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Considering rehoming Tango


Moving in
Southern Mississippi
This is crazy to think about but lately I can't help it. I have these lurking thoughts that Tango is the cause of my anger problems. I have never been an angry person, but a couple of months after I got him I started developing anger issues. It started really small. At first it was just irritation when things would mildly inconvenience me. Things have gotten worse over time. At one point we were at risk of becoming homeless so I took what I could get and ended up living in a literal trap house and my stress was through the roof. During that time my anger turned into full blown explosions over the smallest things.(mind you I wasn't and am not currently using anything. I just lived with a bunch of burned out pot heads who occasionally did LSD) We are now living in a much healthier environment and my anger problems have improved but still exist. Tango has been a champ through all of it. I have worked such odd hours that there would be days as a time that I wouldn't see him and only change his water and food. Despite that he still behaves the same and doesn't seem to harbor resentment or anger towards me. I never am violent or hostile with him, though sometimes it takes everything in my power to keep myself under control.

I have loved everything about having a bird, even the messy side. Being pooped on is nothing. Being nipped is only very briefly annoying. His daily chatter is lovely and he makes me laugh everyday with his comical personality. I even like cleaning his cage and admiring how new it looks afterward. I make toys for him and I adore watching him splash around in my hands when he bathes in the sink. I understand completely that he is only acting the way a wild animal should and I have gotten used to his impulses and conure behavior but still he makes this sound that drives me INSANE. It's not a scream but more of a distressed sound when he can't see me or is over stimulated or just bored. It doesn't matter what kind of mood I'm in, the instant he makes this sound I am incredibly irritated. He doesn't do it constantly but he does it often. It doesn't seem to bother anyone else in my home. In fact, my flatmates enjoy hearing his singing even when he makes this sound I can barely stand.

I hate to admit this, but when he and I were in the trap house I would get so angered by this sound that I would throw things, sometimes breaking what I threw. NOTHING was thrown at HIM. He was in the bathroom when this happened so he didn't see it. He only heard the impact of whatever I threw. I love this bird more then I love the dog I have had for 6 years so I feel like a terrible bird owner for being so annoyed by this sound that isn't even loud. He and I have been through a lot together and he has been the one constant. Everything else has changed.

Someone mentioned to me that certain sounds just sound worse to some people and that is likely the reason why I am so severely annoyed by this sound. My dad fostered an eclectus parrot for a while and the ekkie never made me feel like this. I loved that bird. He was lovely and sweet. He enjoyed sitting with me and eating oatmeal. Even his scream didn't hurt my ears and we all know ekkies are LOUD when they scream. It only jump scared me. I've also had parakeets and I love their constant chatter. I think it might just be conures or it might be specific to Tango but I'm at a lose on what I should do. Any advice is very welcome. Thank you for taking the time to read this!


Moving in
Southern Mississippi
On a side note here, I have developed several allergies since I got him. I'm much more sensitive to dust. I swell up excessively when he breaks skin even a tiny bit. Maybe I have an allergy to him. I have an air purifier in my room with him but it can only do so much to help this issue. If he touches me and I swell up I can only assume it is an allergy. I don't think this really correlates to the anger issue but I suppose anything is possible.


Sprinting down the street
Torrance CA
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Scott Schifer
Birds are very difficult pets. They are wild and often very demanding. With a Conure, a Mac and a Too, our house often sounds like the Wild Kingdom. They are not for everybody and take a lot of patience. Our patience is often tried. If your bird is contributing to your anger issues, it may be best for both of you to find a new home for him. I know it is a very difficult decision, but it sounds like you are young and living with roommates, that is enough stress by its self, and roommates are often not good for birds as you have seen. You might also consider an anger management group to help with all of the stuff going on before making any decision. I am not suggesting what you do, that has to be your decision as only you know your situation, just offering support for you and Tango.


Ripping up the road
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Palm Coast, FL. Carioca'55 when RJ was in GB.
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On a side note here, I have developed several allergies since I got him. I'm much more sensitive to dust. I swell up excessively when he breaks skin even a tiny bit. Maybe I have an allergy to him. I have an air purifier in my room with him but it can only do so much to help this issue. If he touches me and I swell up I can only assume it is an allergy. I don't think this really correlates to the anger issue but I suppose anything is possible.
Can you get another large purifier for the living area or cage area of Tango or consider several small filters? I have a Rabbit in our bedroom, a used Austin in the bird room as well as 1 small Holmes/1 Honeywell purifiers and a small Honeywell in the family room. I've found that Neosporin will reduce inflammation from nail scratches from the birds. It doesn't happen all the time, but certain scratches end up looking like cat scratches or welts especially on my back or shoulders. Consider buying a pack of face masks at your local drugstore and wearing them at home especially if you are cage cleaning or vacuuming. If possible, also consider buying a HEPA filter type vacuumn, they really do help.

Sounds like a pain, but I had an upper respiratory infection in early March that was thought to be strictly bird related and was told I'd have to get rid of my flock. It wasn't going to happen, so I was and still am, hell-bent on keeping my birds and myself safe. I can give you some other tips if you think it'll help. Not all are expensive but may help you immensely.


Walking the driveway
Gloucestershire, England
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Kate Pinks
This must be awful for you - there seems to be more that you love about your bird than the thing you don't like - mainly that noise. I think you're right about certain people being particularly sensitive to certain sounds. Long-term this can lead to depression and I'm sure also anger issues. I wonder if looking into relaxation techniques would help. It may be possible to work at ways of 'blocking' the sound. If you really can't find a way of living with the noise you will have a very difficult decision to make. I think you've been very honest in accepting you have an issue and should try to talk to someone with experience in anger management/relaxation techniques before you finally make a decision - could your doctor point you in the right direction? Good luck - there's good advice from others here, hopefully things you can work with. I hope you find an answer - let us know.
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Ripping up the road
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Palm Coast, FL. Carioca'55 when RJ was in GB.
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Can you get another large purifier for the living area or cage area of Tango or consider several small filters? I have a Rabbit in our bedroom, a used Austin in the bird room as well as 1 small Holmes/1 Honeywell purifiers and a small Honeywell in the family room. I've found that Neosporin will reduce inflammation from nail scratches from the birds. It doesn't happen all the time, but certain scratches end up looking like cat scratches or welts especially on my back or shoulders. Consider buying a pack of face masks at your local drugstore and wearing them at home especially if you are cage cleaning or vacuuming. If possible, also consider buying a HEPA filter type vacuum, they really do help.

Sounds like a pain, but I had an upper respiratory infection in early March that was thought to be strictly bird related and was told I'd have to get rid of my flock. It wasn't going to happen, so I was and still am, hell-bent on keeping my birds and myself safe. I can give you some other tips if you think it'll help. Not all are expensive but may help you immensely.
When I say a HEPA, I don't necessarily mean an overpriced high end vacuum, Sears carries home vacuums :mariecleans: that are HEPA and don't cost and arm, leg and fid. ;) (I had to throw in some cheesy joke to lighten my post up a bit)


Rollerblading along the road
Santa Clara, California
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I'm very sorry to hear everything you've been through. I do not mean to offend you in any way whatsoever. I want to tell you that what you went through is something I cannot even imagine. It must have been super difficult. Most people do not come out at all from events in their lives that are half as difficult. With that in mind, I want to give you HUGE CREDIT FOR COMING THROUGH!!

I cannot imagine the amount of stress it must have been for you to think not just of yourself during that really difficult time but to worry about Tango also. After going through so much for so long I can see why you want to think of Tango even before yourself! Please think for a long time before you give him up. Maybe someone can foster while you recover. There are always solutions. :grouphug:

You are awesome for thinking of Tango during this extremely hard time for you. It sounds to me (I'm no professional, just a mom), you are becoming "triggered" when Tango does his "distress/looking for you call" as you associate the sound with the terrible time you had. Being triggered is associating a bad memory with a smell, touch, taste, any of your senses really during that terrible time. If you can try to re-associate his call with good feelings again you may be able to overcome this issue. If, for some reason you believe you cannot, it would be better for you to get some help with your anger/frustration/sadness that you suffered and continue to suffer from. From the description above, it doesn't seem as if you really dealt with the emotions at the time you were almost homeless, just the extremely high amount of stress for a long period of time. It was a big deal. I give you HUGE HUGS for coming through, if you want. :hug8: For now, just know, humans, like animals have instincts too. Humans have two brains, one that runs our instincts and another that provides logic. If the two do not live in harmony (instinct is still in HIGH PITCH SCREAM but inner voice says nothing is wrong), we get really messed up. We too are animals, like our feathered friends. We need empathy, compassion and love too, and sometimes not just the bird kind but the human kind too. :hug9:


Moving in
Southern Mississippi
Wow! All this support is so amazing! It honestly has me a bit emotional to see so many of you empathize with me during this difficult time and not judge me for where I have been in the past. :hug8:Tango has always been my "baby" and he still is. I didn't have the first thought about re-homing him until around March of this year after my first move. The place we were at was INFESTED with mice and they would climb his cage and relieve themselves in his food and water. I tried my best to keep on top of it but I was absolutely horrified that I would come home to a dead bird. I remember slowly opening my bedroom door every time I came home, mentally preparing to see a lifeless birdy in the cage. :( I'm soooooo lucky he survived there and didn't even get sick!

It sounds to me (I'm no professional, just a mom), you are becoming "triggered" when Tango does his "distress/looking for you call" as you associate the sound with the terrible time you had. Being triggered is associating a bad memory with a smell, touch, taste, any of your senses really during that terrible time.
Reading this really opened my eyes. When he makes that sounds I always associate it with misery. I feel like he is truly miserable when he makes those sounds when in actuality, he is perfectly fine. He just REALLY wants to always be with me, which to my knowledge is normal for most birds. Tango is a bit of a Velcro bird and at the time I got him, he spent nearly every second of the day with me. Things are much different now and I'm not able to spend all day with him anymore. I'm currently unemployed with the hopes of finding a new job soon. That alone has me incredibly stressed so I often am too irritated or depressed to spend time with him like he needs. It doesn't help that my diet is complete garbage and I'm sensitive to grains, dairy, and processed food but that is all I can afford. Eating the way I am gives me headaches everyday which gives me a headache every single day. :( I'm honestly OK with starving for a while if I need to, but I would spend every penny I had to make sure Tango eats. I'm extremely fortunate to be dating a man who makes sure I'm fed so I don't have to go hungry. He even gets a little upset if I don't drink enough water throughout the day. :heart: Tango has plenty of food stocked up if the worst case scenario happens(bank account runs dry). Luckily I live with lovely people who adore Tango and actually love the sounds he makes and they love how entertaining he is. They wouldn't kick me out for not being able to pay rent for a little while, but I certainly don't want to hold out on them because they are such selfless and caring people.

I certainly want to seek help for my anger problems. I've known people who used to have angry outbursts and now they handle their angry urges so much better. I'm running on the "fumes" of my last job(the remainder of my last paycheck) so seeking professional help isn't possible. I could still benefit from articles and meditation.

As for the allergies, I can clean his cage more frequently. I have plenty of poop paper for him that I have collected over the past year so there is no reason why I shouldn't clean it more. I ABSOLUTELY need to get dust masks. My allergies get upset even when I do laundry and shake dust and pet dander out of the fabrics and it only gets worse when I vacuum and sweep. I used to use dust masks all the time but I don't have them anymore because I've moved three times this year and I lost a lot of my stuff with each move.


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Shawna [she/her]
I have anxiety, and sometimes the birds screaming triggers it, and it manifests as anger...even rage sometimes. It is a lot of work to keep my cool at times. I have invested in ear plugs, and also bluetooth headphones, so that I can tune them out if needed.


Rollerblading along the road
Santa Clara, California
Real Name
I certainly want to seek help for my anger problems. I've known people who used to have angry outbursts and now they handle their angry urges so much better. I'm running on the "fumes" of my last job(the remainder of my last paycheck) so seeking professional help isn't possible. I could still benefit from articles and meditation.
There are a lot of outreach programs. I found one near my home for my daughter's friend. As long as you don't have a job, the charge is usually free. Ours was called ACT.org. They provided free counseling and medication. I felt it was really sincere and I would know as I've met many psychiatrists who were just plain not interested. You may have to keep your hopes up and find bits of support wherever you can find it, friends, us, Tango. Tango is well cared for. You are in a better place. Your body (instinct) hasn't caught up with you and it will take time. Knowing you have a bird tells me you have a lot of patience. Now you have to have it for yourself. Remember, you have to take care of yourself so you can take care of Tango too.

Also, try to "stay in the moment." Meaning, sometimes when you feel at your worst, you must tell yourself "it is only temporary" and "it will not last forever." Yes, it will suck but after what you've already been through, it's been the worst. It can only get better, everyone takes time to heal. :grouphug2: Lots and lots of hugs from my family to you! That's at least 12 of us!!


Ripping up the road
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Palm Coast, FL. Carioca'55 when RJ was in GB.
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Wow! All this support is so amazing! It honestly has me a bit emotional to see so many of you empathize with me during this difficult time and not judge me for where I have been in the past. :hug8:Tango has always been my "baby" and he still is. I didn't have the first thought about re-homing him until around March of this year after my first move. The place we were at was INFESTED with mice and they would climb his cage and relieve themselves in his food and water. I tried my best to keep on top of it but I was absolutely horrified that I would come home to a dead bird. I remember slowly opening my bedroom door every time I came home, mentally preparing to see a lifeless birdy in the cage. :( I'm soooooo lucky he survived there and didn't even get sick!

Reading this really opened my eyes. When he makes that sounds I always associate it with misery. I feel like he is truly miserable when he makes those sounds when in actuality, he is perfectly fine. He just REALLY wants to always be with me, which to my knowledge is normal for most birds. Tango is a bit of a Velcro bird and at the time I got him, he spent nearly every second of the day with me. Things are much different now and I'm not able to spend all day with him anymore. I'm currently unemployed with the hopes of finding a new job soon. That alone has me incredibly stressed so I often am too irritated or depressed to spend time with him like he needs. It doesn't help that my diet is complete garbage and I'm sensitive to grains, dairy, and processed food but that is all I can afford. Eating the way I am gives me headaches everyday which gives me a headache every single day. :( I'm honestly OK with starving for a while if I need to, but I would spend every penny I had to make sure Tango eats. I'm extremely fortunate to be dating a man who makes sure I'm fed so I don't have to go hungry. He even gets a little upset if I don't drink enough water throughout the day. :heart: Tango has plenty of food stocked up if the worst case scenario happens(bank account runs dry). Luckily I live with lovely people who adore Tango and actually love the sounds he makes and they love how entertaining he is. They wouldn't kick me out for not being able to pay rent for a little while, but I certainly don't want to hold out on them because they are such selfless and caring people.

I certainly want to seek help for my anger problems. I've known people who used to have angry outbursts and now they handle their angry urges so much better. I'm running on the "fumes" of my last job(the remainder of my last paycheck) so seeking professional help isn't possible. I could still benefit from articles and meditation.

As for the allergies, I can clean his cage more frequently. I have plenty of poop paper for him that I have collected over the past year so there is no reason why I shouldn't clean it more. I ABSOLUTELY need to get dust masks. My allergies get upset even when I do laundry and shake dust and pet dander out of the fabrics and it only gets worse when I vacuum and sweep. I used to use dust masks all the time but I don't have them anymore because I've moved three times this year and I lost a lot of my stuff with each move.
It's not necessarily dust but sometimes when paper gets wet and seed has spilled onto it mold can develop very quickly and not always visibly. That was what caused my respiratory problems. But any type of down, dander, dust, poop dust (when you clean may be affecting you). One thing I've started doing is, instead of scraping dry poop off things, I spray it with water, Poop Off or F10 so that when I scrape the stuff off there is no dust. Makes it a little messier but minimizes the dust which could be affecting you.

I'd say several, if not many, are doing some of the things mentioned already just to be safe. Each of us have our own personal issues to deal with but health is a communal problem that many of us can try to help others with. If the poop paper is newspaper also be careful about how long you've had it stashed. I believe there was an article about newspaper developing mold spores when stashed for a while (can't remember how long).


Moving in
Southern Mississippi
I have anxiety, and sometimes the birds screaming triggers it, and it manifests as anger...even rage sometimes. It is a lot of work to keep my cool at times. I have invested in ear plugs, and also bluetooth headphones, so that I can tune them out if needed.
I like to wear my headset when he is being too noisy even though it rarely happens. He NEVER screams. Like ever. He only screams when he knows something is VERY wrong with me and when he gets excited for fresh food and water. :)

I know anxiety. It's a way of life for me. I suffer from agoraphobia and panic disorder. It's so hard for me to leave home alone. I almost always have a panic attack when I get about half a mile away from home. I've heard that anxiety often manifests itself as anger which is becoming my problem as I've gotten older. I've almost always had anxiety but now that I'm in the "real world" and completely independent from my parents things are a lot more stressful for me. I recently went to a professional and got medication but, unfortunately I had horrible side effects. My heart felt like it was going to explode in my chest. It raced so fast from just standing around and my vision was messed up. I still can't see very well and I ended up getting glasses because my eyes strain now.

It's not necessarily dust but sometimes when paper gets wet and seed has spilled onto it mold can develop very quickly and not always visibly. That was what caused my respiratory problems. But any type of down, dander, dust, poop dust (when you clean may be affecting you). One thing I've started doing is, instead of scraping dry poop off things, I spray it with water, Poop Off or F10 so that when I scrape the stuff off there is no dust. Makes it a little messier but minimizes the dust which could be affecting you.

I'd say several, if not many, are doing some of the things mentioned already just to be safe. Each of us have our own personal issues to deal with but health is a communal problem that many of us can try to help others with. If the poop paper is newspaper also be careful about how long you've had it stashed. I believe there was an article about newspaper developing mold spores when stashed for a while (can't remember how long).
I wonder how long it takes them to mold. I have them out in the open right beside the hepa air purifier. I didn't know mold could grow that fast! Maybe he is coming in contact with some and that is causing the mild allergic reaction I'm having. When I clean his cage it's a big ordeal. I wheel that sucker outside and get a bucket full of hot water and I wash it and scrub it down with a rag and brush, so there isn't any dust and the breeze carries it away anyhow. I used to stick it in the shower and spray it down with Tango close by. It was like a sauna for us. :hehe:
I could probably wipe the cage down and clean the pans every few days and see how my allergies are after a while. He is fully flighted so I can only imagine what kind of tiny debris are stirred up when he takes off and does his laps around the room. He sometimes seems to have allergies himself. It was worse when I lived further north and had drier air. He still has days where he sneezes and a clear fluid comes out and he scratches at his face. It is sporadic though and I took him to the vet when it started and he came back with a clean bill of health. Hopefully keeping his cage cleaner will help both of us.


Jogging around the block
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
How long have you have tango for? I was super depressed when I got my new GCC and I felt like I'd made a mistake and couldn't give him the care and time he needed. After doing some research and posting my story on here I realized I likely had something similar to post partum depression. I realized most of my stress/ depression stemmed from disruption of my schedule and loosing a lot of my free time. I already have 4 birds and now I had to make time for a 5th and the GCC is by far the most demanding bird of my flock. Now a few months later I still have episodes of doubt but I love spending time with him and I'm overall glad I got him.

Your scenario is a bit different but maybe if you could find some stability and get on a schedule it might help. It seems like your anger may be coming from stress. Even small things like going to bed/ getting up at the same time everyday. Or having a designated time to spend with tango at the same time everyday. Its obviously difficult to find a stable job/ housing situation but until you do, you can still find stability and schedule in the small things and they will add up. It sounds like you're really trying to make things work and you care a lot about tango. Maybe try giving it a little more time, try to work on a schedule and see if it helps. Another poster mentioned maybe having someone foster him just until you get into a better situation.

You mentioned that you like making toys for him so maybe that is something you could do with him to spend more time with him. I love making toys for my birds and it's actually great stress relief. Just focusing on something else, something fun that you enjoy. And then watching them go crazy over their new toy lol maybe if you spend more time with him he won't make his call noise so often. If you spent a lot of time with him when you first got him then that's what he's used to. Now he might be a little upset that you're not able to spend as much time with him.

Just some suggestions, I'm not any kind of professional lol I hope things work out :heart2:


Jogging around the block
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
One thing I've started doing is, instead of scraping dry poop off things, I spray it with water, Poop Off or F10 so that when I scrape the stuff off there is no dust.
This is a good point. Another things some people do is spray the paper with water before removing it to help keep dust and feathers from flying everywhere.


Moving in
Southern Mississippi
I've had Tango for about a year and a half. I think April will be two years. So it has been quite a while. I was on a better schedule and I didn't work so I had all the time in the world to spend with him when I got him. Since I quit my job I have basically become nocturnal. It happens when I don't have work or school. That alone makes me really depressed because I feel like I have failed as a bird parent when I can't get him out of his sleep cage at a decent time. When I was working I would sometimes be worried about spending enough time with him but it was mostly because I worked such odd hours and I was worked to death and tired(Wal-Mart :shifty:).

I wish I could have Tango around when I draw without him wanting to be all over me and destroy what I'm doing. If I lock him in his cage so he can at least be in the same room he makes that sound at me probably as a protest. He really likes getting into what I'm doing. I have made toys with him in the past but he was constantly trying to pry parts and tools out of my hands LOL. I recently put together a toy box for him, which he hasn't really touched. He really only likes bells and his foraging ball. He has a ton of toys but he just isn't interested. Most of the things he likes are super cheap things I happen to be carrying around. Things like straws, bottle caps, and basically anything small and plastic is what he goes for. Bottle caps especially. Anything that makes noise is automatically a favorite. It's super funny to tap my finger nail on the top of a can and watch him tap his little beak on it. :lol:


Jogging around the block
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
I'm nocturnal too, I work night shift so I get home around 7am, I take my GCC out to play a few hours and then I get to bed anywhere between 12 and 2 pm. I get up for work at 9:30 and take him out for an hour while I get ready for work and then I put him to bed right before I leave. I stuff his cage with hidden treats and rotate his toys a lot so he has plenty to do in his cage while I'm sleeping. Its actually worked out a lot better than I had anticipated. Having a schedule, even if it's a weird schedul, is better than nothing. I know keeping a schedule is difficult if your job isn't consistent though. There are times I have to go to work early to do 12 hour shifts and my GCC gets pretty cranky about having the schedule disrupted lol

I guess what I'm getting at is if your job is fairly consistent or if you're not currently working then you can likely make some sort of schedule work, even if you're on weird hours like myself.


Cruising the avenue
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You know, sometimes it isn't so much "the bird" or "the dog" or "the neighbor's lawn mower" as it is an accumulation of stress. You've been through some life changes and often our brain wants to pin the cause of all that stress on something. Maybe in your case, it is Tango.

And sometimes relieving yourself of some of those layers of stress does help. Anxiety can be lowered by eating well, getting a little excercise, and keeping yourself on a schedule --- and removing stressors. Whatever those are for you, letting go of one or two or 3 of them might help you.

There are some really great suggestions on here for keeping Tango but if you can't, we will support you in that also. It is heart wrenching to let go of a bird but sometimes it must be done.

I let go of quite a few of my fids back in the summer, many of mine were finches that aren't tame so those did not hurt as much but it was still sad as they have names and personalities and I worried about their next homes and whether they'd be treated as well. I felt overwhelmed by the number of birds At the time. I will tel you that once you actually go through with it, a huge weight is lifted. It did help a lot.


Sprinting down the street
Real Name
Some pets work out well, and some don't. Yeah, it is a commitment, but there can be times when you and the pet are both better off in a different situation. Your commitment *might* now be to find the best home possible for this bird.

I love budgie chatter, but could never live with screaming. Even our chiahuahua's sharp piercing bark sends me near the edge.

Anger can be a tough thing to manage, and it tends to escalate.


Sprinting down the street
Real Name
Not sure how to express this, but I think a lot of heartache could be avoided if people changed how they talk about pets in general and changed how they "rate" them.

We talk about "easy" pets, good "starter" pets, "beginner" pets, etc. Well, no one wants to be enrolled in the remedial course, and most of us like to think of ourselves as smart, conscientious people who can handle a challenge. I think this results in people overlooking easy-to-live-with animals that adapt well to captivity - inexpensive to buy and inexpensive to maintain, silent, non-odiferous, interesting animals that can flourish with a minimum of interaction on the part of the owner.

Yes, they do exist, but our language seems to imply that if you don't turn your life upside-down a macaw, or zon, you are on the short-bus. Great for those who are suited to it, but many of us aren't, and we should be wary of common expression where it implys looking at these animals as trophies.

Some pets like indoor cats, just don't seem to have boundaries. That drives me crazy, and lack of boundaries with Tango seems to be difficult for you. If that is the essential identifiable problem, then you might be able to work toward a solution, by consulting a bird behaviourist.
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Ripping up the road
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Palm Coast, FL. Carioca'55 when RJ was in GB.
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I like to wear my headset when he is being too noisy even though it rarely happens. He NEVER screams. Like ever. He only screams when he knows something is VERY wrong with me and when he gets excited for fresh food and water. :)

I know anxiety. It's a way of life for me. I suffer from agoraphobia and panic disorder. It's so hard for me to leave home alone. I almost always have a panic attack when I get about half a mile away from home. I've heard that anxiety often manifests itself as anger which is becoming my problem as I've gotten older. I've almost always had anxiety but now that I'm in the "real world" and completely independent from my parents things are a lot more stressful for me. I recently went to a professional and got medication but, unfortunately I had horrible side effects. My heart felt like it was going to explode in my chest. It raced so fast from just standing around and my vision was messed up. I still can't see very well and I ended up getting glasses because my eyes strain now.

I wonder how long it takes them to mold. I have them out in the open right beside the hepa air purifier. I didn't know mold could grow that fast! Maybe he is coming in contact with some and that is causing the mild allergic reaction I'm having. When I clean his cage it's a big ordeal. I wheel that sucker outside and get a bucket full of hot water and I wash it and scrub it down with a rag and brush, so there isn't any dust and the breeze carries it away anyhow. I used to stick it in the shower and spray it down with Tango close by. It was like a sauna for us. :hehe:
I could probably wipe the cage down and clean the pans every few days and see how my allergies are after a while. He is fully flighted so I can only imagine what kind of tiny debris are stirred up when he takes off and does his laps around the room. He sometimes seems to have allergies himself. It was worse when I lived further north and had drier air. He still has days where he sneezes and a clear fluid comes out and he scratches at his face. It is sporadic though and I took him to the vet when it started and he came back with a clean bill of health. Hopefully keeping his cage cleaner will help both of us.
I know I mentioned mold but that would usually be in the cage, say under his water bowl, if he likes to bathe in his drinking water. But if it's dustiness that's the problem, I'm going to sound like an idiot and suggest trying a small portable humidifier near his cage or where you both spend time together and see if that helps?

I was initially told my respiratory problems would be due to the birds but it didn't turn out that way. I took early retirement in mid-Nov 2016, so I was home all day. The built-in humidifier in the house we're renting was leaking so we stopped using it. I started using a small humidifier in our bedroom on my side of the bed from Nov-end of Feb +/-. When I took it down prior to a scheduled knee replacement in early March I noticed there was a small (quarter size) spot of (black) mold on the filter and tossed it. Also end of Feb, hubby and I were sprucing up the bird room to make it easier for him to care for the fids while I wasn't mobile. Checked in for knee surgery on 03/08, was found to have low oxygen and running a fever, surgery nixed, in Oncology Dept. on oxygen f/4 days w/enough blood drawn to make me start looking like a junkie. Once everything was said and done, blood sent to the Mayo Clinic for testing, it was determined that my infection was caused by that small spot of mold and had absolutely nothing to do with the birds. For safety's sake,we bought new filters for our household HEPA vacuum, bought a new heavy duty HEPA wet/dry vacuum, got a Rabbit air purifier for our bedroom and changed the filters in the three small air purifiers in the bird/family room. I started wearing disposable masks in the family room and check my temp and oxygen count every morning.

Another member here also gave me a tip which was to put a tiny drop of F10 into the humidifier when we go to use it this winter. My flock is large and at least half are cockatiels which are very dusty birds; I can sit at this computer or on the sofa and watch tiny pieces of down float by. I don't mean that you should do everything we did but you may be able to adapt some of the stuff to your home regarding the allergies.

Whatever happens, you're venting here and you're trying to do your best for both you and Tango. That's more than a lot of people out there would do. :hug8:
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