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  1. G

    triton cockatoo, need help

    I have a bird, Wacko, she's a 32 year old Triton cockatoo. We have had her for 17 years. We have had to have her fostered a couple of times (as briefly as possible) due to instability in living situation. Now we are having to move again and have nowhere to go, as you may know trying to be in...
  2. A

    I need some help (Sad update #3)

    Hello I found a baby mouse bird 3 days ago I have been feeding him mango,banana,raspberries,spinach(found this on your site)when I found him he was very active but today when I checked on him he was very very tired when I found him there was like a bubble of blood under his wing it’s getting...
  3. M

    Concerned about youngest bird

    Hey! I only plan to use this account for this one question, I'm seriously having a hard time right now :/ So in 2021, I got a new bird! His name is Ocarina. I've wanted another bird for a bit because my current bird, Majora, was alone throughout the day. Might not be necessary info, but my...
  4. Godspoison

    New baby lovie reverted to hand feeding - how to wean again

    Hi everyone, I recently picked up a weaned baby lovebird (about 8 weeks old) that was fully weaned. I understand that some babies may revert to wanting comfort feeds upon arriving to a new home. Unfortunately, this baby doesn't seem remotely interested in eating on his own now that we have...
  5. K

    Help - My new bugie laid 10 eggs

    Our family purchased two budgies. We thought they were to young to breed, we were wrong. I think they are anywhere from 9 to 12 months old. Our female Emi laid two eggs but ate one. I looked up why she ate it and immediately supplied her with crushed egg shells, minched boiled egg, a...
  6. Spearmint

    Please help asap

    my family needs to use cleaning products on the carpet and won’t listen to me about it being unsafe. I’m hysterical right now, don’t know what to do. Can we use this around my bird.
  7. J

    Biting faces

    hey! I just got my self a Quaker, he’s 1 and a half called grinch. Anyway. When he comes on my shoulder he automatically comes straight for my face to bite me, what can I do to prevent this
  8. B

    Dove species? Help please

    Hello all, I’ve attached a photo of what I suspect is a laughing dove but I’ve never seen one with so much white on the wings and tail. could it be a subspecies? I’ve done so much searching online but can’t find anything. I live in South Africa and laughing doves are common and I’ve reared a...
  9. conureluv

    nail polish remover?

    I know it is very toxic, so I used it in my bathroom 2 floors below where Percy is. I can still smell it on my hands, so how long should I wait until I go back up to where he is? (yes, it is acetone based.)
  10. B

    Budgie Fell in Soapy Water

    My budgie was flying and fell into a bucket of floor detergent. I got it out immediately and washed it with warm water, it is now keeping warm and resting. What should I do next, my nearest vet is a hours away.
  11. M

    I need advice for my Quaker Parrot!

    Okay so I have a baby Quaker 3 months old (20 weeks old) and I've had him for maybe a little over a month now and I was wondering how long it takes them to get used to their owners? He's very skittish and doesn't let my hands by him, he won't step up unless I have a treat and it's a wood dowel...
  12. R

    2 very shy Linnies landed

    Hi all, I have 2 beautiful but very shy female Linnies just landed. I planned on just 1 but these two are sisters and seem pretty bonded. I’m aware it will take more time to bond and happy to put the effort in. I have recently had fantastic success with the tiel who was very shy and quiet and is...
  13. src517

    1 year old Rosebreasted Cockatoo Eyering Color Change

    Hi all, I’ve had my rosebreasted cockatoo Mochi for a year and she’s around a year and a half old. Today, I noticed the rings around her eyes were a little pink towards the front (her right eye ring more so) and her right eye ring looked a little bigger than normal. I’m going to wait a day to...
  14. BabyBirdMa

    Bird health update: Self harming and aggression

    Bit of a health update on Ms. Bailey, my African Grey and Danny, my Yellow-Sided Conure: We took Ms. Bailey to the vet for her foot-sores and it turns out they were self-inflicted. She turned out to be stressed because the eggs she laid weren’t hatching. I have since removed the cat-hut and...
  15. S

    conure and cockatiel breed??

    alright, this is a new acc so ill try to make this as short as possible. I own a female cockatiel and a male green cheek conure. They are not 1 year old yet, but around 8-9 months. Lately I've been seeing hormonal behavior. The conure becoming territorial and easily angered, and the cockatiel...
  16. B

    My lovebirds are terrified of me and fly away whenever i come near them (how do i tame 2 lovebirds)

    Hi there, sorry if this is in the wrong catergory i wan't sure where to put it as this is my first post (on any forum website) Details: 2 Black masked lovebirds. Pet store we got them from said they were about 8 months (don't know if true or not) Both male and are bonded to one another. I...
  17. Frogpasta

    HELP!! Running out of pellets!

    hello everyone! i’ve run into a hefty problem...because of covid ( i feel like i’m saying that sentence all the time ) i am unable to ship Harrison’s pellets from the USA to Australia. does anyone know of any suppliers inside of Australia? or perhaps something i could get here that is just as...
  18. chutik

    Urgent Green cheek conure closed eye

    My pineapple green Cheek conure has suddenly started closing her right eye and when I held a light it seems like her eye is red and possibly has bleeding on the inside of her eye( but I am not 100% sure) she is constantly scratching the eye and seems sleepier and calmer than usual around this...
  19. L

    Budgie poop help

    Hi, so my budgie has had dirty vent on and off for almost as long as I’ve had him. It’s something I’ve always been concerned about, so I took him to two different vets and they’ve said that he was fine. One even did a fecal exam and the results came out clean. But his poop is extremely watery...
  20. BabyBirdMa

    African Grey Has Red Spot On Foot

    So, I’ve recently noticed that my African Grey: Ms. Bailey has developed red spots on the tops of her feet. They look to be sores. She sleeps in a cat-bed since she can’t fit in regular, parrot-huts and she has recently laid infertile eggs that she has been sitting on for a while now. I noticed...