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Moving in
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Kaylan Floyd

i rescued a 5 year old female cockatiel named willie, shes pretty much been left in a cage her whole life. She’s absolutely petrified of people and hands, if I come to the cage she will move to the far side. She will eat millet from my hand if I approach her slowly. I don’t know what happened to her that made her so scared but she hisses and lunges if I get too close. I’ve never owned a bird before so I don’t really know what I’m doing. I’ve had her for 2 weeks now and she’s too scared to come out of her cage still. I read to her all the time because I’m a student and Always studying but she’s not used to me. Also, she screams, like loud. Is that because she’sstressed?

Is there anyway that her and I are going to be buddies or am I too late? Is the damage already done or can I tame her?



Rollerblading along the road
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Thank you for rescuing this gorgeous girl! From the looks of it she's being well and truly spoilt :heart2:

My tiels (especially my grey, Jeff) was terrified of me for a good month! He wouldn't even accept millet from me. This was just because he was an aviary bird, and the breeder didn't have much personal contact with them. Still today (1.5 years on) he doesn't particularly "trust" me 100%, but occasionally he'll hop onto my hand for millet.

Some birds just need weeks, months and even years before they can trust their owners. But you can still have a hands-off relationship with her. I talk and sing to my birds, and they chirp and chatter back, they fly around the room, I make them toys and hang out near their cage. There's no rush :)


Ripping up the road
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She's beautiful. Thank you for helping her. Two weeks is a really short period of time. It can take months for a bird to settle in but it sounds like you are doing the right things. :) And yes, you can still develop a bond and tame her. Where is her cage located? Birds feel more secure against a wall. If she's still really nervous, you can try covering her cage on three sides, leaving the front open, for a few days so she doesn't have to be on alert for danger from 4 sides. Also, when she's alone, do you play music for her or leave a TV on? Silence during the day can be scary for a bird. Also, cockatiels are prone to night frights. I always leave a night light on for mine at night.


Sprinting down the street
Somewhere over the rainbow
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Give her some time to adjust. Also whenever you walk by the cage drop her favorite treat in it while she’s looking so she can associate your hands with food and good things.You can also do what your doing with her now Feeding millet from your hand.