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Thinking about bringing home a new baby :)


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
Mayor of the Avenue
Sydney, Australia
This isn't specific to caiques, as I don't have one. But I do have birds that require separate out of cage time. Adding a 2nd and 3rd bird, both of which require separate "me" time absolutely impacts the original bird. Bird number 1 at one point had 100% of my "bird time". He now has a third of that time. That's not to say you shouldn't do it, but to say birds no 1 and 2 won't know or care about bird 3 is not true. If bird no 3 lessens your 1:1 time with birds 1 & 2 they will realise this - that is unless birds no 1 & 2 don't particularly want to spend time with/on you anyway.


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
I have a 14 year old male caique. He is fearless. He has tried to attack new birds in the home before. I have fostered a couple birds and even though they were housed on the other side of the house, he was intent on getting to them. He would not eat and would venture into the dark house at night (something he is normally scared of) to get to them. If he can get to the cage, he is like a pit bull trying to get to the bird through the bars. One time, he actually figured out how to unlatch the door on a cage he had never seen before and get to the bird. She was not hurt but he was on top of her when I ran in. However, for some reason he accepts my three conures. He did want to kill my parakeet when he arrived but calmed down after a few months and now is not interested in him at all. However, he wants to feed my little male gcc that I adopted a few months ago and is very sweet towards him, although again they are not allowed together.

ALthough Zeek has not intentionally tried to hurt my three conures, I do not trust him around them. I always keep them separate. Part of the reason is that caique play is very rough and it scares them.

I keep all of the birds caged in the same room. I would NEVER trust Zeek out on top of a cage in the room. He is very rambunctious and curious and would immediately go to another bird's cage. You cannot have your bird out unsupervised in the bird room. One day while I was at work, Zeek got out. He and my nanday fought through the cage bars. She ended up having a toe amputated and he had deep scratches on his face. I believe that Zeek did not intend to hurt her but she does not like him at all and probably instigated the fight.

I try to maximize time out of the cage. I have all birds out at the same time, but keep them separate. They have cages to eat on top of in the dining area. They have separate boings/perches in the master bathroom. THey each have a spot on the counter, island or a perching area in the kitchen. They each also have a separate night cages.

Anyway, I think you should get the caique. I would be vigilant about not letting it near the other birds, especially for his safety. I have to warn you that caiques are a lot of work! Zeek is highly intelligent and demanding. I have to devote a lot of individual time to him.

Barnaby Rose

Strolling the yard
Real Name
This isn't specific to caiques, as I don't have one. But I do have birds that require separate out of cage time. Adding a 2nd and 3rd bird, both of which require separate "me" time absolutely impacts the original bird. Bird number 1 at one point had 100% of my "bird time". He now has a third of that time. That's not to say you shouldn't do it, but to say birds no 1 and 2 won't know or care about bird 3 is not true. If bird no 3 lessens your 1:1 time with birds 1 & 2 they will realise this - that is unless birds no 1 & 2 don't particularly want to spend time with/on you anyway.
I agree completely that this is not specific to Caiques.. and I also agree that in will in some way effect both Emma and Oliver for sure. However I will say, especially if they have their out of cage time in separate rooms... I do not think that the original gangs time will be effected much, only because they are 'out', almost ALL of the time, and only in their cages for sleep and when we are not at home. The new little guy however will probably be more 1 on 1 out of cage time for several hours a day, and then back inside his cage while the other two remain out, while my wife and I go in and out, and in and out, and in and out of the room... if this makes any sense. As far as 'play time', it doesn't seem as though either Emma or Oliver really desires this in any case.. 'me time', definitely, cuddling time - for sure, but actual play time and wrestling and supervised rolling around and etc not at all, for this reason I am HOPING anyway, that neither bird will be toooooo effected by the addition (if we do go this route), I am more concerned with Reggie himself.

Barnaby Rose

Strolling the yard
Real Name
I have a 14 year old male caique. He is fearless. He has tried to attack new birds in the home before. I have fostered a couple birds and even though they were housed on the other side of the house, he was intent on getting to them. He would not eat and would venture into the dark house at night (something he is normally scared of) to get to them. If he can get to the cage, he is like a pit bull trying to get to the bird through the bars. One time, he actually figured out how to unlatch the door on a cage he had never seen before and get to the bird. She was not hurt but he was on top of her when I ran in. However, for some reason he accepts my three conures. He did want to kill my parakeet when he arrived but calmed down after a few months and now is not interested in him at all. However, he wants to feed my little male gcc that I adopted a few months ago and is very sweet towards him, although again they are not allowed together.

ALthough Zeek has not intentionally tried to hurt my three conures, I do not trust him around them. I always keep them separate. Part of the reason is that caique play is very rough and it scares them.

I keep all of the birds caged in the same room. I would NEVER trust Zeek out on top of a cage in the room. He is very rambunctious and curious and would immediately go to another bird's cage. You cannot have your bird out unsupervised in the bird room. One day while I was at work, Zeek got out. He and my nanday fought through the cage bars. She ended up having a toe amputated and he had deep scratches on his face. I believe that Zeek did not intend to hurt her but she does not like him at all and probably instigated the fight.

I try to maximize time out of the cage. I have all birds out at the same time, but keep them separate. They have cages to eat on top of in the dining area. They have separate boings/perches in the master bathroom. THey each have a spot on the counter, island or a perching area in the kitchen. They each also have a separate night cages.

Anyway, I think you should get the caique. I would be vigilant about not letting it near the other birds, especially for his safety. I have to warn you that caiques are a lot of work! Zeek is highly intelligent and demanding. I have to devote a lot of individual time to him.
This was also very helpful, I do have a couple questions for you...

So first of all you specified you have A Caique, so I am assuming you have just one? I know that you said he 'tolerates' the gcc's and etc... but does he actually 'play' with any other bird at all, or just you..? Reason I ask is this is almost exactly my dilemma - do you feel he does fine all things considered being he only one of his species in the household? Do you think that his 'you time' is enough to keep him happy and occupied and companioned, even though he does not have another Caique buddy to play with every day?

Secondly.. I know you said that you keep all the birds housed in the same room, but have separate out of cage time. (This must be a HUGE room by the way!) Does this mean that the Zeek has his out of cage time in a separate room or area completely (what I am considering myself), or just in the same room but monitored and supervised 100% of the time by you while the rest of your flock remains caged? Because this is very interesting to me.

Thank you for saying you think I should get him, the support from you (and everybody else) on this matter is awesome and even though there are many many challenges and concerns, it feels good to know that people do accomplish what I am trying to accomplish every day. One thing I want to make very very clear is that I am VERY aware of the added work and attention that Reggie will demand, and that is in no way swaying my decision.


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Everyone is happy to be out together in the kitchen, dining area, bathroom, etc. as long as they are in their "safe" places. There are boings and places to perch separately in the bathroom while I get ready for work. They have separate areas to eat in the dining area (island, counter, and a perch on a faucet). And the kitchen is big enough to have them all out together, but separated. Zeek is not interested in going after any of my conures. You may find that since the other birds were in the household first, the new caique may not have aggressive tendencies towards them. I have Zeek out with the other birds, and also separately. He does get more one on one attn. then the other birds. He insists on being snuggled before bed. "Grooming" is very important to him where he grooms me and I snuggle him, pet him, and groom his feathers. We do this every night. For whatever reason, my boy loves to be snuggled under my chin and carried around like a baby.

At five years of age, your caique may not take to another caique. It is hard to know. I wished that I had gotten my caique the unrelated female he was raised with but I was too ignorant then. Now, because of his age, I have found it is too late. I would be happy if all my parrots were paired, not to breed, but because I feel a buddy or mate can provide the companionship they need better than I. But this doesnt look like it will ever be a reality.

I did recently in fact temporarily bird sit a female caique. The owner and I had hoped that they would get along and that, ultimately, I would adopt her. We both thought that our caiques wanted a buddy. I discussed this with the vet before doing so. After two days, it was clear it was a disaster. Zeek wanted to attack her. I believe that it is because, at 14 years of age, he is too old to accept another caique. He felt that she was competing for my attn. (she was). I was beside myself trying to devote attention to two caiques separately. She was incredibly sweet, but also very loud. I called the owner and, as she had not left on her trip yet, she picked her up. I will not be getting a second caique after this experience. I will say that she was only 2 yrs. old and DID want a buddy. She was also so sweet and adorable. I do miss her after only two days with her and for some reason I feel like I failed her.

All I can say about a second caique is that the risk you take is that you will have two caiques who hate each other and that is not a good situation to be in.

Caiques are not like other birds. You will find that you can handle this bird differently. They have less fear of being physically held, kissed, snuggled. You may find yourself taking him around the house with you while you clean, get ready for work, cook, etc. You dont have to always actively play with him. Just being near you is sometimes good enough. Also, when my caique seems especially bored, I take him for walks around the house and I hold him up to look at things he never gets close to - window frames, the ceiling light, a wall corner, etc. to inspect.

The last thing I will mention is caique aggressiveness. Caiques will always tell you when they are angry. If your bird's pupils constrict, neck feathers ruffled and (sometimes) rhythmic strutting with beak down, then watch out. I will not handle Zeek if he is like this. (I hold a shirt or towel in front of him, which he attacks and latches onto. I carry the dangling towel to the cage and he usually lets go.) My male became aggressive at 4 years of age. He was very angry with me. The reason was clear to me eventually. He was bored. I was also not providing the companionship he needed. He had hit sexual maturity and was no longer a little playful puppy. He wanted a job. He would attack my shoes, my car keys, my sunglasses...things he associated with me leaving. He also would attack my phone (and my face) if I talked on it while he was on my shoulder. I do not let him on my shoulder anymore. After a few years of bloody bites, we finally seemed to figure it out. The dumb human learned to interpret caique anger and avoid bites, purchased the bird a large airy stainless steel cage, moved the bird to a window with more activity, and established a daily routine. I dont know if he is truly happy, but given the bad experience with a second caique, I dont know what more I can do for him. Anyway, I think if you should at least give it a try with the little guy. You are asking all the right questions. Your bird may also never show the aggression that mine does. He also may never be aggressive towards your other birds. If you are able to handle him right now, then that is a good sign.

You could try a foster period. If you keep him, I would think about housing him in the bird room but MAKE SURE THE CAGE DOORS ARE ALWAYS LOCKED. The reason I would consider housing him in the same room is he may like the comfort of other birds around.

Here are some pics:
Cages-I try to give everyone a view out of the window. Zeek is against the wall. He likes it here because he can see out the window and watch for me out the door also.

Kitchen: Zeek gets the island or counter, while Scout sits on the faucet with the food bowl, and the two smaller conures get the other counter or island.
Zeek playing on the island:

Parrots eating lunch:

For awhile, Zeek liked eating on the floor:


Biking along the boulevard
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Real Name
And Joey can remove nuts and bolts. He got out of his cage once by removing the nut on the nest box door.

Barnaby Rose

Strolling the yard
Real Name
Everyone is happy to be out together in the kitchen, dining area, bathroom, etc. as long as they are in their "safe" places. There are boings and places to perch separately in the bathroom while I get ready for work. They have separate areas to eat in the dining area (island, counter, and a perch on a faucet). And the kitchen is big enough to have them all out together, but separated. Zeek is not interested in going after any of my conures. You may find that since the other birds were in the household first, the new caique may not have aggressive tendencies towards them. I have Zeek out with the other birds, and also separately. He does get more one on one attn. then the other birds. He insists on being snuggled before bed. "Grooming" is very important to him where he grooms me and I snuggle him, pet him, and groom his feathers. We do this every night. For whatever reason, my boy loves to be snuggled under my chin and carried around like a baby.

At five years of age, your caique may not take to another caique. It is hard to know. I wished that I had gotten my caique the unrelated female he was raised with but I was too ignorant then. Now, because of his age, I have found it is too late. I would be happy if all my parrots were paired, not to breed, but because I feel a buddy or mate can provide the companionship they need better than I. But this doesnt look like it will ever be a reality.

I did recently in fact temporarily bird sit a female caique. The owner and I had hoped that they would get along and that, ultimately, I would adopt her. We both thought that our caiques wanted a buddy. I discussed this with the vet before doing so. After two days, it was clear it was a disaster. Zeek wanted to attack her. I believe that it is because, at 14 years of age, he is too old to accept another caique. He felt that she was competing for my attn. (she was). I was beside myself trying to devote attention to two caiques separately. She was incredibly sweet, but also very loud. I called the owner and, as she had not left on her trip yet, she picked her up. I will not be getting a second caique after this experience. I will say that she was only 2 yrs. old and DID want a buddy. She was also so sweet and adorable. I do miss her after only two days with her and for some reason I feel like I failed her.

All I can say about a second caique is that the risk you take is that you will have two caiques who hate each other and that is not a good situation to be in.

Caiques are not like other birds. You will find that you can handle this bird differently. They have less fear of being physically held, kissed, snuggled. You may find yourself taking him around the house with you while you clean, get ready for work, cook, etc. You dont have to always actively play with him. Just being near you is sometimes good enough. Also, when my caique seems especially bored, I take him for walks around the house and I hold him up to look at things he never gets close to - window frames, the ceiling light, a wall corner, etc. to inspect.

The last thing I will mention is caique aggressiveness. Caiques will always tell you when they are angry. If your bird's pupils constrict, neck feathers ruffled and (sometimes) rhythmic strutting with beak down, then watch out. I will not handle Zeek if he is like this. (I hold a shirt or towel in front of him, which he attacks and latches onto. I carry the dangling towel to the cage and he usually lets go.) My male became aggressive at 4 years of age. He was very angry with me. The reason was clear to me eventually. He was bored. I was also not providing the companionship he needed. He had hit sexual maturity and was no longer a little playful puppy. He wanted a job. He would attack my shoes, my car keys, my sunglasses...things he associated with me leaving. He also would attack my phone (and my face) if I talked on it while he was on my shoulder. I do not let him on my shoulder anymore. After a few years of bloody bites, we finally seemed to figure it out. The dumb human learned to interpret caique anger and avoid bites, purchased the bird a large airy stainless steel cage, moved the bird to a window with more activity, and established a daily routine. I dont know if he is truly happy, but given the bad experience with a second caique, I dont know what more I can do for him. Anyway, I think if you should at least give it a try with the little guy. You are asking all the right questions. Your bird may also never show the aggression that mine does. He also may never be aggressive towards your other birds. If you are able to handle him right now, then that is a good sign.

You could try a foster period. If you keep him, I would think about housing him in the bird room but MAKE SURE THE CAGE DOORS ARE ALWAYS LOCKED. The reason I would consider housing him in the same room is he may like the comfort of other birds around.

Here are some pics:
Cages-I try to give everyone a view out of the window. Zeek is against the wall. He likes it here because he can see out the window and watch for me out the door also.
View attachment 240014

View attachment 240017
Kitchen: Zeek gets the island or counter, while Scout sits on the faucet with the food bowl, and the two smaller conures get the other counter or island.
View attachment 240016
Zeek playing on the island:
View attachment 240015

Parrots eating lunch:
View attachment 240020

For awhile, Zeek liked eating on the floor:
View attachment 240018

Wow this was extremely informative thank you so much..

You have a beautiful house by the way, and Zeek is adorable :)

I am hoping you may be on to something as far as him being 5 already and being brought into a house with two other birds 'subsiding' his aggression a little bit, as opposed to bring other birds into his own, already established house, but then again, I am not holding my breath;)

I do feel confident that the time devoted to the other two will not and never will be compromised, and that I can give him at LEAST a few hours of literal '1 on 1 time' per day, not including his 'out of cage time', as well. I am thinking of converting my little sports cave I have into a sports cave/birdy play pen/gym hybrid deal as well.. giving him a TON of opportunity to be out and next to me most nights for hours on end, while still keeping the other two out downstairs at the same time. Having his 'sleeping cage' in the bird room itself would be ideal, I will just have to play it by ear while Emma and Oliver are out of their cages, as right now they are not supervised (literally me in the room) the entire time, I am comfortable enough to leave them on their respective perches on different sides of the room and leave the room as long as I am not far away. Something that I would NOT be comfortable with if Reggie was in there as well, even locked in a cage.

I think my wife and I have made a very preliminary decision to move forward and bring the little guy home... Now just have to figure out what kind/size cage to get and from where, set it up, and give him a home :)


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue

I think you will be able to give him a great home, from everything you have said.

Get the biggest cage you can. He will use every inch of it.

Also, I really believe in night cages, at least for the caique. I think it breaks up the monotony of being in one cage all day. You can put food in it (my guys wont eat in it, but they strictly sleep in it), but always provide fresh water.

Defintely, do not let him be in the room with the other birds if they are out, or vice versa, unsupervised. Caiques are very resourceful little things. The two times Zeek got out he immediately went to another bird's cage. The first time, he unlocked my maroon belly's cage, opened the door, and let her out! The two of them made their way to my bedroom on the other side of the house and tucked themselves into ROcky's night cage. WHen I came home at night, I found them snuggled up with each other in the night cage. The second time he got out resulted in an amputated toe on the Nanday.

You will figure out a system that works for all of the birds. I'm sure of it. Here are the birds last night in my kitchen (it's a mess though!): IMG_2371.JPG


Joyriding the Neighborhood
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
S California
Real Name
I do hope you can give Reggie a home.
See if you can get a good deal on the chiquita with playtop. Its been on incredible sale lately.
At 28 inches wide its not bad.

Keep us updated.


I think you will be able to give him a great home, from everything you have said.

Get the biggest cage you can. He will use every inch of it.

Also, I really believe in night cages, at least for the caique. I think it breaks up the monotony of being in one cage all day. You can put food in it (my guys wont eat in it, but they strictly sleep in it), but always provide fresh water.

Defintely, do not let him be in the room with the other birds if they are out, or vice versa, unsupervised. Caiques are very resourceful little things. The two times Zeek got out he immediately went to another bird's cage. The first time, he unlocked my maroon belly's cage, opened the door, and let her out! The two of them made their way to my bedroom on the other side of the house and tucked themselves into ROcky's night cage. WHen I came home at night, I found them snuggled up with each other in the night cage. The second time he got out resulted in an amputated toe on the Nanday.

You will figure out a system that works for all of the birds. I'm sure of it. Here are the birds last night in my kitchen (it's a mess though!): View attachment 240091

What mess! I wish I has such a mess!!!:rofl:


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
I dont think the chiquita is big enough for a caique. I have two Chiquitas and set the new caique up in one, but it was much too small. I put her in a mediana, which was better. Even bigger would be great for a caique. Zeek's cage is 4 foot x 2.5 foot and he uses EVERY inch of that cage.


Ripping up the road
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
the zoo
@Barnaby Rose Hope things work out with Reggie. You've been given some very good advice. No Caiques here but multiple birds who do not all get along. Have to be careful with who is out at one time and make sure that all of the cages are closed when I am not around.