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Conflicted Lovebird Sighting


Sitting on the front steps
Hi There,
I've been a long time watcher first time poster of this site. It has helped me immensely with my little GCC.
I'm looking for help and advice with a situation I'm feeling very uneasy about.
I was recently in a neighourhood garden ctr and noticed the cutest lovebird sitting alone in it's cage. The cage was quite large but it only had a few perches and 1-2 toys.
When I inquired about the bird, the workers told me he lives in his cage in the store (closes from 6pm-9am and holidays). They said he previously had a partner but it died. When I asked about it's nutrition they said the owner buys some bulk seed mix and every once in awhile it gets thrown a treat. From my conversation with the worker it doesn't seem that it gets the essentials birds need (fruits, veg, baths, forging toys, cage covering at night, LOVE etc.)
My heart is absolutely broken for the little guy. We know how lovable these precious angels are, and I couldn't imagine my little one living his whole life stuck inside a cage in a busy store during the day with no human contact, and worse, being alone for long periods of time.
I don't think the owners are bad people, I just don't think they have the necessary knowledge to know what kind of life birds need.

Since seeing the bird I've been so torn up. Every time I think about what his life must be like I end up crying and hugging my little one. What do I do? I can't bring myself to go back to the store. Are there any rescues that can visit the store and do a wellness check? I'm located in Ontario Canada and can't seem to find any resources online.
Any advice would be appreciate.
Thank you!


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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If you are willing, maybe you could offer to buy the bird?


Sitting on the front steps
I honestly wish I could!
My GCC is a rescue and has some temperamental aggressive behaviour at times. I wouldn't feel comfortable exposing another bird to that.
Also, if I was to purchase the bird, there's nothing stopping the owners from buying another one and subjecting it to the same sort of life.


Ripping up the road
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Perhaps you could try to approach the owner. Say you have a bird and wanted to meet another bird owner and talk to them about things you do, learned, etc. I have found that sometimes when I talk about my bird people then ask questions too. Sometimes people don't know they aren't doing things correctly....


Meeting neighbors
Where I live many Lovebirds are also treated poorly, I saw a fischers in a cgae outside a restaurant and the cage was one of those cylinder cages and it was small, the cage had one perch and the bird probably only got seeds for food, there was also no toys, its really the saddest thing ever


Sitting on the front steps
Perhaps you could try to approach the owner. Say you have a bird and wanted to meet another bird owner and talk to them about things you do, learned, etc. I have found that sometimes when I talk about my bird people then ask questions too. Sometimes people don't know they aren't doing things correctly....
I sent an email to the store just asking for some general information about the bird, I also reached out to a Parrot Sanctuary in Toronto asking for advice. I'm hoping both respond.:fingerscrossed:
Tomorrow is a statutory holiday here (Victoria Day) so the store will be closed. Knowing the bird will be all alone in it's cage with no one around all day is just heartbreaking.