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  1. Starlight

    First birdy :)

    Hi everyone, I'm new to owning a Linnie and would love some advice on how to bond with my 3-4 month old Linnie and make him feel more comfortable and safe. What are some effective ways to build trust and improve my care for him? I also want to let him fly around and be out of the cage, but I'm...
  2. D

    New Owner of Plumhead Parakeet

    Hi all, getting my male plum head in 2 days. Breeder told me after he fattens up a bit more feed him half cockatiel mix and half finch mix as main staple. I plan on feeding him variety of fruits, vegetables and nuts, do I need to add any type of vitamin or mineral supplement? Anything I need to...
  3. F

    New Owner

    Hello everyone, I am new in de Lovebird section. Last friday we took over a lovebird from a relative. its a female Agapornis roseicollis. The thing is with the previous owner she together with a another female lovebird but they weren't getting allong. so she got bitten en ever since then she...
  4. N

    Pictures Dark spots on feathers

    Hello, Ive had my green cheek conure for about 6 years now. He is usually well grooms him self, has a mild problem with biting his tail, but its gotten better over the last year. My concern is he developed a dark spot on his right wing and im worried that it might be like a fungus and it might...
  5. D

    First time owner of a female budgie.

    For clarafication, I have 2 love birds, 2 budgies and 2 chickens. I have owned chicken for a 12 years, and parrots 3. But Sweetmeat is my first female budgie. My chickens have never had an egg binding situation because I provide layer pellets or a calcium supplement. My question is, should I...
  6. shubamei

    Suggestions for College/University Student

    Hello! I'm currently looking into (possibly) owning a cockatiel while in college/university, so I was wondering if anyone knows the feasibility of this? I've always dreamed of owning a cockatiel so now here I am, trying to look for a sense of what it could be like. I'm definitely not going to...
  7. B

    Cleaning Cockatiel Chicks

    Hi All My Name is Bassam and I am not quite experienced with birds but I really love and care for them. So, Recently I bought 2 Cockatiel Chicks currently days 27 days old, the issue is there is stiff food on their crop feathers when I brought them in. I would appreciate recommendation on how...
  8. n’s tiel

    Help! Sudden change in behaviour

    So I have had my cockatiel for about 8 months now so he’ll be about 10-12 months old I believe. So far we have had no problems; he likes sitting on my hand and eating some Millet and loves when I scratch his head. He isn’t too affectionate but likes a bit of fuss. He usually wakes me up in the...
  9. TurboTiel

    Springtime, hormones etc.

    Hello AA! It's been a while. Spring is officially here, we all know that means.. an increased level of hormones in our feathery friends. :D I wanted to know, is there a way to calm the hormones down a bit? I have two male tiels and they're a nightmare right now. My oldest tiel Turbo, screams...
  10. Fawnia

    My First Conure!

    Well... after about two months of research and fighting myself over whether I should I get a GCC or Lovebird, I was still conflicted. However, someone a few days ago offered a baby (4 months) handfed green cheek to me for 180$. I thought this was a very good deal compared to the 350 the local...
  11. Fawnia

    My Next Bird...

    Greetings, I am new to this fourm and I have many question ^^ Sadly, my pet cockatiel just passed for unknown reasons last month. I fed him right, gave him love everyday, just one day.. how sad. Anyways, I am looking into getting a new bird that is not a cockatiel. So I need help making a...
  12. EmmaAndEiffel

    Bumble Foot Surgery

    My parrot had surgery for bumblefoot yesterday and is doing fine thankfully, he is now bandaged up and on pain meds and antibiotics. I was just wondering if anyone has experience with this and could tell me how long it usually takes to heal/how long the bandages will be on him? I asked my vet...
  13. Habiba

    New bird owner

    Hi all Okay so I’m new here. I’ve just made an account right now cus I’ve never owned a bird before obviously I just rescued a cute love bird a few days ago (named him tweety lol) ... seems to have flown from one of the neighbours and landed to my balacony so I decided to keep it and I bought...
  14. D

    new bird owner

    hey everyone, i need some advice. so last week i got myself my first ever parrot pet - a cockatiel. he’s a male and his name is luigi. i’ve read many guides and i have a general idea on how to take proper care of him. now, i know that it is strictly not allowed to put your hand into the cage...
  15. J

    Help with lighting!

    Hi guys, first post here, anyway i'm getting a new baby in 3 days and I wanted to get an avian light for him because as far as I know they're important, problem is I can't find any for sale near me, none of the bird specialist shops i've found have them and none of the lights on amazon ship...
  16. O

    Urgent Parrotlet symptoms

    I have a 3 year old parrotlet and yesterday I noticed his poop was a clear liquid. Today I had him out and he pooped again, and it was pure liquid. Then I put him on me about 2 minutes later and he pooped again. This worries me for a few reasons. One, the consistency of his poop. Also the volume...
  17. FinchCanary

    Pictures How to care for our new birds ??? (Long Post)

    Hey all! This is a LONG post! We picked up 2 canaries and 2 finches from a rescue sanctuary towards the start of March. Initially they were in a small cage with no perches when we got them. All of them have damage to varying extents on their feet (some bent and even missing toes :() and the...
  18. Nazguul

    Greetings, information needed.

    ive been browsing this page for a while now on my journey to learn as much as possible before getting my next bird. All the information is very useful and I can usually find the answers I'm looking for. So my birds in mind are either a Parrotlet or diamond/ring neck dove. I've read the most...
  19. Pico-chan

    Cockatiel behaviours and questions :D

    I just got my very first pet, Pico, two days ago. It was the best day of my life. However, in hopes of understanding it more, here's what I do after reading many guides about caring a cockatiel. On the first day, Pico is so terrified that he didn't move for a few hours! So I sat next to his...