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lovebird aggression

  1. S

    New lovebirds situation

    hi this might be a long story but basically i picked up a new blue grey lovebird that flew to my window i have no knowledge of its gender or age i just assume its a girl i somehow found the owner she told me it grew up with a partner and was willingly to give me the seperated partner however the...
  2. Aya&Ponzu

    A little help please! (Lovebirds)

    So this has been an ongoing problem with my lovebird pair. Basically, I have a female and a male (not sure about this, but most likely) and the female is more brave in terms of exploring new areas/people and she doesn’t get scared very easily. Whereas my male does. And so since around September...
  3. Luvbirds

    Baby Lovebird getting attacted by mama??!!

    Hey y'all, My babies grew up!! but quick question, babies are now close to 2 months of age and the mama is attacking Rios feet only but NOT Piccolo??? Is there a reason why? I see Rio lonely and the mama doesn't really want him near her. Any advice, explaination or suggestions are very much...
  4. Aya&Ponzu

    Happy hut: yes or no?

    I have two lovebirds but one particulary, seems very attached to it. Whenever I try to take it out to clean it, she becomes immediately aggressive and starts biting me hard until I leave it, and trust me I don't wanna leave it in but I'm sure fellow lovebird owners know how painful a bite can be...
  5. Aya&Ponzu

    My lovebird is now aggressive??

    I've had Ponzu and Aya for about 3 months now (they're both about 7 months old) and I was recently surprised by the sudden change in Aya's behavior. Aya is a female presumably and all of a sudden, when I take her out of her cage, she flies to my shoulder and lands there and instead of just...
  6. Melophile

    Separated lovebirds/only let one out with the other in its cage after biting me

    So, I have two bonded female lovebirds who have been acting a bit more aggressive lately (I think they're hormonal). Every day I let them out for about 2-3 hours. They like to cuddle but have a tendency of biting any exposed skin. I'll tell them "no" and "stop" if they bite, but let them crawl...
  7. Aya&Ponzu

    Hi! New here but a quick question about my two lovebirds...

    Hi! Just recently got two lovebirds, Ayataka and Ponzu. (Both around 4 months) I got Aya around 2 weeks before Ponzu (just coming up to a week with ponzu) and they both seem pretty relaxed and happy in their new home. Then took them to an avian vet and after they were both cleared of any...
  8. H

    Lovebird only attacks my fingers

    Hi guys, I having trouble with petting my lovebird. I used to give him scratches on the neck and head, but lately he’s been avoiding my fingers. Whenever I try to touch him, he bites or fly away. But he has no problem landing on my palm or with kisses. What should I do? I really enjoy petting...
  9. S

    Handling issues

    Hi all! My peach faced baby is nearly 6 months old. When we got him at 3 months he was supposed to be hand-raised but the breeder really struggled to catch him and it was obvious he hadn’t been handled at all. (I say he but we have no clue as of yet) We’ve been attempting to tame him and I think...
  10. ktluvszoe

    Mixed dog/bird home safety?

    Hi, I notice that some of you seem to have birds and dogs. Wondering how you manage to get peace for the two? Currently I live at home with my parents and expect to for at least the next 2 years. We used to only have my lovebird and she got lots of out of cage time, but my grandmother recently...
  11. S

    Aggressive Lovebird

    Hello everyone, I have a 9 month female lovebird who has progressively gotten more and more aggressive and bitey over the 3 months I’ve had her. I’ve tried to work on trying to get her to step up but she bites my finger or does these weird head movements which to me seem like a sign to step away...
  12. Celery

    My lovebird bites me after i got him a partner.

    More then a week ago i got a lovebird and called him kermit. Because im still busy i got him a friend yesterday and a few hiurs after when i come near the cage he bites me or starts to be aggressive how do i have him stop and rebond with him?
  13. tezz

    A few concerns

    Hey! First time poster on this forum so sorry if this is in the wrong section. So I have a lovely little lovebird called Levi. I'm not sure if Levi's a male or a female as I haven't had him sexed yet but I default to calling him a he. I got him from a well known breeder in my area. When I got...
  14. M

    Are my lovebirds compatible ?

    Hey guys so long story .. I have had my lovebird Mushu since March . He was given to me by my mother in law who had a pair. she received them from a friend who Apparently did not want them anymore ( not sure of their genders by the way)..While these two were together Mushu always got the worse...
  15. Newbie1000

    New bird advice? :)

    Hi everyone!! I’m looking for any advice you guys could give me! I just received a beautiful Fischer’s lovebird yesterday and although I’ve done some research, I’m still a bit lost on how to give him the best life possible. To start, this little guy is a few years old, I’m not sure how old (the...
  16. Dextine

    They think I'm their mate!

    Hey guys, I own two male lovebirds. They are on a pellet and seed diet and I try to get them used to veggies. They have a very big cage and lots of toys they enjoy. They get 12 hours darkness. I've noticed that if I using a baby voice to talk to them is a hormonal trigger and I am now avoiding...
  17. Nicole & Leo

    Question About Birds and Schedules

    Hello! This is my first post to Avian Avenue (Yay!). My fiancé and I have a two year old Lovebird named Leo. He's got a huge personality for such a little guy! He lives in a very large enclosure, as we wanted to allow him some flying space when we are at work during the day. He also has many...
  18. W

    Love Bird Attacks

    My girlfriend and I have been dating for about 8 months now and she has had her lovebird for almost a year. She is a female lovebird and for a while really took a liking to me. The first time she bit me it wasn't very hard but it was enough for me to shake her off. Since the day she bit me, she...
  19. Tahlee

    Rescue Lovebird

    I have a fischer's lovebird named Bria who I rescued last November. (I have no idea it's age or gender but I just call it a she) She flew into a spiders web in my yard and I eventually caught her. I looked for her owners for months and no one came forward so she now has a loving, forever home...