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  1. Sniv

    Enrichment for a bird that dislikes touch?

    Hi, looking for advice for my lovebird. I'm worried he isn't getting enough enrichment- He has plenty of toys and an indoor aviary, but he doesn't like being handled (hands only, he's very friendly and loves climbing on me, i just can't get my hands near him- if i pick him up i gotta use my arms...
  2. B

    Urgent Vet-Visit or no?

    My lovebird Shai woke today with an injury, there was blood dried under his right wing. it seems to be on his wing, but i couldnt see any wound so it was either small or closed or its hidden and i couldnt catch it with the look i got. -the bleeding seems to have stopped quite a while ago...
  3. M

    Feeding a lovebird

    Hi! Can anyone advise me on how much formula should a lovebird baby get per feeding? I want to make sure I am giving him enough per feeding. The lovebird I have is 41 days old. I see also that he has some interest in millet, but it is still exploring it gradually. Thank you!
  4. A

    Lovebird chick - Swelling around face- Sad Update- Post #6

    I have a lovebird chick who suddenly has a sweeling around his face. I am hand feeding him because his parents abandoned him. I am from a small city and no vets at this time. Can someone suggest some remedy or what should I do? Please help me. Thank you.
  5. ktluvszoe

    Lola’s 3rd day clicker training

    Hi all, happy holidays! TLDR: struggling with frequent regurgitation. What to do when it comes up during clicker training? I “got” my lovebird Lola a clicker and some training toys for Christmas. We are on our third day of clicker training and I have some questions about regurgitation. Lola...
  6. H

    Help! 2 week lovebird chick's crop hasn't emptied for 9 hours. (sad update #2)

    The chick has been fed warm eggfood for 2 days since It had to be taken for spoon handfeeding after an emergency (Eggs hatched and mother did not feed chicks so a chick died). I expected the formula to arrive today but delivery has been delayed and should be getting formula tomorrow. I check the...
  7. L

    Urgent Is this egg okay?

    My lovebird 2 years old and a half, just had an egg 2-3days ago. Currently, its stomach is still soft a swollen is this normal for the 2nd egg? Currently this is the 2-3 days swollen state. There are no vet to help in here...
  8. Bre.bee

    Heater safe for lovie ?

    Hello! I have a sweet lovebird that is new to our family, we are in an old apartment where the heating isn’t good. We need to use other sources to take the chill off the room, I am aware of harmful PTFE chemicals and Teflon to avoid and looking for advice ! Are Dyson hot + cool Fan air purifier...
  9. S

    Rehoming my birds (lovebird/GCC) Aus QLD

    I'm trying my luck, I know this page is predominantly American based and I am in Australia. But I want to find the most places I can. Roach is a 3 (I believe) year old Green cheek Conure. He's a very loving, funny and spunky little green guy. And God I love him with all my heart...
  10. S

    In need of lovebird mutation expert!

    Hey everyone! I just picked up this little lovie from a family who is moving away, and I was curious if A: he is a black masked or b.m. x fischers hybrid, and B: if he is a black masked is he a heavy pied cobalt? I'm no expert but I do have lovebird experience, however I've never seen...
  11. Bre.bee

    New lovebird! Need advice/opinions

    Hello ! I am new here, and super excited to have my new lovebird join our home on sept 16 2024 ! Powder has been getting use to us about a month now and starting to play with toys, still eating, drinking and spending time with us. We have noticed that Powder sneezes at times and sometimes has...
  12. ktluvszoe

    Looking for office chair suggestions, poop proof material

    Hi all, Haven't been on in a while, hope all the birdies are doing well! I'm officially working from home permanently and wanted to upgrade my set up. What do those who have flighted birds in their office space think of mesh vs leather chairs? Looking for insight re: material, cleaning, comfort...
  13. H

    Urgent Stunted baby lovebird/baby lovebird not gaining weight. Urgent help!

    I have a pair of lovebirds who laid a clutch of 5 eggs, and all five were abandoned. Two of them were fertile and one was stillborn. The other hatched after a few days in my incubator. I bought formula online and she seemed to be growing well until recently. Turns out the formula I got was fake...
  14. PippinDad

    Keeping a flightless baby safe

    Hey all! I need some advice for how to keep a heavily-clipped bird who was once flighted safe as they explore. My lovie, Pippin, was originally found outside in a hedge. The lovely vet at the emergency clinic Pippin went to took very good care of them, but also did a…not-great job at clipping...
  15. H

    Help with identifying mutation

    I can’t seem do figure out what mutation he might be? He’s only 1 month so I know his “true mutation” will come out when he goes through his first molt but can any of you guys guess what mutation he might be? I’m guessing orange face and maybe pied (considering his tail feathers) but I might be...
  16. KiwiTheLov

    My lovebird does not want to step or go near the palm of my hand.

    I've had my lovebird for almost a month now, and everyday I give him millet from my pinched hand, and he takes it. But whenever I try to give him millet from the palm or the back of my hand, he just seems to ignore it and doesn't come near. What should I do? I feel stuck and don't know what the...
  17. S

    New lovebirds situation

    hi this might be a long story but basically i picked up a new blue grey lovebird that flew to my window i have no knowledge of its gender or age i just assume its a girl i somehow found the owner she told me it grew up with a partner and was willingly to give me the seperated partner however the...
  18. KiwiTheLov

    Tips on how to get my bird to eat out of my hand?

    I have had my lovebird for more than 2 weeks now, and he is able to eat millet from my hand a couple inches away. But whenever I try to offer him millet from the palm of my hand he looks interested, but scared to move. I've been trying everyday in and out of his cage but he won't come that...
  19. KiwiTheLov

    Why does my bird keep on chirping?

    Whenever I'm not paying attention to my bird while we're in the same room he always starts squeaking and chirping. Same thing goes for when I leave the room and I'm not there. I'm not sure if he's happy or he just wants some attention?
  20. KiwiTheLov

    Is my birds diet okay?

    I want to give my lovebird the best I can, so I wanted to double check and ask if the diet my pet store told me to give my lovebird is okay. I give him oat groats, hemp seeds, and a mix of pellets and seeds. Of course I can separate the pellets from the seeds since I have a whole bag of them...