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So I have a precious female green cheek conure which recently turned 1 year! She's my little baby and I've had her since she was 20 days old so we have a really strong bond with each other. Her name is sunny!

She's very smart and pick up everything really fast, but I have to say... sometimes it's like shes not listening to me, especially when I say not to do something I know it's not good and she wants to do it. I know they're stubborn but it can get frustrating sometimes.

Either way, I think she's starting to be an adolescent and she's bitting really hard, I don't think she notice because when she does she also does a kissing sound sometimes, it's mostly when shes sleepy or calm, that's why I think she's not doing it on purpose, I know she's not mad. But lately she's doing it all the time, she's bitting hard when she's calm, cuddly, angry, sleepy... it doesn't matter. I try to stay calm and say "ouch, be kind sunny". It helped at first but now it doesn't. I stay calm and just put her away and say "no, I don't like it. You've hurt me". It doesn't seem to help either, it's like it never happened. And if I try to ignore her and/or go away she will follow me and keep bitting me. I've been doing this some time now and I know patience's the key but it's not working and she's bitting harder each time.

Do you know how can I teach her to be more gentle? my fingers are all numb and a mess because she bites hard no matter what, I know she's not doing it on purpose, I think she just doesn't know the strength she has. But I have to say that I want to be with her without fearing that my fingers are going to be destroyed.

Also, she's starting to be scared of things even people. Even if those people where with her since 20 days old, like my sister and my mom. She gets scared of them and I don't get it, they are gentle and playful all the time with her, no one is doing anything wrong because if they did I would kill them (I'm joking, but you know I'm protective when it comes to my baby). So I don't get it... Shes scared of their hands and even their persona, like they can't get close, if they do she will hide on me. I don't get it.
Do you know why shes doing this? I know no one is hurting her because I'm with her all the time, so it's quite surprising since she's been hand fed.

Sorry for the long text! And thank you for reading it! I love her so much and I want the best for her!


Biking along the boulevard
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Portland Oregon
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I say Gentle to Pippen in a nice quiet voice and she tends to back off on the bitez through the bars. I think they are naturally very nippy and when she gets out eventually she has to go back in and she doesn't want to and runs down my arm biting anything exposed.
I'm interested in other ideas to curb the biting too but gentle when she's inside trying to get scritches through the bars seems to work, outside she just gets wound up and harder to control when she's gnawing on me.


Rollerblading along the road
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Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Valentine sometimes get pretty bitey. I have a cane that I use and when she is on me, she bites. When she does that I tell her she is a bad girl, then I put in her cage and lock the door. So far it works.


Meeting neighbors
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This could be your bird starting to reach sexual maturity. My sun conure would do this and would increase during summer months. Reacting to the bites could also reinforce this behaviour.