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lovebird advice

  1. Celery

    Is it normal for my lovebird to sleep with its head to its back and sleep alot?

    I got a lovebird recently and i heard from the breeder that he or she is 8 weeks old. So after the first day my lovebird naps alot throughout the day and sleeps with its head on its back. Is that normal?
  2. Rin4354

    Looking for someone for advice on trying to help a mistreated lovebrird

    I have a family member that had acquired a love bird from another family member passing. They keep him in a small cage and hardly ever clean him or let him out. He has no hiding spaces whatsoever either. He's going to be nine this year and it just breaks my heart seeing him like this as I grew...
  3. Feather97

    Lovebird refuses to go back into cage

    Hey all! Just wanted to ask for some advice on this. My Lovebird Helios has always been a very calm bird. I know hormones happen but I'm not sure if that is the cause of what's happening. Recently, whenever I let her out (in the bird room) she absolutely refuses to step up and will not return...
  4. S

    Going to college and having a single lovebird, will that be okay?

    Hello, before you guys start saying no, do hear me out :) When i went to a bird store, (i know that adopting is better but i don’t have any places to adopt birds in my area) i saw a lovebird in a cage with 3 other lovebirds. He looked rather lonely and distanced himself from the 3 other...
  5. S

    I bought Azalea wood perches & i’m unsure if i should give them to my lovebird or not.. Please help!!

    I bought Azalea wood perches online & at first i didn’t know that they were made out of azalea. I’ve searched online and it says that azalea wood is poisonous to birds, however, when i contacted the shop about this, they told me that it was safe and there’s no way that they would sell something...
  6. L

    Lovebird plucking own feathers

    Hi guys/gals, I have a lovebird that is about a year old and he's just started plucking his right wing feathers to a point that the bald patch is half of his right wing & part of his lower neck. We've brought him to the vet and they've said that it's definitely not mites & probably a...
  7. M

    New Lovebirds that are bonded and need taming

    Hello everyone! I recently rescued 2 lovebirds (female) which were hand tamed as young birds and then left in their cage ignored by their previous owner. I will assume that because of the neglet from the previous owner made the lovebirds bond with each other stronger. Based on suggestions...
  8. B

    Lovebird Diet Advice

    Hi — I’m new to this forum! I have a 7 month old lovebird named captain! Captain is not my first bird, but he is my first lovebird. I’m really looking to improve his diet. Would anyone be able to recommend some good seed mix and pellet brands? How much of each do you give your bird per day? I’m...
  9. B

    Help of sex

    Hi. I have a love bird, it came into my home and we had to catch it so my four cats wouldn't eat him/her. No one claimed him/her so we have decided to keep him/her. However I don't know what sex it is, I have read to press a point between its legs to determine however he/she isn't the...
  10. Nikorice

    URGENT PLEASE HELP (sad update #10)

    My Fischer's Lovebird, Peaches, is extremely sick. I'm on the way to an avian veterinarian because I don't believe in waiting these things out. I care about her so much and I found her on top of her cage this morning laying down and when I picked her up she felt cold and limp. I put her inside...
  11. E

    Baby Lovebird suddenly limping. No avian vet in town or anywhere near.

    Hello! This morning I let my 2 month old lovebird out of the cage to fly around - once she went back on her cage I noticed how she was standing on one leg and the other holding in in the air as you see in the picture attached. She had previously did this before but it only lasted about a minute...
  12. L

    Issues Taming Peach-Faced Lovebird

    Hi all, Cornelius, my peach-faced lovebird, - who is 10 weeks old - is my first pet bird. He is fully hand-reared and very tame, I’ve had no issues with biting. I was able to hold him with no difficulty at the store both on my shoulders and on my hands but now I am unable to hold him at all...
  13. vrnkstxx

    How to stop lovebird from biting?

    Let me preface this by saying: My lovebird is not scared of me. So far we have had an amazing bond and she is constantly around me or on me. Even though i have some toys around me, she will play with the toy and then go back to biting me. I think she does it to get my attention or she thinks its...
  14. L

    Is my baby lovebird Stunted?

    Hello i have a baby lovebird which is 18 days old but he doesnt look like an 18 days old lovebird .... when I figured out that he isn’t growing as fast as he actually should , I started handfeeding him since that he gained a little weight but he is still very small and his eyes just opened today...
  15. vrnkstxx

    Thoughts on smaller cages

    Hi! So i’m writing this as a first time love bird owner and wanted to hear your opinion. Currently my birdie has a smaller cage that she uses only for eating, drinking and sleeping at night. The other 12+ hours she is outside in our apartment, flying, playing etc. (supervised no worries). To...
  16. Cuttlefish

    Cuddle huts

    Hello! This is my first time posting on this Forum, but someone on Instagram said this would be a good place to ask for help. I have a 5 year old love bird named Lucy who has had a little cuddle hut since a friend purchased her that she has had since she was 1. She sleeps in it nightly and is...
  17. Eyhx

    I need help!

    So I happen to of gotten a lovebird from a breeder about an hour an a half away. Her name is Bleu , she’s a peach-faced love bird!! So I’ve been in contact with my breeder regarding concerns i have for her and I’ve gotten not much help. These are my concerns if anyone can help me!!! So my...
  18. tezz

    A few concerns

    Hey! First time poster on this forum so sorry if this is in the wrong section. So I have a lovely little lovebird called Levi. I'm not sure if Levi's a male or a female as I haven't had him sexed yet but I default to calling him a he. I got him from a well known breeder in my area. When I got...
  19. Chase Hein

    Swollen cloaca

    Hey guys, I have four lovebirds and one has layed 3 clutches in the past four years but the other three are either male or to young I have 2 that are about a year old. Anyway one of the year old birds seems to have something wrong with them, I think she might be about to lay an egg but Im not...
  20. K

    Newborn Lovebird Help (sad update #28)

    Hi! So my lovebirds recently had 2/5 of their eggs hatched. Unfortunately the first one didn’t survive due to the parents ignoring it...I’ve read that domesticated birds tend to not feed their chicks since they don’t know how (not sure if that’s true). So I’ve been hand feeding the second...