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  1. F

    Hello! Ready to finally get my new companions

    I've been doing research on parrots for years. My heart has settled on a Mexican Red Headed Amazon and a yellow sided green cheek conure. Next week is a big day for me. My potential babies will select me next week. I can financially afford them both. I know this is an unlikely pair. The...
  2. StygianEchoes

    Any Trusted Etsy Sellers?

    Hello all! Haven’t commented on here in a while but I find myself in need of some advice. I already am aware of the trusted sites to buy bird toys from on here and have checked them out, but certain sellers on Etsy have great deals on perch bundles that are a tiny bit cheaper. I was just...
  3. Starlo&Bee

    Advice for starling? :P

    I found and raised a week old starling and I've been raising him since before his eyes opened, and I can't find to much detail about starlings other then they are pests. I've been feeding him primarily worms, but once or twice a day depending on poop colours and stuff there's a mix of egg...
  4. S

    Recently got a breeder lovebird and looking for advice

    Hi! To start off, I recently just got a lovebird from a breeder who didn't want him anymore, it's a male and supposedly he killed his mate therefore the owner handed him over. He's skittish of people, he's a bit aggressive towards my other birds and he starts to chirp loudly every hour (I don't...
  5. startuna

    Found out that my "male" tiel is a female.

    So long story short, I bought Kenny at a Petco because the nearest breeder is 3-4 hours away and my car is falling apart. Besides that, lol Petco told me that Kenny is a male, and I specifically wanted a male, so I didn't have to deal with egg binding. 4-5 months passed after I bought Kenny, and...
  6. S


    ( posted this to a wild bird forum on accident <\3 )okay so . about a year ago me and my mom rescued a peach-faced lovebird that was a baby, it couldn't have been more than a few weeks old (was still grey w/o all his colorful feathers) and we got him checked out and he didnt have any diseases or...
  7. M

    I just bought a neglected cockatiel.

    Hi! I bought a cockatiel in a market, they usually sell them without care and basically mistreats them… they come in miserable conditions. I got my bird, she has 2 new scratched both located underneath her wing. She’s only 5 months old, I’m slowly bonding with her, yet she still is startled of...
  8. Aikofurr

    Bird biting (help!)

    So we've had our lovie for a couple months now, he/she is 1 year old now. So he/she is never one to bite. Even when picking up or doing very stressful things he/she would never bite or act aggressive. He/she is getting more tame. He/she will happily come onto your finger and allow with...
  9. T

    Urgent My bird is sneezing but no discharge

    Hi, I’m new here snd this is my first post. I have a 2 month old parrotlet named Tweety. I handfed him ever since he was 3-4 weeks old. This post is gonna be a long one but I’d appreciate reassurance and advice thank you so much! Now that I think of it he’s always gone through phases where he...
  10. KiwiPo


    Idk how to upload videos on here but we noticed that for his age of a little over 7 weeks he is a great flyer! Here is a link to my Instagram story! I’m on private but if you can’t view my story I will put it to public for a couple hours...
  11. KiwiPo

    When Should I Start Introducing Pellets to my Baby Conure?

    He is roughly 5-6weeks old and we have had him for 3 days now. He is extremely tamed and is VERY food motivated. He just got done with liquid feedings and was fed seeds and soft grain/veggie mixture. When should I start introducing pellets? I was recommended and have bought a large bag of...
  12. Bbybleu


    HELP (Update): bleu (my older budgie I’ve had for a year now) is obsessed with the new young bird I bought. They are both males although I’m not sure the young one is 100% a male. The new young one does not like bleu because bleu is bothering him. Bleu keeps putting his foot on him and giving...
  13. Erwreckahh

    Help on Budgies!

    Hello! Im brand new to having little budgies, tiko and momo. They were a bonded pair but came from an abusive owner before, and surrendered them very quickly since they're still babies. Anyway, Tiko and momo get along well but when it comes to feeding or one getting treats they absolutely attack...
  14. Grigals

    What are your conures favourite treats??

    Hi everyone!! I'm new here, thanks to everyone who said hello i feel very welcome here:) Ive been having a tough time finding a treat/training food my GCC is interested in. I've tried giving him different kinds of nuts(almonds, cashews, walnuts, pine nuts), seeds(sunflower seeds, safflower...
  15. Lothetiel

    Wing madness

    So a little while ago my cockatiel hurt his wing, we took him to the vet and they said he might’ve torn some soft tissue but it wasn’t anything to be worried about, they gave us some pain meds and after about day 5 of pain meds he seemed completely fine. Well every once in awhile the same wing...
  16. L

    Tips on new lovebird (please help)

    Hi, I adopted a female masked lovebird 2 weeks ago. She is 3 months old and so far very unfriendly; the few times I've tried to approach her she runs away or tries to bite me. I decided to give her a while to adjust to a new setting before attempting anything further. She is also very loud and...
  17. P

    Sudden Change

    I just adopted a young conure (still learning to "step up". Hes been extremely friendly, loves attention, and is always wanting to be pet and scratched under the beak. Hes never been shy or skittish and in fact cries out if I leave the room for too long. Well I had an emergency after work the...
  18. H

    Urgent Please I need info asap, might have a concussion

    I was letting my cockatiel rest in his cage for a bit with his cage door open when all of the sudden something spooked him (I have no clue what it was) he flew out of his cage at full speed and was yelling while doing so he hit the wall and fell to the ground with his crest up running around. I...
  19. xBirdLover97

    Canary Winged Parakeet/Bee-Bee Parrot - Need Some Advice & Help**

    ( I'm sorry if I put this thread in the wrong category. I'm really new here ^_^') Hello I'm xBirdLover97. I purchased a Bee Bee Parrot about 5 months ago, and he's starting to act up, he's about a year old. I'm not sure what may be causing this because I am kinda new to this whole owning a...