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do i get a third budgie?


Sitting on the front steps
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Hi :) so, I have two budgies. My female (had him 2 or so years) Bailey, and a male, my Benji (who i've had just over a year). Originally the plan was to put Benji and Bailey together (in a decent sized cage -- its a yaheetech 52 in.) but, two things: Bailey was somewhat territorial? But also sort of over-bearing: he wouldnt leave Benji alone even when he wanted to be.

Bigger issue came in the fact Benji is partially blind and now lives in his own 30x18x18 cage that works wonders for his needs.

Since moving Benji into his own cage, (almost two months ago) Bailey has been LIVID. Despite that him and Benji were virtually never living together, and Bailey would bully him to the floor of the cage if they were together.... yet Bailey hates that I moved Benji away (the other side of the room) and alongside a lot of screaming, will try and get out to fly over to Benji's cage any chance he gets. I can't get his attention if he's focused on Benji and it's gotten incredibly and increasingly frustrating. I can kind of handle the screaming, but it's a miracle if I can get his food bowls in and out daily. (Or atleast, without him escaping.) I don't have a problem letting Bailey out to fly, but not if I can't get him back in OR, worse, it's 6 in the morning, and I have no time to let him out; and he won't go back in.
I should add I don't have space to put them next to each other without rearrange lots and even then I'm not sure. Also, I first moved Benji January 11th, so it's been over a month. I'm guessing it's not possible this is still an adjustment period? It just feels like it's not dwindling at all.

I want to get a third bird (probably male) to try introducing to Bailey, but I'm worried that my frustration is over shadowing logic. Should I not get a third? My biggest fear is Bailey and any new bird wouldn't get along. Is there a way to make it more likely they would?
Or is there something else I should do to get Bailey to relax? I really need some kind of help here. Parents are skeptical of a third bird because Benji and Bailey didn't get along, and it doesn't help that I'm not certain either. Could it happen I get a third and Bailey stays stuck on Benji anyways?? What on earth do I do?
TIA. :)


Biking along the boulevard
Celebirdy of the Month
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Ontario, Canada
I’d stick with two, in this case. You can keep them company. I have a lot of budgies & have yet to see the on the floor of a cage beating up.

If Bailey rejects the new budgie, you’d need a third cage. If Benji is a male, then that male-female combo was the most likely to work & it failed.


Sitting on the front steps
Real Name
I’d stick with two, in this case. You can keep them company. I have a lot of budgies & have yet to see the on the floor of a cage beating up.

If Bailey rejects the new budgie, you’d need a third cage. If Benji is a male, then that male-female combo was the most likely to work & it failed.
Thank you. I know thats probably smartest. Is there anything I can do to stop Bailey being so upset though? it's impossible to do anything with him like this.


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Vic, Australia
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Can you place their cages closer (like side by side) and see if that reduces the screaming- I know you said you would need to rearrange but if they are screaming due to the distance apart it may very well be worth the re location of furniture for the peace and quiet and their happiness.

I also do not think introducing a 3rd will be of benefit.


Sitting on the front steps
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Can you place their cages closer (like side by side) and see if that reduces the screaming- I know you said you would need to rearrange but if they are screaming due to the distance apart it may very well be worth the re location of furniture for the peace and quiet and their happiness.

I also do not think introducing a 3rd will be of benefit.
Thanks for the reply - I probably can, I just need to figure out how I might configure stuff for it to work. Benji's cage only fits one thing in my room so it's a bit of a Tetris game, but I'm going to try and figure it out. I'll see how it goes. Not sure what I'll do if it doesn't help, but worth a shot first.


Rollerblading along the road
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Midwest, United States
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Speaking from experience with three budgies, at least in my house there is an "odd man out." Three's a crowd.


Sitting on the front steps
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Speaking from experience with three budgies, at least in my house there is an "odd man out." Three's a crowd.
Thank you! I know that can happen - Wording of the post is odd I guess, I figured that might not be the case with 2 but in separate cages -- if I were to get a third it would basically be a mate for one of mine. I don't think I'll get a third anyways, at least currently. But yeah


Rollerblading along the road
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Midwest, United States
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Love the emoji but feel sorry for him too we need an update on the three of them
Yes, you're right.

I get the sense that Sprite and Wisp were not as bonded as I thought.

Backstory: Sprite (bright yellow) and Wisp (blue) were my original two. Wisp was such a bully! If Sprite was eating out of a particular dish, Wisp had to push him away and eat the food, even though they have two food bowls. If Sprite was playing with a particular toy, Wisp had to push him away and play with the toy. Etc. The bullying was so bad for a few months we kept them in separate cages. They could play together in the day, but had to sleep/eat in separate cages. This gave Sprite confidence to say, "no" to Wisp when Wisp was being a jerk. When Sprite gained confidence, we felt we could move them back together into one cage.

Flash forward to present day: Sunny (pale yellow) our rescue immediately took to Sprite. And soon after, Sprite took to Sunny. Sunny has his own cage, but as soon as it's morning, Sunny and Sprite want to be out of their cages so they can be together. If Wisp tries to join in on the fun, Sprite and Sunny chase him away. After falling in love with Sprite, Sunny no longer wants to hang out with us.

I don't mean to take over this thread, but I'm not sure what to do.


Biking along the boulevard
Celebirdy of the Month
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Yes, you're right.

I get the sense that Sprite and Wisp were not as bonded as I thought.

Backstory: Sprite (bright yellow) and Wisp (blue) were my original two. Wisp was such a bully! If Sprite was eating out of a particular dish, Wisp had to push him away and eat the food, even though they have two food bowls. If Sprite was playing with a particular toy, Wisp had to push him away and play with the toy. Etc. The bullying was so bad for a few months we kept them in separate cages. They could play together in the day, but had to sleep/eat in separate cages. This gave Sprite confidence to say, "no" to Wisp when Wisp was being a jerk. When Sprite gained confidence, we felt we could move them back together into one cage.

Flash forward to present day: Sunny (pale yellow) our rescue immediately took to Sprite. And soon after, Sprite took to Sunny. Sunny has his own cage, but as soon as it's morning, Sunny and Sprite want to be out of their cages so they can be together. If Wisp tries to join in on the fun, Sprite and Sunny chase him away. After falling in love with Sprite, Sunny no longer wants to hang out with us.

I don't mean to take over this thread, but I'm not sure what to do.
Maybe start your own thread you might get more people to see it

I think budgies can be like this my mum had two budgies her first was super attached to her until she got her second
My mum looked after Henry my budgie and I was scared this would happen the week we were away but I think because they were both bonded Henry interacted but was not same as a bond bond so when I came home he was still same him

I am having this a little bit with remi he’s changed since pip came he’s not always up my nose but I do think it’s better for him he plays more etc

I just try being involved in what they are doing or training both together I also do training with pip in cage for recall as remi wont recall unless pip comes pip comes straight away remi like I don’t think so I am busy

have you tried having sunny out just on his own working with him ?
I can imagine how you feel it’s a bit hurtful isn’t it especially with how excited you were to finally have a hand baby


Sitting on the front steps
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@jhaylo - how did moving them closer work?
Haven't been able to yet unfortunately. He's been a bit calmer lately atleast, I'm still trying to think of the best way to fit everything. Might end up replacing a (very old) shelf I have for a nice sized table and they'd be right next to each other. I'll try and update once I've gotten it settled, hopefully won't take much longer!


Sitting on the front steps
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@jhaylo - how did moving them closer work?
1708902694707.png it's only been a night, and I cleaned their cages today so might take a little settling in... but good so far! It's seemed to go really well & im excited to see if it'll keep up. I was mostly worried Bailey would start something he used to do -- basically OBSESSIVELY watching Benji. He's done in a bit, but not enough that he doesn't eat/play too, so I think it's all good.

I'm also really excited because this gave me the opportunity to move their cages under my loft bed -- which I've always wanted to do because we're going to curtain it off under there to give them some unrestricted free flying space + should keep mess contained AND make bedtime easier since I can just close curtains. They get light from lamps + window during the day still however. I was worried they'd dislike the lower ceiling but both seem perfectly comfortable and happy.
All that frustration was weighing wayy more than I thought. so thank you so much all again for the advice - I'm going to see how it goes but it feels like I've kind of got my old boys back in a way. :)


Biking along the boulevard
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Ontario, Canada
That looks great!

Just make sure you get a good air filter if you don’t have one already, & I wouldn’t get any more birds if they’re in your bedroom.


Sitting on the front steps
Real Name
That looks great!

Just make sure you get a good air filter if you don’t have one already, & I wouldn’t get any more birds if they’re in your bedroom.
Thank you! :)
Oh yeah, thankfully I've got an air purifier. I had it off last night and not fun. I'm quite thankful for it haha, it gets dusty!