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41 days


Rollerblading along the road
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Thanks @Dona they are my family.

I´ve always thought of myself as a dog person. I´ve always had dogs around me, and never thought that there could be a day where I won´t have a dog in my family.
But over the years with my birds, I´ve have changed how I am labelling myself. I know that when the dreaded day comes and I lose my beloved Jacob, it will destroy me. And I can´t imagine bringing another dog into my home. I just don´t see it happening. I feel like, that will be when my life shifts, and I will probably only ever have birds in my home. ❤
I grew up with a collie, Lassie, that was the loveliest dog. My sister and I taught her many tricks and showered her with attention. It was the no leash time so she was free to run and follow her girls wherever we went. But as a young teen we went to Parrot Jungle places in Florida on vacation and I dreamed of having a parrot. When I graduated from college and moved into an apartment my Dad said he would buy me a parrot. We shopped and picked out a wild caught Lilac Crown Amazon that I named Holly and I've been a bird person ever since. My daughter has dogs (Husky Shepherd mix and Great Pyrenees puppy) so I can still get my dog fix.

My mom's best friend when I was a child had a red Chow that I loved. Jacob is gorgeous.


Ripping up the road
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Erie PA
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Bob Weisman
Thanks guys, he´s the sweetest... I Know we all say that about all of our birds hehe
...yes, we do say that about all of our birds. ;)

...but those big, beautiful, expressive eyes...they can melt the hardest of hearts...:yes3:


Rollerblading along the road
However it happened @Zara yoi’ve shown compassion that good breeders are made from. It’s sad that your babies are considered worthless over there. Any animal, whether we particularly like them or not, served a good home &’someone to take care of them until they find it. :D


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Any animal, whether we particularly like them or not, served a good home &’someone to take care of them until they find it. :D
Agreed! No living being deserves a bad life or to be unwanted. ❤


Ripping up the road
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He is so darn pretty. Love that grey color but I admit I am a bit concerned why he is so small at 6 weeks old. He should be flying around. If you are handfeeding him you may need to thicken up his formula and offer more per feeding if he will take it.

Is he beginning to nibble on foods?


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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He is so darn pretty. Love that grey color but I admit I am a bit concerned why he is so small at 6 weeks old. He should be flying around. If you are handfeeding him you may need to thicken up his formula and offer more per feeding if he will take it.

Is he beginning to nibble on foods?
He´s been the smallest from a few days old. I could see the other 3 growing healthily. And the difference was becoming more apparent everyday.
On day 5, his parents stopped feeding him, I have fed him since. So he got formula as opposed to regurgitation like his brothers from a young age.
If he cries and has an empty crop he gets fed. I have dropped everything in my life since the chicks hatched, and I´ve spent my days sitting at home waiting for Adelies crop to empty so I can feed him. He´s never been hungry. So I think it is just one of those things. I haven´t introduced any solids yet as he´s only recently got his feathers. He´s eating 4 times a day atm
His formula is the correct consistency and he eats really well. He will take formula til his crop is full.
He is the youngest. Eldest 2 were hatched on 20 dec they are now almost weaned (they have one small formula feed at night) and flying. next was hatched 21 dec, and adelie on 22 dec


Ripping up the road
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Sounds like you know what to do. My only suggestion is that you can try and encourage him to eat when his crop is only 1/4 full (doesn't need to be completely empty except that first feeding at 6am), and increase feedings to 5 times a day if he will take it, or more. May need to up the formula consistency too. A lot of times babies do not grow fast when the formula is too thin, or the batch of formula is expired or something is wrong with it.

Good luck! He is definitely one beautiful and cutie baby! I have always LOVED the black lovebirds and those slate grey-dark grey lovebird mutations. They are so darn pretty. And lovebirds are such sweet pies. Especially the males (less nippy than a female is when hormonal, lol).


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Sounds like you know what to do. My only suggestion is that you can try and encourage him to eat when his crop is only 1/4 full (doesn't need to be completely empty except that first feeding at 6am), and increase feedings to 5 times a day if he will take it, or more. May need to up the formula consistency too. A lot of times babies do not grow fast when the formula is too thin, or the batch of formula is expired or something is wrong with it.

Good luck! He is definitely one beautiful and cutie baby! I have always LOVED the black lovebirds and those slate grey-dark grey lovebird mutations. They are so darn pretty. And lovebirds are such sweet pies. Especially the males (less nippy than a female is when hormonal, lol).

The other day we did 5 feeds. He did have a little in his crop but was crying and not the ¨i´m going to sleep¨sort of crying. I had made a thinner consistency way back when I first started feeding him, which was a first for me as I have only fed chicks as young as 22 days. I´m feeding him Nutribird A21 which I bought on 29/Jan it expires 09/2019 .

He´s edge dilute, like his brother from prev. clutch Nube. The 4 chicks from this clutch were an exact copy of my Blue Team: one like dad, one like mum, one like one brother and one like the other brother. Spooky.

I like the slate mutation, very interesting. I have only seen one out here in a pet shop once.


Jogging around the block
Avenue Veteran
I grew up with a collie, Lassie, that was the loveliest dog. My sister and I taught her many tricks and showered her with attention. It was the no leash time so she was free to run and follow her girls wherever we went. But as a young teen we went to Parrot Jungle places in Florida on vacation and I dreamed of having a parrot. When I graduated from college and moved into an apartment my Dad said he would buy me a parrot. We shopped and picked out a wild caught Lilac Crown Amazon that I named Holly and I've been a bird person ever since. My daughter has dogs (Husky Shepherd mix and Great Pyrenees puppy) so I can still get my dog fix.

My mom's best friend when I was a child had a red Chow that I loved. Jacob is gorgeous.
My first dog was a collie, husky, chow mix. We got him when I was 15. He had the extreme emotional intelligence of the collie, free running spirit and love of snow of the husky and intense loyalty to family and aloofness to strangers of the Chow. Amazing mix!



Rollerblading along the road
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My first dog was a collie, husky, chow mix. We got him when I was 15. He had the extreme emotional intelligence of the collie, free running spirit and love of snow of the husky and intense loyalty to family and aloofness to strangers of the Chow. Amazing mix!
Great mix and so pretty!


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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But as a young teen we went to Parrot Jungle places in Florida on vacation and I dreamed of having a parrot. When I graduated from college and moved into an apartment my Dad said he would buy me a parrot.
Sorry, I missed this earlier :(

I never had anyone around me that had a bird. My great gran used to have as budgie long before I was born. So I was never shown birds. Maybe if I had, I would have had a bird sooner.
I remember visiting Spain when I was 20 (about 6 months before I moved out here) and I said to my mum, I´d like to live here and have a nice little bird like that, pointing to a canary a man had in his clothes shop. Funny how it all worked out!

@MnGuy That´s a beautiful looking dog!!


Rollerblading along the road
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Sorry, I missed this earlier :(

I never had anyone around me that had a bird. My great gran used to have as budgie long before I was born. So I was never shown birds. Maybe if I had, I would have had a bird sooner.
I remember visiting Spain when I was 20 (about 6 months before I moved out here) and I said to my mum, I´d like to live here and have a nice little bird like that, pointing to a canary a man had in his clothes shop. Funny how it all worked out!
Yes, exposure could have won you over sooner! After I got my first bird, many of my friends went on to have birds too.


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Yes, exposure could have won you over sooner! After I got my first bird, many of my friends went on to have birds too.
Maybe :)
And yes, you saw i gifted 2 birds to a friend of mine :D Spreading the love of birds - and she is head over heals in love with them!


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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I cut back posting pics of the chicks this time on social media after my issues with facebook last time flagging me for posting ¨porno pics¨... :(
Never let anyone on Facebook make you feel bad. Most member doesn't have a descent life so they have to pick on someone and have no idea how it is to be nice to each other.

And I'm sorry to say that all here only commenting your bird, (Yes he is adorable, but we already know that!) but so are you!
You are beautiful (don't worry, I'm hetero :p) in a natural way.
Nice and not to much makeup, and I love your smile! ♥
Perhaps other members here are blind, or don't dare to tell you how beautiful you are.
I will never be ashamed to saying what I see, and I hope that some of my comments makes people happy. (and not to much embarrassing)

@Zara what can I say, you were posting photos of naked chicks!


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Never let anyone on Facebook make you feel bad. Most member doesn't have a descent life so they have to pick on someone and have no idea how it is to be nice to each other.

And I'm sorry to say that all here only commenting your bird, (Yes he is adorable, but we already know that!) but so are you!
You are beautiful (don't worry, I'm hetero :p) in a natural way.
Nice and not to much makeup, and I love your smile! ♥
Perhaps other members here are blind, or don't dare to tell you how beautiful you are.
I will never be ashamed to saying what I see, and I hope that some of my comments makes people happy. (and not to much embarrassing)

Awww That´s very sweet of you to say :) I don´t like wearing too much makeup because it´s hot here, and also, it gets the birds messy :)

My issue with facebook wasn´t the members, it was facebook. They blocked my posts and froze it all while they investigated :/ My friends said that maybe someone reported me. I don´t know what happened.


Ripping up the road
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Erie PA
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Bob Weisman
My issue with facebook wasn´t the members, it was facebook.
FB is having a lot of trouble lately, with a myriad of issues. I personally don't use it, but that's just me.
And I'm sorry to say that all here only commenting your bird, (Yes he is adorable, but we already know that!) but so are you!
..agreed! In this reality, guys have to be very careful saying things like that...posts can be easily taken out of context for any reason at all...:)


Rollerblading along the road
Someone had to have reported you to FB. The pics are not offensive or anything else but you get some goody two shoes who thinks it’s animal abuse and bam they report you because they are stupid. I have FB but it’s limited to friends and family only. It’s a way to keep in touch with pics & posts without needing to call or text all of the time. Other than that I keep it locked tight. Sux but you can’t trust people as well as you used to. You get one random jerk who feels like they are super people monitor and blah! They need to focus more on things like Craig’s List IMO :(