The new budgie! Coming on August 22nd!
(He's still being handfed) Photo:
Some Questions I have:
1. Do I need to quarentine it? (He's from the same store as Kiwi)
2. What do I do if it's a female?
3. How soon should I introduce Kiwi and Newbie? (I will call it Newbie until we choose a name)
4. Any name sugestions? (leaning towards: Blizzard, Slate, Blue Raspberry)
(He's still being handfed) Photo:

Some Questions I have:
1. Do I need to quarentine it? (He's from the same store as Kiwi)
2. What do I do if it's a female?
3. How soon should I introduce Kiwi and Newbie? (I will call it Newbie until we choose a name)
4. Any name sugestions? (leaning towards: Blizzard, Slate, Blue Raspberry)