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Are my lovebirds compatible ?


Strolling the yard
Real Name
Jenny A
Hey guys so long story .. I have had my lovebird Mushu since March . He was given to me by my mother in law who had a pair. she received them from a friend who Apparently did not want them anymore ( not sure of their genders by the way)..While these two were together Mushu always got the worse end of the relationship and I noticed he had hair missing on his head from the other lovebird picking at his head. But I’m not too sure if this is just bickering behavior or consistent since I don’t live with them I was not always around to see. Since I’ve had him, his feathers have grown back on his head. Long story short, My mother in law gave me Mushu and gave Mushus previous pair to her Elderly mother .well now we are in June and her mother was unable to care for said lovebird and she gave him to me . Now this is the problem .. I’m not sure if these two should be together . As of now I have Mushu in his cage and the other lovebird in another cage. I do not know how long they were together before being rehomed.I guess what I would like to know is
1.how do I go about reintroducing them?and should I ?
2. what behaviors / should I keep a look out for to know if these 2 actually get along Or dislike each other.
3. Should i keep them sleeping in the same room together with cages close by.
I do not want to put Mushu in an uncomfortable position and want him to chose who he wants to share his space with so is there any advice anyone could offer me ? I really don’t want to do something to upset Mushu or his previous pair. Not much clear info was given to me about that .
The first photo is Mushu . His beak was very messed up when I adopted him and it is now growing out but it was pretty cracked up which I assumed was from fighting
But I do not know much about bird behavior to know
For sure if this was the cause.



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♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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1.how do I go about reintroducing them?and should I ?
In a neutral space out of their cages. And yes you should, going off the video you recently posted.

2. what behaviors / should I keep a look out for to know if these 2 actually get along Or dislike each other.
Getting along well would be preening each other, maybe one feeding the other, sitting on a perch side by side in that classic lovebird way, sleeping next to each other. Flying together, landing in the same place without one chasing away the other. No signs of aggression.
Agression in lovebirds is quite clear, consisting of lunging, biting, charging, open beak while leaning towards the other, hissing/clicky noises, fluffed up (quite a lot).
3. Should i keep them sleeping in the same room together with cages close by.
How are they housed now? If they are in the same room, leave them as they are. You can move the cages slowly closer as time goes on and each days is a positive interaction between the birds out of their cages.

Not much clear info was given to me about that .
Take everything they tell you with a pinch of salt. Focus on what you are seeing now with your own eyes :)

Worth noting, Fischeri are more a more nippier lovebird but there is a big difference in nipping and biting.

Some photos of a fluffed up angry lovebird,
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Strolling the yard
Real Name
Jenny A
I put them in the same cage today and see both behaviors often . One minute they are snuggling next to each other feeding each other and next minute Mushu is Biting at his friends toes. At first, he did not want the other at the top of his cage but throughout the day he has allowed him up and they are getting along well. I am going to assume the other is a girl because she is exhibiting nesting behavior ( correct me if I’m wrong, but She is shredding the bedding and placing it in her feathers. Mushu is expanding his wings as if he is going to get on top of her.


Strolling the yard
Real Name
Jenny A
Hi everyone, a while ago I was questioning weather my lovebirds were compatible or not and their genders as well. well, Mushu is for sure a female, I discovered an egg today and I need to know how to prepare for this? Such as what foods my birds need to eat to So the babies get all the nutrients (if the eggs are even fertile). What I can do to keep them comfortable? If I should separate mom and dad for now ? So far there is only one egg.



♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Take the egg, place it in boiling water for a few minutes, let it cool down then put it back in the nest.

Don´t separate the birds unless they are fighting (usually the hens are the ones that start the fighting, but agressive males is not unheard of).

Expect eggs every two days. As they are laid repeat the boil, replacing them all in their box.
If your hen gets in there all comfy and starts brooding, count 21 days from the date she starts and as you get to that date, start to throw her off brooding (by rearranging the cage, moving the cage, adding new toys or a new foraging opportunity etc). If she abandons the nest before the 21 days, even better. Once she leaves the nest, remove the box. If 21 days pass, you can keep trying for a couple of days to get her to abandon before just removing the box.

Be sure she is getting a calcium boost right now. Pellets, carrots, bok choy, brocolli, a little dill. You can even offer a small smidge of boiled egg.

If she broods, try to coax her out for a flight, even of just a short one. She will likely return to the box after just 10 minutes, but you can offer her some time out a few times a day. I set up millet and nesting materials on my little play park. It is only a metre and a half away from the cages but it makes the girls fly to it to pick up treats, nesting material and take it back to the nest. As your birds are Fischeri, you have the advantage that they carry stuff in their beaks so will have to make various journeys if they want more as opposed to my girls who fill up a rump full and usaully don´t come back.


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Before I go to bed and forget, Is this box internal or external? The photo makes me think it is internal. I would highly recommend to fix it to the exterior of the cage. You may need someone to help you (one fixes the box, the other entertains the birds).
With an external box, you will be able to slide a piece of card or thin plastic between the cage and the box to block the door way and keep the birds out of the box while you are in there.


Strolling the yard
Real Name
Jenny A
Thank you ! and Yes it’s Internal, can you provide me with a picture of how it should look and instructions as well?


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Yes it’s Internal
Ah, be sure to move it. It makes the whole process of getting in the nest and switching out eggs a lot easier, less stressful, and removes the chance of bites.

can you provide me with a picture of how it should look and instructions as well?
I will look in my old photos, I think I have a picture of one of my girls on her box. I have since stopped giving her the box because I found it easier to get her to abandon the nest when there was no box. She currently has 3 eggs on the cage floor in the corner on some shredded paper.


Strolling the yard
Real Name
Jenny A
Also I am having trouble getting her back in her cage. She refuses and bites when I try. Could it be she is not feeling well?


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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OK so the picture I had in mind is not the clearest.
This is Aldoras box (dummy egg clutch), the feeder doors are low so unfortunately the box goes low but she doesn't seem to mind.

Here you can see from the inside what the box is like,
This was in my nursery cage for a chick I was raising,
Can you see the little L screw in the top corner? One in each top corner and it will hook on.

Be sure your box is secure closed (band around screws it it is a lift up lid rather than slidy lid) you can see the band in the top picture. I also had a slidy one, I preferred the band closure.

When you want to go in, slide something thin and strong between the cage and the box to cover the hole and block the birds out.


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Blocked door;

Though I find it easier to get the girls off nests with no box, I have to admit, I love the box for being able to switch eggs with ease.