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cockatiel advice

  1. Moonrift

    Does his nostril look concerning?

    Hi everyone! Today I noticed my bird’s left nostril looking a little different. He’s been acting completely normal with no discharge around his nares or watery poops, so I was wondering if it looks like a cause for concern? The vet stresses him out a LOT but I’ll definitely be booking a...
  2. E

    Cockatiel screams while bathing

    When I bath my cockatiel he loves it, but at the same time he starts screaming like when something hurts him. I don't know why does it happen, I'm so confused because when he sees the water running or the spary bottle, he wants so bad to get a bath :/
  3. R

    Adding a male with my female cockatiel

    I have a 7month female cockatiel named Sushi. And I am looking to add a baby male for a friend. I won’t start searching for a cockatiel until Sushi is 9-10 months because I have a future trip planned. I do plan on buying a baby male from a local breeder. I just want to know how will adding a...
  4. J

    Is this considered a cinnamon color?

    I have 2 babies who are 5 weeks old. The parents are raising them but I hold them and show them affection. One is a normal grey but I’m curious as to the other baby. It is much lighter in color. Mom is a pearl and dad is a grey. I’ll share pics of the family so I can get some advice. I’m...
  5. Z

    Sudden death

    My cockatiel pair had their first clutch of five the two youngest died the next day another one passed away I took the last two out to hand feed within hours my male passed away. The two babies are currently doing well so is mom. Could my male have died from me taking the two babies out? No...
  6. MRM&Kenji

    13 week old cockatiel sounds normal?

    Hey everyone. Okay so it’s been a very very long time since I’ve had a baby tiel in my home. His name is Kenji and he’s currently 13 weeks almost 14 and he chitters a lot to himself which my former boy of 15 years never did (bless his little heart he was my soul mate and I miss him every day)...
  7. RobMenace1995

    Video Why do my cockatiel boys do this often?

    Hello all, This is Lemon Chicken (right) and Pepper chicken (left). They’re both 4 years old and have been with each other their entire lives. They have never hurt each other or got in a “real fight” but they do this often. What is this? Is this play fighting? Why do they do this? Here’s the...
  8. P

    Cockatiel love triangle (please help)

    I recently purchased two baby cockatiels, both hand reared, gender unknown but from their behaviour so far I think they may both be male. I decided to get two at the same time because I travel a couple times a year for work and wanted them to bond to each other so they have each other while I am...
  9. K

    My 3-month cockatiel has pink/red nose?help :(

    Hello! I am new to the forum. I joined because I need help to know if my cockatiel is okay or if it needs anything :( I've noticed its nose being kind of red, and I don't know what may have caused it or what is causing it. However, sometimes it gets back to its normal color (the part of the nose...
  10. Avis19

    Can a Cockatiel and Budgie be together?

    Hello Everyone As a background, I have a 2-year-old male Budgie. I adopted him about 8 months ago from a not-so-great home. He came with his brother and they were in a very small cage, not hand-tamed and on a full seed diet. Almost Imideatly I noticed his brother was not well and long story...
  11. TBOWMAN006

    Just got a cockatiel :)

    I've been interested in birds for years and mainly just outdoor birds for that matter. But about last month I started researching cockatiels and fell in love. I just brought home a 3 month old baby male cockatiel. (Atleast I think it's a male. DNA test pending) he already says pretty bird and is...
  12. birbgurl

    My go-to site for anything birb related

    Hi everyone! My name is Jam I’m 33 years old. And your site has been my go to for all my birb questions. I own a cockatoo rescue, Hero (upper beak got bitten off by a macaw when it was a baby) George my green IRN, Steven my racquet tail, Larry my SC, Mikey and Pablo the budgies (found...
  13. Riollkou

    What chemicals are safe to use around birds?

    Hi! Created an account just to ask this question lol I have a 4yo cockatiel that I've had for three years now, I love her to bits and always want to ensure her safety. I've tried to read up on this topic as much as I could but never really got clear enough answers to satisfy my worries so I...
  14. 123delrey

    stressed out cockatiel :(

    recently, my family got a new cockatiel after our beloved conure passed away. this cockatiel is 10 years old and we adopted him from a shelter. we have had him for about a week and he is very anxious. he will start screaming at the top of his lungs, he bites and attacks everyone, he chews on his...
  15. S

    conure and cockatiel breed??

    alright, this is a new acc so ill try to make this as short as possible. I own a female cockatiel and a male green cheek conure. They are not 1 year old yet, but around 8-9 months. Lately I've been seeing hormonal behavior. The conure becoming territorial and easily angered, and the cockatiel...
  16. AddieWattl

    New bird owner!

    Hello everyone! I am new here and getting a cockatiel in a few days. This is my cage setup, I still need to get stainless steel bowls but does anyone have any tips for new bird owners or cage feedback? Thanks.
  17. P

    Need help choosing between a Budgerigar and a Cockatiel!

    Hi everyone! I’m new here. We’ve been thinking of purchasing a new bird for a while now and we’ve narrowed it down to a budgie and a cockatiel. We used to have a green budgie, but unfortunately he passed away back in 2020 after 9 years. We love budgies but we feel that a new one might never...
  18. B

    Changed cages

    My sweet Lucy, cocktail, is 16.5 years old. She has mobility issues. I think it's arthritis in her feet but unsure. About 2 years ago she had what I think was a stroke. Before then she could fly, paid better attention and all the normal stuff. Afterwards she cannot fly, she flops, she has little...
  19. shubamei

    Suggestions for College/University Student

    Hello! I'm currently looking into (possibly) owning a cockatiel while in college/university, so I was wondering if anyone knows the feasibility of this? I've always dreamed of owning a cockatiel so now here I am, trying to look for a sense of what it could be like. I'm definitely not going to...
  20. dori

    trying to help him?

    my grandparents live in another country and since i'm visiting in the summer, i was wondering how i could help their cockatiel, they don't take very good care of him and he's violent (bites a lot) as a result . i was just wondering how could i help him ? bring him toys, tame him ?