Moving in
This is crazy to think about but lately I can't help it. I have these lurking thoughts that Tango is the cause of my anger problems. I have never been an angry person, but a couple of months after I got him I started developing anger issues. It started really small. At first it was just irritation when things would mildly inconvenience me. Things have gotten worse over time. At one point we were at risk of becoming homeless so I took what I could get and ended up living in a literal trap house and my stress was through the roof. During that time my anger turned into full blown explosions over the smallest things.(mind you I wasn't and am not currently using anything. I just lived with a bunch of burned out pot heads who occasionally did LSD) We are now living in a much healthier environment and my anger problems have improved but still exist. Tango has been a champ through all of it. I have worked such odd hours that there would be days as a time that I wouldn't see him and only change his water and food. Despite that he still behaves the same and doesn't seem to harbor resentment or anger towards me. I never am violent or hostile with him, though sometimes it takes everything in my power to keep myself under control.
I have loved everything about having a bird, even the messy side. Being pooped on is nothing. Being nipped is only very briefly annoying. His daily chatter is lovely and he makes me laugh everyday with his comical personality. I even like cleaning his cage and admiring how new it looks afterward. I make toys for him and I adore watching him splash around in my hands when he bathes in the sink. I understand completely that he is only acting the way a wild animal should and I have gotten used to his impulses and conure behavior but still he makes this sound that drives me INSANE. It's not a scream but more of a distressed sound when he can't see me or is over stimulated or just bored. It doesn't matter what kind of mood I'm in, the instant he makes this sound I am incredibly irritated. He doesn't do it constantly but he does it often. It doesn't seem to bother anyone else in my home. In fact, my flatmates enjoy hearing his singing even when he makes this sound I can barely stand.
I hate to admit this, but when he and I were in the trap house I would get so angered by this sound that I would throw things, sometimes breaking what I threw. NOTHING was thrown at HIM. He was in the bathroom when this happened so he didn't see it. He only heard the impact of whatever I threw. I love this bird more then I love the dog I have had for 6 years so I feel like a terrible bird owner for being so annoyed by this sound that isn't even loud. He and I have been through a lot together and he has been the one constant. Everything else has changed.
Someone mentioned to me that certain sounds just sound worse to some people and that is likely the reason why I am so severely annoyed by this sound. My dad fostered an eclectus parrot for a while and the ekkie never made me feel like this. I loved that bird. He was lovely and sweet. He enjoyed sitting with me and eating oatmeal. Even his scream didn't hurt my ears and we all know ekkies are LOUD when they scream. It only jump scared me. I've also had parakeets and I love their constant chatter. I think it might just be conures or it might be specific to Tango but I'm at a lose on what I should do. Any advice is very welcome. Thank you for taking the time to read this!
I have loved everything about having a bird, even the messy side. Being pooped on is nothing. Being nipped is only very briefly annoying. His daily chatter is lovely and he makes me laugh everyday with his comical personality. I even like cleaning his cage and admiring how new it looks afterward. I make toys for him and I adore watching him splash around in my hands when he bathes in the sink. I understand completely that he is only acting the way a wild animal should and I have gotten used to his impulses and conure behavior but still he makes this sound that drives me INSANE. It's not a scream but more of a distressed sound when he can't see me or is over stimulated or just bored. It doesn't matter what kind of mood I'm in, the instant he makes this sound I am incredibly irritated. He doesn't do it constantly but he does it often. It doesn't seem to bother anyone else in my home. In fact, my flatmates enjoy hearing his singing even when he makes this sound I can barely stand.
I hate to admit this, but when he and I were in the trap house I would get so angered by this sound that I would throw things, sometimes breaking what I threw. NOTHING was thrown at HIM. He was in the bathroom when this happened so he didn't see it. He only heard the impact of whatever I threw. I love this bird more then I love the dog I have had for 6 years so I feel like a terrible bird owner for being so annoyed by this sound that isn't even loud. He and I have been through a lot together and he has been the one constant. Everything else has changed.
Someone mentioned to me that certain sounds just sound worse to some people and that is likely the reason why I am so severely annoyed by this sound. My dad fostered an eclectus parrot for a while and the ekkie never made me feel like this. I loved that bird. He was lovely and sweet. He enjoyed sitting with me and eating oatmeal. Even his scream didn't hurt my ears and we all know ekkies are LOUD when they scream. It only jump scared me. I've also had parakeets and I love their constant chatter. I think it might just be conures or it might be specific to Tango but I'm at a lose on what I should do. Any advice is very welcome. Thank you for taking the time to read this!