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  1. Barbs

    Hello again! Water & Fountains

    Hello everyone, I have been away quite a long time, loads of rl stuff to take care of, and almost all of it not very pleasant. I am here to ask for help regarding a fountain I've got for my 2 boys lately. We have tried everything possible to entice them to go near it and play with the water, but...
  2. MarkyGee

    Macaw throws his water everywhere when I hoover

    Hey guys I have a male Greenwing Macaw and whenever I hoover he goes straight back into his cage and throws his water all over the place. Is this a known behaviour or is this unique to my bird? I also have a video of it but it won’t allow me to attach it like you can a picture
  3. K

    Water for parrots

    Heavy metal toxicity (copper) Someone mention that it could be cause by the water. I give my bird filter water from the fridge system. But I honestly don’t think is that good. I live with my family and they are the ones in charge of that filter. Can I give my parrot water bottle? If there any...
  4. L

    Does anyone use Bird Butlers?

    Hi, do any of you guys use the bird butler system with brass nozzle? I’be been using it since April and now I’m reading brass can be toxic. The company has assured me they are safe but I’m still feeling stressed and looking for some comfort from anyone who uses the brass nozzle ones. Thank you...
  5. S

    Flax Seed Oil in Water?

    So the vet recently told me that I should use flax seed oil as a supplement for arthritis in my cockatiel. She recommended that I put some flax seed oil on his food. But my cockatiel is very picky and won’t eat foods that are oily. Is it safe to put some in his water dish every day? And how...
  6. GeezLouise

    Safe water?!

    My tap water in the last 12 hours has turned brown…Thankfully I or my animals were NOT drinking this, and if there were any contaminants that I couldn’t see, it was filtered. There’s no way now I’m letting anyone even be near it. Now that I’m waiting for a fix, I’m wondering if the water...
  7. P

    Is my well water okay for my birds?

    I keep remembering different things I need to check in my home before birdies come here tomorrow! We tested our well water a few weeks ago and its healthy, except for slightly elevated sodium levels (44.1 mg/L) according to the guide we were given from public health, for humans with heart...
  8. Summzz

    Are Self Disinfecting Machines Safe/ Ozone in Water?

    Hi everyone! I have a weird question. Long story short, we live on a farm and have a tank system for water. While the water is city water I have never trusted that something might get in our tank (it is cleaned regularly but I'm just paranoid). So my birds have been getting bottled water. I...
  9. KatieKess

    Safe humidifier for bird?

    Hi everyone! With this cold winter air, we’ve been struggling keeping the humidity up in our house. I have a small cool mist humidifier, but it’s hard to clean and not really raising the humidity much. I’ve seen a lot of parrot owners talking about this vicks steam vaporizer, and I happen to...
  10. M

    Do I need to provide water for 24 hours??

    Hi, In this summer time do I need to provide water in my parrot's cages for 24 hours?? or just provide it in morning and take it away in night?? Please let me know, Thanks
  11. M

    My 14 year old hen is drinking a lot of water

    I have a 14 year old female cockatiel named Henrietta who has been a chronic egg layer her whole life. I've taken her to the vet in the past and done everything possible to discourage egg laying behavior. Changed her diet to Lefeber pellets mixed with a little bit of seed and Kaytee bird greens...
  12. Tinabell

    Water bottle or water bowl?

    I was just wondering what is better for a Rose Breasted Cockatoo, water bottle or water bowl? I’ll clean them everyday or more, that’s not a problem. I just didn’t know what was best? Also placement, Where is the best place to put the food and the water in the cage ? I’m bringing home a new...
  13. M

    i want to know some information about bird management

    i have some budgies,cockataiels & want to know some information about them. 1.can i keep them darkness in night or put dim light on their room? which one is right? 2.i wake up lately on morning.sometimes(10am-12pm) so can i put their seedmix,and water all time in their cage 24hrs? but i change...
  14. Zara

    Pictures When the birds get there first...

    When you sit down to have a nice glass of water.... But the birds beat you to it! They've also all drank from there and 2 had a bath in it... :/ Story of my life!
  15. Nestum

    Pictures Drinking water

    I remember saying that my new cockatiel was 1month old but he's actually 2 months and a week. I only learned that you shouldn't take birds who aren't fully weaned after the fact, so now it's my responsibility, but I only need to handfeed him once a day at night. It has been very smooth...
  16. CookieWookie

    My New Budgie! and some questions...

    I just got a new Budgie yesterday! His/Her name is Shiro (like that TV show character) And I have some questions for all of you... Q1: He (I'm just going to refer to him as a he) is not drinking! (or at least I have not seen him drink) Is there a possibility that he being sneaky and taking...
  17. S

    Won't Drink Water from a Bowl

    Hey everyone, So my girlfriend and I got a Congo, she is 6 years old, and we are the 3rd owners. We've had her for about 3 months now and she is already really friendly and we have been successful in training her. But she came with this weird water bottle made out of a pipe and it has a little...
  18. annasbirbs

    My cockatiel isn't drinking

    Hi everybody, I'm new here, I'm wondering if anyone can help me. My cockatiel is not drinking. She usually is fine, but now I think she's actually scared of drinking her water. I'm worried about her. There is no urate in her poop, and it's dark green and very sticky. I don't know what to do...
  19. Whoviana

    Is ice ok?

    Sunflower loves ice. She likes to lick it, eat it, play with it. She always flies over to us when we are getting ice and she tries to fall into our drinks to get to it. I gave her her own cup to see what she would do. She loved it! We are concerned that she will get too cold. Would that be a...
  20. Whoviana

    Drying after a bath

    Sunflower absolutely loves water. She especially likes to play in the sink. It is adorable to watch her splash around and put her head under the running water. She is always flying into the kitchen to ask to play in the sink. We don't always let her because then she has to dry off. We were...