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Thinking about bringing home a new baby :)

Barnaby Rose

Strolling the yard
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Hey guys... So as the title implies - we are on the brink of bringing a new baby home. Well, not so much a baby.. he is a 4-5 year old male white bellied Caique. His name is Reggie and I am absolutely in love with him.. I just have a few concerns I am hoping someone can help me with. So currently we have 2 birds, a female Solomon Island Eclectus, and a male 8 month old TAG. They are being housed in the same room right now without any *issues*... but they are by no means buddies or friends. I keep them out at the same time in the room, and unless one of them decides to fly onto the other ones cage or perch, there are typically no issues. It safe to say that they 'tolerate each other'.
Anyway, the reason I specified is for two reasons, one, I know that Caiques are typically regarded as 'bird aggressive' or fearless to the point of self harm.. and I am concerned. The other issue is that I have no more space in the 'bird room' anyway, so he would have to be housed either in a separate room altogether, OR, his cage could remain in the room, and his perch or play area/stand or whatever we decide to buy for him could be kept elsewhere, either way his out of cage time would be spent solo (aside from when we are in the playing with him of course), and I am concerned that him being a caique, this may affect him in a bad way. What's weird is that the lady running the rescue houses him by himself currently, has him out for only about an hour or two per day, and says that he is doing great in every aspect. He would get MUCH more than an hour or two out of cage time here, just may be a little quieter of an environment than a busy loud bird store.

What do you guys think? Any advice or thoughts? We haven't literally committed to him yet, but both my wife and I really do have a little bond with him after only a few weeks of visiting.
Let me know, or if anybody has any other questions or anything - Thanks so much!



Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Rollerblading along the road
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The preamble. The right way IMHO to deal with this situation is to let this bird pick a friend from a group of caiques and then take both.

Failing THAT, we are in tricker areas, and shades of grey, none of which is truly satisfying for you or the bird.

Your concerns about solo caging are justified. Out of cage time is also great, but this very active bird may spend his solo time destroying the room if he is unaccompanied.

And you already have a minefield in radically changing his home environment, and introducing new humans. These birds HATE change. Certainly he cannot be left alone with new birds, though he will be very docile in the beginning due to his new surroundings. Then when he eventually wants to play, he will play caique wrestling ( the only game he knows). Are your other birds good wrestlers?, or must this highly social bird be kept permanently alone ?

If you are his alpha and omega, are you going to abandon your other birds as this new arrival DEMANDS attention?

At 5 years old he is sexually mature and no longer a baby. He has put away baby things, less hopping, less cutsie cuddling etc. I have 4 year old caiques laying eggs.

But does he know that he is a bird, not a human?. Which of you will he pick as his new mate?. Which of you could be barely tolerated as the 'other one'. And we are right in the middle of the mating season.

How good are you at speaking caique? A very demonstrative body language which the bird expects you to know.

All these issues need careful consideration before proceeding.
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Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
Minneapolis, MN
It's certainly hard to not fall in love with them! We know. That being said, I would be very hesitant to bring a caique into your current household. He will definitely find a way to harass the other birds. Without another caique, he will demand all of your attention.


Ripping up the road
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i agree. Not a good match. Potential for a lot of disruption to the detriment of all.

Barnaby Rose

Strolling the yard
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Sigh....... I can't say that all of you guys aren't right in your thinking, I can't say that it makes the most sense, and it is very upsetting because as I said, we both absolutely love the little guy. I would never make a selfish decision that would upset him or my current flock, and I wouldn't even be considering it if Reggie didn't literally 'pick us' out of a crowd. (Literally, doesn't really care for anyone at the rescue, but absolutely adores my wife and I).
I guess I just really hoped there was a way to make it work that would make both us and of course Reggie real comfortable and happy you know. @Irishj9 , I would LOVE to have two caiques, and yes I do think that having a buddy for him would solve the issue of the single housing and etc, the issue with that being of course that the rescue doesn't have two.. the other 'store' I frequent doesn't have any babies available right now, they say that they will come next year, but then I gamble that putting a little baby and a 5 year old together would work in the first place, and also I would have to buy instead of rescue.
Just out of interest... what if I kept his cage in the current bird room, bought him a nice big play gym/manzanita stand and toy stand and etc to put in my TV room upstairs, let him have his IN cage time with the other birds.. and JUST had his out of cage time filled with toys and etc upstairs by himself, and just tried to be in there and play with him all the time when we were out? Only thing I'm thinking is that it wouldn't really take any time away from the other two that way because they are out 80% of the time, and only in their cages for bed, or when neither of us are home. I know that I am just clawing at opportunities here now and please understand that if it really isn't the right thing or really isn't fair, I won't put him in the middle of it just because I want him, I just can't shake the feeling that he would never find a better more loving home with people he already loves than he would with us :(
Also as an added note, I completely understand that every situation is different, and that birds change all the time and etc, but as of now Reggie has no issues with any other birds in the store and can be on the same stand currently with all kinds of different species, male/female, big/small and etc. not being unrealistic or hoping for a miracle interaction with my two, just sayin'.
Anyway thanks for taking the time to help me, let me know what you guys think


Rollerblading along the road
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San Diego
Personally, if your heart's set on getting this little guy, you'll find a way to make things work out.


The Best Bird Toys
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Hmmmmm, I can't really advise you on how he might fit in but I think if he has been alone for 5 years then he is probably going to be okay as a single bird.

That being said I have all mine in pairs so I haven't had a single but I know that many people do.

I would not depend on introducing him to the others but he might like to see and hear them.

Does he have toys and like to play? If he knows how to entertain himself that will go a long way.

I have also noticed that adult caiques dislike change and take a while to adjust. Babies on the other hand love everything and everyone.

They can be won over with treats though.

If you have the time, love and space and he like you already then I do not see an issue. I am sure you will find he much different than a gray or eclectus.


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
Minneapolis, MN
Honestly, my primary concern is your female eclectus. The caique will know what you are doing at all times. You don't have to be in the same room. He will insist on being #1 in the household, and will tell you that in volume or blood. Female Ekkies are so sweet and sensitive to change I don't think it's a great match. I would love to have an Eclectus, but it is one species that I have 100% ruled out due to having caiques.

Barnaby Rose

Strolling the yard
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Honestly, my primary concern is your female eclectus. The caique will know what you are doing at all times. You don't have to be in the same room. He will insist on being #1 in the household, and will tell you that in volume or blood. Female Ekkies are so sweet and sensitive to change I don't think it's a great match. I would love to have an Eclectus, but it is one species that I have 100% ruled out due to having caiques.
Tim... Yes I completely understand your reasoning and I would be lying if I said that I hadn't wondered the same thing myself, the only thing that gives me any kind of hope for THAT specific situation is that when we brought Oliver home (the baby Grey), Emma really stepped up and helped out with his adjustment, much much better than we ever expected her to. That being said they are definitely NOT the best of friends, but she really took it easy on Oliver, gave him a lot of leeway, and kind of 'tolerated' his transition, didn't even stop eating or playing or talking at all or anything. No of course tables have turned and it's Oliver that is a little punk, won't leave her alone sometimes and she just squwaks at him, almost like she doesn't know how to do anything else. She really is a sweet bird. Anyway I just figured/hoped that maybe she would react the same way sort of with the new lil guy, especially if they were in different rooms completely at least at first....but maybe that is unrealistic being as he is a Caique.. :(


Sprinting down the street
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I'd tend to agree more with Laurie, so I'm confused as to why others are strongly advising against adding a single caique to a two bird household, when plenty of people keep both caiques and other species of birds. Yes, if you are adding an adult caique, chances are he will react aggressively to your current birds. But you seem to know that already, and are prepared to house him in a different room to avoid conflict.

Is there any chance that you could foster him for a while before making a commitment to adopt him?

Barnaby Rose

Strolling the yard
Real Name
I'd tend to agree more with Laurie, so I'm confused as to why others are strongly advising against adding a single caique to a two bird household, when plenty of people keep both caiques and other species of birds. Yes, if you are adding an adult caique, chances are he will react aggressively to your current birds. But you seem to know that already, and are prepared to house him in a different room to avoid conflict.

Is there any chance that you could foster him for a while before making a commitment to adopt him?
You know what that is an excellent idea. I am not sure if that is a possibility or not, but I am most definitely going to ask, I would love the opportunity to try before hand. I suppose it would help the rescue out either way.. Also, I think most people here are concerned with him being lonely and bored, not so much aggressive as yes I am going to keep him in a different room.. but the thing is that I would be spending a TON of time with him, so I am less concerned with that to tell you the truth. Keep your fingers crossed!


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Honestly, my primary concern is your female eclectus.
Mine too.
I would love to have a Cake or two myself but with my two sensitive Pionus (and they are not so sensitive as an Ekkie) I would never do that to them.

@Barnaby Rose It sound to me that you have a perfect match/flock. Why ruin that?
I think that you should read @Irishj9 post again, and not only the post that suits you. JP know what he is talking about, consider him a Caique expert. :)

Barnaby Rose

Strolling the yard
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Mine too.
I would love to have a Cake or two myself but with my two sensitive Pionus (and they are not so sensitive as an Ekkie) I would never do that to them.

@Barnaby Rose It sound to me that you have a perfect match/flock. Why ruin that?
I think that you should read @Irishj9 post again, and not only the post that suits you. JP know what he is talking about, consider him a Caique expert. :)
Yes... As I said I do not disagree with anything that was said, especially in that post, I have just fallen in love with this little guy and want to make sure there is nothing I can do to make it work before I just give up. You really think that it would ruin my flock Beyond repair just by bringing a single kayak into a different area of my house? I know that every bird is different, but I can't help but feeling Emma may tolerate it better than Oliver (the Grey).

Maybe I just need to buy another house….And keep my Caiques there instead ://


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Yes... As I said I do not disagree with anything that was said, especially in that post, I have just fallen in love with this little guy and want to make sure there is nothing I can do to make it work before I just give up. You really think that it would ruin my flock Beyond repair just by bringing a single kayak into a different area of my house? I know that every bird is different, but I can't help but feeling Emma may tolerate it better than Oliver (the Grey).

Maybe I just need to buy another house….And keep my Caiques there instead ://
But if you are getting two, you can keep them in a different room and away from Emma and Oliver.
And that is also what JP suggested. Then you will have two happy flocks. :)
To only getting one, and place him by himself isn't right to an active Caique that will interact and play all day long. Get two, and you have solved the problem.

Barnaby Rose

Strolling the yard
Real Name
But if you are getting two, you can keep them in a different room and away from Emma and Oliver.
And that is also what JP suggested. Then you will have two happy flocks. :)
To only getting one, and place him by himself isn't right to an active Caique that will interact and play all day long. Get two, and you have solved the problem.
Well then I just have to find another one!!


Rollerblading along the road
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Well then I just have to find another one!!
Not Quite. Adults pick their own friends. You have to let the caique pick his friends. Beyond their baby years, caiques are VERY PICKY about their friends.


Biking along the boulevard
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Not Quite. Adults pick their own friends. You have to let the caique pick his friends. Beyond their baby years, caiques are VERY PICKY about their friends.
....even human friends


Rollerblading along the road
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I'd tend to agree more with Laurie, so I'm confused as to why others are strongly advising against adding a single caique to a two bird household, when plenty of people keep both caiques and other species of birds.
a) Noodles the Quaker, above with his best mate Fingers, was great friends with my caiques and shared an aviary with them for two years. One day I came home to find Noodles at deaths door, bone showing through in many places. He was beaten almost to death by one or more of the caiques. He pulled through and now lives with my ex and a new beautiful blue quaker mate. He has recovered fully. I however, have not recovered from that sight.

b) I have seen caiques try to nip the toes off their own child who landed on their flight to say hello when he was prematurely returned to the avairy. What would one do your birds?. They are fearless. They will have no respect for the size of their opponent.
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Barnaby Rose

Strolling the yard
Real Name
View attachment 239704

a) Noodles the Quaker, above with his best mate Fingers, was great friends with my caiques and shared an aviary with them for two years. One day I came home to find Noodles at deaths door, bone showing through in many places. He was beaten almost to death by one or more of the caiques. He pulled through and now lives with my ex and a new beautiful blue quaker mate. He has recovered fully. I however, have not recovered from that sight.

b) I have seen caiques try to nip the toes off their own child who landed on their flight to say hello when he was prematurely returned to the avairy. What would one do your birds?. They are fearless. They will have no respect for the size of their opponent.
Ok but I am not sure you are hearing what am I saying. That would never, EVER happen, whether I brought this little guy or any other species home, due to the fact that I would NEVER leave them alone together, or even let one out while the other were in the room at the same time, period. I don't even do so with my two currently, just for that 1% chance reason, and as I stated they typically are fine together.
If you missed it, the question at this point is whether keeping him BY HIMSELF, in a different room, behind TWO locked doors, with his own play gym, his own manzanita stand, his own feeding tower and cage and toys and etc, and his own time from my wife and I, would be fair - Given that he would be by himself and not with another Caique. That is the point.
Again, he is now, and has been for the past year or so at this rescue housed all by himself, spends all his out of cage time by himself, and in the words of the rescue is 'Thriving every day'.
I am not saying you are not absolutely right about this if I planned to keep them together, or even in the same room.. but I am not. The question of another Caique is the only one I were responding to above.. and as much as I would love two, yes I think that it may be unrealistic for that, and several other reasons as well.
If you could let me know why (if so that is) you would STILL be against us bringing him home now given our specific situation, again and I would like to stress, with NO DANGER TO HIM OR MY CURRENT BIRDS, due to my housing situation, that would be awesome.