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  1. N

    Cockatiel not weaning

    Hi everyone, I am new here. I have a 20 week old cockatiel, he is very social and active and seems to have hit all of his "benchmarks", only problem is he does not show any signs of weaning off his formula. I no longer give it to him in a syringe, but in a little bowl for him. He eats seeds and...
  2. Raptor40

    Dangers of Abundance Weaning?

    This is no doubt going to be a controversial topic, but I’d like to see what you all think. I was once a big supporter of the ‘don’t stop hand feeding until the bird rejects formula’ mindset, but I’m near changing my mind to an extent. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a bird...
  3. Picadilly

    Weaning a 6 month old Cocatiel

    Hello everyone! My name is Jessica ( I am new here) and I have a 6-month-old whiteface pied cockatiel, Picadilly. Dilly for short .:) We got him from a pet shop. I know that inexperienced people should never take an unweaned baby home. But we are currently in a difficult time and the pet shop...
  4. A

    Help!! One year Old African Grey still requires to be hand fed

    Hi All, I have a One year old African Grey which still begs to be handfed through a syringe. I have tried various methods to get the greyt to eat on its own but he simply does not eat/drink when food/water is given in a bowl. But he will eat/drink it when i feed through a syringe. i have tried...
  5. Tieldove

    Mood & feeding

    Hi everyone, I acquired my cockatiel 2 weeks ago and they said he was about 5 weeks old. The woman I got him from purchased him from a breeder that sells their cockatiels not yet weaned. I have cared for many other animals before and I also have been researching all the info I can to make...
  6. Littlelovebird

    Weaning - Biting - Clicker training?

    Hi everyone! I have a beautiful baby lovebird of nearly 3 months now. I got her about a month ago when she was about 7 weeks or so. Yes this was young. And yes she is not entirely weaned yet. Still on formula 1X a day. We went from 2-3 times a day to one. She has been going back to 2X and...
  7. Littlelovebird

    Weaning process Lovebird and cage time?

    Hi everyone! I have some questions for you! I already posted similar questions in the Loverbird Lane but I have more questions and it might make more sense to post it here to get more answers related to weaning! A couple days before Christmas I got a new lovebird and it wasn't completely...
  8. Littlelovebird

    handfeeding 7 weeks lovebird

    Hey guys!! I need help! I got a new baby lovebird! She is 7 weeks old and is not completely weaned so I need to feed her twice a day and finish weaning her. Its my second time with a lovebird but my first with the feeding experience! We got her about 3 days ago and she is extremely hungry! Very...
  9. dollfish

    New CAG Arrived. 4 m/o Keeps Crying After Feeding

    Hello everyone, my new african grey Astro arrived 2 weeks ago. It is a 4 month old rescue. The previous owner reduced from 3 feedings to 2 on his own, and then when he started refusing his morning feeding, they reduced to once a day. He always had pellets, seeds and fruit available at this time...
  10. Sherry S

    WBC - weaning

    I have a WBC that is five months old and does not want to wean. I have tried cutting down the amount of formula, soaking pellets in water or formula, dozens of foods, even going to twice a day. He will eat the foods that I put out for him, but still clings to the formula. He is also extremely...
  11. H

    New Indian Ringneck Baby

    Hello Everyone! I'm new here! I'm glad I found this website where all of us bird lovers can be a part of a community that loves and respects birds! I just recently got my new Indian Ringneck baby. She is a blue female, her name is Bubbles. She was hand fed and the employee informed me that...
  12. HeatherD

    Red Belly Weaning Trouble

    Hi, A bird shop that I trust, which has bred birds for a long time, is trying to wean the first red belly they have worked with. I put a deposit on the bird. It is taking a very unusually long time to start eating solid foods, to the point that the bird apparently seems a bit weak and they...
  13. Kestrel

    12 week old cockatiel still not weaning!

    So my tiel, Ayrendi, will be 12 weeks old tomorrow and she is showing zero signs of wanting to slow down on her formula feedings. That said she IS eating seed, pellets and veggies every day. She has been eating all three for a few days now. In fact she's chowing down on the seed and pellets...
  14. Zara

    Abundance weaning. Opinions?

    Me and Adelie are just home from the vet (I just took her for a check up) and when the vet asked what her diet is now, his face had a look of horror when I told him she is still weaning. The words out of his mouth; ¨muy mal!¨ (Very bad!). He says I should cut her off from her morning feed, now...
  15. Kestrel

    New cockatiel mama

    Hello everyone! I am the proud new bird mama of a cinnamon pearl peid cockatiel baby! And I'm SO excited! I have been looking forward to getting this bird for years. I don't know if it's a girl or boy yet though fingers crossed it's a boy because the egg laying thing does scare me (but yes I do...
  16. snapandrew

    Cockatiel Weaning/Hand Feeding

    Hi there! I'm getting a cockatiel very soon and I may get one that is only 3 - 4 weeks old. I've been doing a lot of research about weaning but I still have questions. What should I hand feed the cockatiel? How/when do I start the weaning process? How long does the weaning process take? Thanks...
  17. Nestum

    Cockatiel turns away from the syringe

    So has you may or may not know, I have a 9 week cinnamon pearl pied Cockatiel named Socrates, who's in the process of weaning I give him formula when I come home and before going to sleep, always allowing the crop to empty. But lately he hasn't been eating when I come home. His crop doesn't...
  18. Nestum

    Pictures Drinking water

    I remember saying that my new cockatiel was 1month old but he's actually 2 months and a week. I only learned that you shouldn't take birds who aren't fully weaned after the fact, so now it's my responsibility, but I only need to handfeed him once a day at night. It has been very smooth...
  19. Hriday_the19th

    3-week GCC {help!!!}-IlivinINDIA.

    Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum. I did my research on which bird would be best for me and fell in love with green cheeks and am planning to buy a new this week. so went to this so-called aviary who was more of a bird breeder who doesn't like to be called so. he showed me 4 green cheek...
  20. Rivka

    Help me with my baby conure

    My sun conure is 4 months and still gets formula 2x a day. In the morning she won't eat seeds and only beg for formula and the night I give her some to fill her crop up bcs also when she eats seeds her crop never feels full like it does when she has formula. Even when I see her eating seeds, she...