Wow thanks ! You guys are the best!!!! Seriously thanks everyone im gonna read through that for a while. Since you all have been so helpful I'll answer all the questions that you have asked above.
yes I'm still in high school . 18yrs old just now starting the 2nd semester of my senior year.
I am VERY new to birds, parrots, and most other animals except for my dogs.. (my dogs shouldn't be a threat because they're very tiny yorkies) Paco and Chula are used to much larger dogs I heard they used to ride on the back of their previous owners dog.
Paco has a bigger cage, but for some reason he doesn't go inside his cage. He has a perch his perches arent too big but they aren't small either.. they aren't slippery like doll rods because they seem more rugged and less smooth.
Thank you everyone I didn't expect so many people to help me so quickly
thanks everyone. Im sure I'll have more questions but for now I'll study the answers ya'll have already given me.