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Sitting on the front steps
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Hey everyone! I wanted to ask something about Melon's (♂) and Mango's (♀) behaviour+weight. I'm still learning a lot about these little raptors so please help me out. :laughing2:

So 1,5 months ago Mango started laying eggs. Melon was constantly feeding her but I guess it wasn't enough for her so she started biting Melon's feet to make him feed her more and more. Two weeks ago, sadly, I realized that Melon started to lose weight and he had diarrhea. I immediately took him to the vet. Vet gave me an antibiotic that Melon would have to use for 10 days. A week has passed and thankfully his diarrhea is gone. But he still looks tired, I can "read" his eyes you know :( He sleeps a bit more than usual too. So I was thinking, while he's recovering, is there any way that I can treat him by giving him something else than regular seeds and some vegetables/fruits? And I think he's underweight. His keelbone isn't that sharp but I can feel it. And when I check his crops, they're never near half full. It's the opposite for Mango. She's thicc <3 and healthy.

So what do you guys think? Should I take him back to vet? Avian vets aren't always open here so it's a bit tricky for me to get an appointment. You guys know a lot more than I do so please help me out on this.

And about Mango, I know she needs a lot of calcium because she's laying eggs. Anything else other than cuttlebones and bird sand? Oh and I have to add something else- I seperated the cages because Melon was using antibiotics. They're still near each other. When they're out, Mango bites his feet again and asks him to feed her again and again. Is this normal for her to do or is there something wrong with her too?

I apologize for having a lot of questions but I need help so.. :( Thank you! :heart:


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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so she started biting Melon's feet
This happens a lot with bonded pairs.

while he's recovering, is there any way that I can treat him by giving him something else than regular seeds and some vegetables/fruits?
Pellets? You could offer them as they are or in a bird bread.
Sprouted seeds are another food rich in nutrients.

Anything else other than cuttlebones and bird sand?
Those are not really good sources of calcium. Kale, ground egg shells (into powder), boiled egg, carrots, dill, bok choy, swiss chard are all rich in calcium. Try to avoid spinach right now as too much can impede calcium absorbtion.( You can feed a little, I personallly don´t bother, there´s plenty of other healthy foods).

Is this normal for her to do or is there something wrong with her too?
That´s females for you :rolleyes:

I apologize for having a lot of questions but I need help so.. :(
Don´t apologize for asking, asking questions is how we learn to be better for our birds :)

Also, I think you are saying Mango has now finished the meds?
For next time, best to completely separate them if the male is on medication. I know it sucks, but it´s the only way to stop them feeding it to the hens. One of my boys was poorly the other month and I had to keep him away from his girlfriend. They were fine in their reunion after the course of medicine was done :)


Rollerblading along the road
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London, UK
What vegetables are you feeding them? Can you get them on a good pellet? Tell us what pellets are available to you and we may be able to help work out which is the best one.

Unfortunately seeds don't contain all the nutrients they need. Even if they are fortified, the vitamins are just sprayed on the hull which the birds don't eat, so is pretty useless. The calcium in cuttlebone and sand isn't very bioavailable, meaning that a bird can't make good use of it in their own body. @Zara has given you lots of good advice. I would add kale and possibly swiss chard to the list of food to avoid for now - like spinach, these vegetables contain oxalic acid, which binds to minerals and prevents the body from absorbing them.


Sitting on the front steps
Real Name
That´s females for you :rolleyes:
Haha I lold at that one. Lovebirds are small alright, but their attitudes? Hahaha

Also, I think you are saying Mango has now finished the meds?
For next time, best to completely separate them if the male is on medication.
Melon is using it's antibiotics still, I think it'll be finished in 3 days or so. And I forgot to mention on my post but I did seperate the cages! I had two in case something happened and it worked out great for me. They miss each other a lot though.

Thank you so much Zara! You've helped me a lot. I'm trying my best as I could..

What vegetables are you feeding them?
When Melon started to lose weight and had diarrhea, I stopped giving him vegetables/fruits. He doesn't like vegetables a lot- my vet warned me not to give them any kind of lettuce but he suggested giving them kale and carrots. And apples, oranges. Melon doesn't really like trying out new things, he's sooo vanilla but Mango on the other hand..She's a gourmet lol.

Tell us what pellets are available to you
Mmm well, I can order them online. So I think I have a varient of options. Please tell me about what it should have inside so I can look them up on the internet. I doubt I could find the exact pellets that you'd recommend.

Thank you tka. I hope everything turns out great for my babies.


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Reino de España
And I forgot to mention on my post but I did seperate the cages! I had two in case something happened and it worked out great for me.
I did see that. But I mean, no out of cage time together, unless you can be between them all the time so there´s no feeding going on.

Mmm well, I can order them online. So I think I have a varient of options. Please tell me about what it should have inside so I can look them up on the internet. I doubt I could find the exact pellets that you'd recommend.
Could you post what you have available?
Some brands a lot of us here use are Harrisons, Hagen, Roudybush and ZuPreem naturals

I'm trying my best as I could..
I know that :) Hopefully he puts some weight on soon :)


Sitting on the front steps
Real Name
Sorry for the super late response. Melon has diarrhea again and he started plucking and lost his appetite. I've been taking care of him and I've contacted my vet- I'll take him there tomorrow.

Could you post what you have available?
Vitakraft, Jungle, Versele Laga, Gold Wings, Quik, Bonnie, EuroGold, Garden Mix. We have ZuPreem here too. But I don't think I can find the others you mentioned, except that.


Biking along the boulevard
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If Melon was feeding Mango then Mango will need to be treated too. Both birds should be treated at the same time or you'll just go round in circles.


Sitting on the front steps
Real Name
If Melon was feeding Mango then Mango will need to be treated too. Both birds should be treated at the same time or you'll just go round in circles.
Exactly! I actually told him this, this seems like the right way to me too, but he instead asked me if Mango was fine or not- she's fine, so he didn't do anything about it. So I seperated the cages.

A little update about yesterday, I contacted my vet and he told me to contact an another vet. But they were closed due to corona. I couldn't follow the news very well but apperantly we have a total lockdown for 4 days because of corona. All of the vets are closed. Is there anything I can do to make Melon feel better, at home? I'm extremely frustrated about this. I'll try to contact if any of the vets are offering help from home-to-home, which is still impossible due to lockdown but I'll try to figure something out. :(