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Emery boards are generally made of some type of cardboard, glue and grains of sand.
They are basically made out of the exact same stuff that uneducated or inexperienced bird owners place over their horrible dowel perches. Sandpaper covers for perches used to be terribly common when I was a kid and most people used them- birds would chew them all the time but the biggest danger they posed were for the birds feet as not an awful lot of birds suffer from pica so any sand, glue and paper ingested was generally minimal.
They are basically made out of the exact same stuff that uneducated or inexperienced bird owners place over their horrible dowel perches. Sandpaper covers for perches used to be terribly common when I was a kid and most people used them- birds would chew them all the time but the biggest danger they posed were for the birds feet as not an awful lot of birds suffer from pica so any sand, glue and paper ingested was generally minimal.