figured I'd look for answers in advance), we will...
  18. P

    Urgent Accidentally fell asleep with my green cheek, he crawled under me

    Hi, I've been reading advice on this forum for a while, and never thought I'd be the one posting my emergency. Today I was lying down with my green cheeked conure named PeeWee. I do this sometimes but rarely, and always stay awake to watch him. He enjoys his downtime with me. However, this time...
  19. AdVance477

    Considering Rehoming My Feathered Friends

    Hello everyone, I am new to the forums and joined so I could share my thoughts with others on this topic. This is going to be a long post and a bit of a ramble, so apologies in advance. :( For the past year and a half or so I have been considering rehoming my three birds. I have my...
  20. S

    Urgent Cyst?

    My 45 yr old Amazon was biting his shoulder for almost 1 years and a small scab like developed l. We took him the vet and he said he didn't see any growth. Then it got large so we took him to a new vet. She said it looked like a tumor. After that it grew large within days. We sent her pictures...