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behavior advice

  1. E

    Aggressive favoritism (HELP)

    This is quite possibly the last place I can turn to. My partner and I bought a young Indian ringneck from a breeder about five months ago, he was young (about 6 months). For the first 3 months everything went normally. He was weary of us as all new birds are, but eventually he trusted both of...
  2. LiefDuivel

    How much zoomies is too much zoomies?

    Hey all! As the title states, i'm wondering what constitutes of "this is no longer zoomies, and is instead a sign of a problem"? My budgie Genji will usually have 1 or 2 points in the day (usually mid to late afternoon and right before bed) where he gets zoomies and will "boomerang" around the...
  3. mori100

    Antisocial budgie? concerned with behavior

    hello, i have two budgies and they are the first ones i've ever taken care of, so i am a pretty new budgie owner... i have a few questions regarding their behavior, im not really sure if i should be worried or not :shrug: and i also apologize if using "antisocial" in the title is considered...
  4. Pretzel

    Biting Amazon Parrot

    My 1 year old Yellow-Crowned Amazon has been biting me recently and I'm not sure why. It's only me by the way, she's fine with my mom and any other people in the house who she's familiar with. Just a few days ago she was happily stepping up on my hand to spend some time outside of her cage...
  5. YogiBird

    Biting Conure

    I have an 8 month old green cheek conure and shes a cuddle bug. She is very sweet with people and loves attention, but now for some reason shes decided that she wants to bite. She is fed TOPS pellets, fruits and veggies. She has a lot of toys to chew on and a lot of outside time. She flies to me...
  6. SnowB

    Conure Behavior Around Ppl

    Hi :) I have a sun conure named, Skyler. I raised him since he was 3 weeks old and he’s now going on 4 years old. He is a very very good boy, we go everywhere together and he is harness trained. He loves to be around people and get as much attention as he can get from strangers. But when it...
  7. YogiBird

    2 conures help

    So yesterday i got another conure. Shes a cinnamon one and shes only 9 mo old. The conure that ive had for a while is rico. Hes almost 2. Now, Rico saw Piña (thats the cinnamon head) and he was curious at first, but then wanted to attack. Hes a feisty guy so even when him and Piña are in...
  8. Jmcdonough

    Rehomed conure is aggressive: please help

    We recently took in a rehomed conure. We got her a week ago and were told she’s a year old, super sweet and loves head scratches. We may have started things wrong at home, but we’re just looking for help because we’re at a loss. her cage and diet were horrible before (they fed her store bought...
  9. YogiBird

    Strange Behavior

    every night rico and i go through a ritual for going to bed. he flies on top of his cage, we do a little bit of training (step up, come here, turn, etc) and then he gets tired and goes inside his cage. i say 'night night' and then cover him and we are good until morning. he gets 10-12 hours of...
  10. jhaylo

    do i get a third budgie?

    Hi :) so, I have two budgies. My female (had him 2 or so years) Bailey, and a male, my Benji (who i've had just over a year). Originally the plan was to put Benji and Bailey together (in a decent sized cage -- its a yaheetech 52 in.) but, two things: Bailey was somewhat territorial? But also...
  11. YogiBird

    Strange Behavior?

    Not sure if I am overthinking this, but my Rico boy kinda changed since I got him. I got him right before Christmas on Dec 17, and he got used to me, and used to hang around me. He used to fly to where I was and sit on my knees/chest/stomach. He's not a hand bird just yet (we are working on...
  12. BabyBirdMa

    Parakeets brutally fighting?!

    Okay so I’ve had to place each one of my parakeets in a separate cage recently because they all started fighting to the point where they were injuring each other. First Heisinbird really beat up Saul, splitting his lower beak down the middle, bruising his eye and inflicting a bite wound on his...
  13. Luvbirds

    Piccola Having biting issues...

    Hello, Everyone I need some tips and help. So Mama Bird (Pepita) has 2 fully grown babies (Rio + Piccola). But I am having bird biting issues. Piccola bites everything and everyone but likes to be near people. I don't know what do. He is social but likes biting. Pepita is a girl, The Vet said...
  14. alyxctt


    I’ve been hand feeding a lovebird since he was about 2 weeks. I’ll show a photo as a reference to his current age (6 weeks ish) He’s a very affectionate bird, absolutely loves human attention and being held. He shows all the signs of trust and love (sleeping on you, preening in your presence ...
  15. K

    how to build trust/help stop hissing

    i recently got a cockatiel about a week ago. i want to say he's 9 or so months old, i've named him atlas. i wanted to wait for him to adjust before i let him out of his cage for the first time, but no matter what i do he hisses if i get too close, and i'm worried that he won't get back in the...
  16. bri_923

    Lacey the Cockatoo - Need advice please!

    Okay, this is a bit of a long story, so thank you in advance for taking the time to read this... Lacey is a 28 yr old sulphur crested cockatoo that lives at the vet clinic I work at. She was the bird of two nice elderly people who had been bringing her to our vet clinic since she was a baby...
  17. K

    Sun Conure behaviour is getting out of hand

    I have had my sun conure just shy of two years. She turned 2 at the end of June or this year. I used to bring her to work with me at a pet store all the time and she LOVED it. The store I’m at is warehouse-like with a few isles that she would free fly up and down. This also was GREAT for my...
  18. J

    Society Finch Nest Behavior

    I am the owner of 2 diamond doves and 2 society finches. I recently crocheted a nest liner for the nest in their cage, wanting to make it more cozy for them and expecting them to enjoy it. They are very put off by the liner I made for them and don’t want to get in the nest when I put it in...
  19. N

    she's bitting hard and acting weird

    Hi! So I have a precious female green cheek conure which recently turned 1 year! She's my little baby and I've had her since she was 20 days old so we have a really strong bond with each other. Her name is sunny! She's very smart and pick up everything really fast, but I have to say...
  20. N

    9 Mo Old Male White Belly Caique

    Hi everyone. We got our white belly caique when he was 4 months old and now he is nine months old. Before we brought him home, he lived in the same cage with his brother and got into a flight with his brother. The bird shop owner had to give him stiches on the right side of his body between his...