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  1. Summzz

    Is it normal for a 4 month old to get hormonal?

    Hi everyone! I've had parrots for awhile and currently have a Sun Conure and about a month ago got a Ringneck. I used to have a Green Cheek who sadly passed away a few years ago. I did a lot of research before getting a Ringneck and decided one would be a good fit for my life. I love him, he is...
  2. bonefarm

    Hello from the prairie

    Hi all, I have recently come into owning parrots which wasn't really in my plans but hey! I am enjoying it so far. Ive been lurking on here for about two months and thanks to the Ringneck subforum for making me feel much less insane. Those youtube videos are liars about how velcro new...
  3. T

    Seeking Advice - Female Indian Ringneck (Male Alexandrine Questions)

    I currently have a female Indian ringneck who I’ve been working with for five years. She chose my dad as her mate, but she knows I’m her caregiver. I have not lived with my parents in a while, and I’ve been living with my partner for a while. I have done so much research and gone through phases...
  4. Clairdelun

    Bird growing distant

    Ive had my tiel since she was 2 weeks old .Now she is 1 year and 5 months old.She used to be very much tamed and liked to hang out with me all day long. Since back then she is the only bird I owned I could pay it a lot of attention. She follows most of my commands and didn't bite. Just one...
  5. R

    Looking to adopt a ringneck with PBFD

    Hello there. I unfortunately bought a baby ringneck two years ago that had PBFD. He’s lost almost all his feathers but otherwise is doing really great and is healthy and happy. I’m hoping there’s a chance that I could adopt him a friend. I give him a lot of love but I know friend would be nice...
  6. B

    How can I get my parrots to be happy sleeping downstairs

    During the day my parrots live in the front room, I have them out many hours a day and I take them up to my bedroom on a night at around 9pm, my ring neck always knows when it’s bedtime as she screeches to let me and the other birds know that it is time for me to take them up. I want to break...
  7. A

    My Ringneck keeps attacking my hands

    So kiko is 9 months old now and has been with us since he (still not sure its a he) was 2.5 months old His personality started to show he already has a favorite person which unfortunately isnt me, anyway recently he started attacking my hand for no reason at all. I will be sitting on the couch...
  8. Z

    How to get Indian ring neck to trust me

    I got a new bird and have been trying to get their trust. Everytime I go near the cage or open the door to get the water and food bowls out the bird gets scared and starts flying inside of the cage like crazy. I’ve tried to give treats but it doesn’t want them even just leaving it in the cage...
  9. O

    Urgent I.Ringneck Help Needed

    Hello! So I recently got a Indian Ringneck as my first pet a week ago, which as ive heard wasnt the best idea bcs of how hard they are to tame. But i do think that i have a disadvantage as this is what mine is like everytime he sees you, he’ll jump all around the cage and start screaming He has...
  10. A

    Ringneck whimpering? Crying?

    kiko is an african ringneck and he’s 4 months old. Whenever he sees my sister he keeps whimpering or crying i dont know how to explain so im attaching a video of him. He makes this sound a lot but i dont know what he wants and what it means!!! https://youtube.com/shorts/sWKWgY4OXf4?feature=share
  11. A

    2 1/2 ringneck and im lost!!

    I just got an african ringneck two days ago, he’s 2 months and a half old and is still on the formula... the previous owner fed him 4 times a day and i have cut it to 2-3 times a day, should i feed him once a day? And start introducing other kinds of mashed food and gradually go up to solid...
  12. parrotman

    Red feather on head, currently molting

    I Found a red feather on rocky's head, he's currently molting as of now, he's been getting all his essential vitamins and minerals, even fish oil as he was plucking, can the red feather be a red flag for something to panic over?, just curious about the red feather
  13. S

    we got a ringneck!

    hello everyone! so there's a very very quiet ringneck is around our flock for 1 to 2 days! he's here cause my relative needed to go somewhere and had me to take care of him! he's a very shy and frightened ringneck ( who I usually stand with when talking about ringnecks in here ) and unusually...
  14. B

    Unsocialized Ringneck

    I have a Ringneck. I got her from a bad situation at a pet store- she was sick, had a severely imbedded ankle band and severe clipped wings. She was at the petstore for 7months and I’m assuming with little to no contact (they just kept transferring her to different sister stores trying to sell...
  15. Gokha

    Pictures Angry birb

    Hello guys, long time no see! Been a but busy with my parents and siblings visiting Dubai :) Here’s a picture of angry, hormonal,almost hitting puberty, no more my sweet baby birb :D Zazu’s changed big time in the last month or so. He no longer allows me to cuddle-kiss him, we don’t have our...
  16. parrotman

    Rocky only wants to eat veggies

    Alright, so i noticed rocky wasn't eating his seed mix anymore so I gave him some red pepers and he instantly ate the 2 pieces,and would only eat his chop, i dont know how i can get him to eat his seeds again
  17. M

    Pictures Food routine

    Hello, i have ringneck, cockatiel,galah and african grey. I needed a help for my babies actually i am not clear about the fact that how many times a day i will give my birds to eat? And what meals should I give? Let me mention that i dont have pellets in my city so what alternative can i give...
  18. M

    Please help! Just brought home an African ringneck

    Hello everyone, Thanks for your help in advance. I just welcomed a male african ringneck into my home. I currently have a female parrotlet. They seem curious about each other and I hope they will get along in the future. Does anyone have experience with having these two birds tolerating each...
  19. Z

    Ringneck babies

    Hello everyone how are you all doing I am a yazeed from saudi arabia and this is my first thread. So the story is that i have a few palm trees in my backyard. Ringnecks come and nest in these trees anyways, one of these palm trees roots is affecting the floor. So my father called a few workers...
  20. HeatherD

    IRN head petting

    I only pet my female IRN on the head, but lately she's making clucking sounds and leaning over with her head up and eyes super pinned. It looks a bit like a hormonal female IRN. I'm even avoiding touching her beak. Today just when I lifted my finger over her head, she did this behavior. Do...