ive been browsing this page for a while now on my journey to learn as much as possible before getting my next bird.
All the information is very useful and I can usually find the answers I'm looking for.
So my birds in mind are either a Parrotlet or diamond/ring neck dove.
I've read the most information about the plet as it seems it takes somewhat more complex care than a dove. Mostly What I've read on doves is they need seed, some veggies, may or may not need grit, and can be left to roam the house with its own sleeping quarters. Although I am not sure if diamond doves require more special care than ring neck.
Are ring necks and diamonds similar in care? And what would be the pros and cons between having either a plet vs a dove? Do you prefer one over the other? Also are there people who own either that would be willing to answer questions periodically? Is one a better companion than the other? What about mental stimulation for doves?
I'm not one to delve into something without knowing as much as possible beforehand.
Also I've owned a cockatiel in the past, just for reference.
Thank you to anyone willing to help it is eternally appreciated.
All the information is very useful and I can usually find the answers I'm looking for.
So my birds in mind are either a Parrotlet or diamond/ring neck dove.
I've read the most information about the plet as it seems it takes somewhat more complex care than a dove. Mostly What I've read on doves is they need seed, some veggies, may or may not need grit, and can be left to roam the house with its own sleeping quarters. Although I am not sure if diamond doves require more special care than ring neck.
Are ring necks and diamonds similar in care? And what would be the pros and cons between having either a plet vs a dove? Do you prefer one over the other? Also are there people who own either that would be willing to answer questions periodically? Is one a better companion than the other? What about mental stimulation for doves?
I'm not one to delve into something without knowing as much as possible beforehand.
Also I've owned a cockatiel in the past, just for reference.
Thank you to anyone willing to help it is eternally appreciated.