Breeder replied that some of her fallows have vee tails, and his grandfather is fallow, so maybe that's where it comes from.
The tips of his feathers are what is affected due to his mutation, so I tend to think the tail vees are not worn feathers.
As much as I understand
@Zara and
@Sparkles99 concerns re health, Apollo is a completely normal budgie in all other respects.... very outgoing, playful, talkative and healthy. He shows zero health issues and no slow development.
If breeders didn't take a punt on breeding oddities, we wouldn't have crested budgies, helicopters (not my cup of tea, but is a feather mutation), or even blue series and all the wonders of the budgieverse. Sadly, we have feather dusters..... and if my bird showed any health issues, of course I wouldn't consider breeding.
I personally love his weird mutation, and if I can get healthy babies displaying it, I will be ecstatic. He is the most beautiful budgie, his feathers are iridescent and the mutation gives him a strange texture which is mesmerizing.
Of course if he starts to display any health effects, I wouldn't breed, and if any babies end up with issues, I wouldn't continue.
If breeders don't take a punt on new and interesting mutations in otherwise healthy birds, then we would all have small, darling wild green types.
The diversity of budgie colours and types is AMAZING, and I hope to add to that.
I appreciate everyone's concerns.
I am simply documenting his feathers here for posterity, and I appreciate the thought-provoking comments and debate