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Mood & feeding


Checking out the neighborhood
Hi everyone,
I acquired my cockatiel 2 weeks ago and they said he was about 5 weeks old.
The woman I got him from purchased him from a breeder that sells their cockatiels not yet weaned.
I have cared for many other animals before and I also have been researching all the info I can to make sure I'm doing things right. I got a scale, temp the formula, measure the amounts, check his crop, etc.
When I first got him I started formula feeding 3 times a day and he was very hungry every time. I recently started going down to 2 times a day so he would be a bit more interested in trying solid foods. He is now eating or trying to eat his solid foods. What I didnt expect, was for him to not want his formula as much during the 2 remaining feedings. He is hungry at first but doesn't want a full serving. He seems to lose his appetite faster. This is the 3rd day of feeding 2×/day and he has lost 3g of weight, but weighed the same yesterday and today @ 75g. His poops seem much smaller and the fecal part is darker in color.
First question: Is this normal and does it seem okay/ healthy in terms of eating and weight?
Second question: His personality seems to have changed since the feedings changed. He seems sassy or moody. He keeps trying to demand to sit on my head, he is nibbling at my fingers and hair, his head feathers are up more than they were previously, he is climbing all over the inside of his cage when put away, etc. What is going on with that?


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he has lost 3g of weight, but weighed the same yesterday and today @ 75g
Can you clarify that a little, seems a bit of a contradiction.
It's not uncommon for a little weight loss when the diet changes (75 grams is good) and the colour of the faeces will change depending on what he's eating, seed will make his faces dark green (often looks black but if spread out is clearly green).
It sounds like you're doing really well by him.
His behaviour change is just part of his growing up. He's climbing the cage because he wants to be with you. He's starting to show his feelings with his crest (there's a guide on this somewhere) and he's actively preening his mum.
I see nothing to worry about, just watch his weight doesn't drop right off.
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She(?) is a pretty little thing!

Like mentioned, it sounds like everything is "okay". When she starts eating more solid food, she'll be less inclined to eat formula, but make sure it's her choice to stop eating formula, not yours. Please make sure you are providing a variety of foods! Seeds, pellets and vegetables! You could even feed sprouts over seeds.

Climbing around the cage could be agitated by being in the cage rather than with you. Please try and encourage foraging activities and independent play!