Since I have a lot of spare time right now I thought it would be a good opportunity to teach my cockatiel to fly to me when called. Ive only taught him step up so far but that was many months ago when I first found him. I should start by saying he is not receptive to treats but does love head scratches usually. Ive watched videos on how to do this and I know its a slow process but he is very unreceptive (dare I say opposed) to it and bites/hisses at me when I try. I simply am asking him to step up, but with my hand placed slightly further than it usually is. I know he can reach it but he really just doesn’t want to for some reason, even though he is perfectly happy to step up if I provide my hand a little closer. Another thing is when he gets upset, I try putting him in his cage to cool down but he absolutely refuses and flies off before i can get him in. This goes on for several minutes before he is completely exhausted and even panting. I’ll try to attach videos of both occurrences if I can. What should I do?