Hi there! Thank you so much to everyone who compiled all of the info here! I checked every reply on this post just in case, but no luck!
I have a rose breasted cockatoo born in April 2010 with a closed silver leg band "GW FL ###" I know that FL is Florida, and that the 3 number digits are just her individual ID for that breeder, but have had no luck with the GW. It does not seem to be the GW in the original post, because of the band color and because that breeder is in North Carolina. I would really be interested in her background because she is a DNA verified female (and not a mistake, because she did lay an egg once), but her irises never turned pink. They aren't even brown. They are grey/green and I have never seen another RB2 with that eye color. I even contacted a breeder in Australia to see if they had, and the World Parrot Trust and Paradise Park both shared her photo on Facebook, but after thousands of likes, comments, and shares... no mention of a similar eye color. It was suggested that perhaps she is a hybrid, but if that's even the case I would assume it was a cockatiel and far back in her line, because she definitely looks like a rose breasted lol. The australian breeder said she was small compared to RBs over there, but she is not underweight. I have never seen another one in person so I can't comment on her size comparison, but she is the same size as my Goffin's. Just an interesting anomaly!
I also have a goffin's cockatoo born in May 2009, closed silver band "JAN D ###" ... I almost got excited earlier when reading, but those replies mentioned a "JAN G" breeder.
Thank you for any help!!