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  1. Patsy

    The Vet diagnosed Harry my cockatiel with irregular heartbeat arrhythmia)

    Harry is 17 years old. I took him to an Avian vet in June because he started breathing with his mouth opened. The vet listened to his heart and right away he told me Harry has an irregular heartbeat (Arrhythmia). He wants to do X-rays of Harry’s Heart. In the same breath he said Harry may not...
  2. N

    Cockatiel laying back to back clutches

    Hi everyone, I have a cockatiel who is almost 5 (we think), according to her previous owners we got her when she was 1. about 2.5 years ago she laid her first clutch of eggs, about 5 eggs. She would lay them once a year, then twice a year, but most recently has laid 3 back to back clutches of 5...
  3. P


    hi guys!! It's been about a week with my new cockatiel. he's the sweetest ever! i was just wondering one thing, what do these sounds mean? 20240705_184049.mp4 he's only 2 and a half months, already very clingy and screams when i leave the room lol. do these sounds mean anything or is he just...
  4. Mags0104

    Concerns with VEG

    Hi all! This is my very first post (yay)!! (Original post in Emergency Highway Thread). Unfortunately, it is because I am at my wits end and am engulfed with concern for my sweet girl, Scooter (cockatiel, 10 months). We are new bird owners, and I mostly want to shed some light on some...
  5. C

    Urgent Urgent Bird aspirating medicine

    hello everyone. I was suggested by my vet to administer doxycycline as my flock has been sneezing a bit which shows signs of Psittacosis. They had been on a course of this over summer which helped but they got a yeast infection from the doxy messing with their stomach bacteria and they showed...
  6. H


    So my cockatiel has a toy with paper just wanna know if its safe that hes chewing and swallowing it he seems happy playing with it ive had him for 2 days ill attach a pic of the toy
  7. C

    Weird Cockatiel behaviour, staying in same spot all day?

    Hey everyone some info I suppose before we start, 2 weeks ago my cockatiels one of them Obee, started presenting with vomiting alarmed I took him to the vet who did a fecal and crop test and he had a bacterial infection and low numbers of thrush likely due to the fact they were all on...
  8. P

    Feeding advice

    hello everyone!!!! I still have not gotten my cockatiel, but I have some questions about feeding; how much pellets should be fed per day? (preferably in tbs/tps.) I have Roudybush crumble food. should I add a seed mixture to the bowl too? how much seeds per day is a healthy amount? and should...
  9. D

    PDD and Dio's symptoms (under a year old cockatiel)

    Hi all so we just currently had a diagnosis of PDD with fluoroscopy. I am posting here and will update it with Dio's symptoms before and after diagnosis in hopes that it will help other people understand their own unknown sickness. More in depth info on her living is going in cockatiel corner as...
  10. P

    New buddy advice?

    hello, everyone! this is my first post on this forum as i'm getting myself a new cockatiel friend this sunday. i am a first time bird owner, and while i am aware cockatiels are not recommended for beginners, i've owned rats, guinea pigs, dogs, etc. i believe i can handle it, and over the past...
  11. DosBirdies

    Thank you for the welcome

    Hello everyone I have to cockatiels, one is 23 1/2 and the other is 22. we have lived in California upstate New York and now live Salem Massachusetts. we have had health challenges over the past few years, they are both on tramadol and gabapentin and sometimes meloxicam. Jack gets despises...
  12. M

    Cockatiel consistently blocked nose

    I have a 5 year old cockatiel who lives with 3 other cockatiels in the same cage and 2 galahs in a different home in the same room. For most of his life, he’s consistently build up blockage in his nostrils that needs clearing every few weeks to few months when it starts impacting his breathing...
  13. S

    11 week weaning cockatiel throwing up

    My cockatiel is 11 weeks old today & we’ve been weaning from hand feeding. She’s been throwing up seed today & doesn’t want to be held. I cannot afford to take her to a vet but I am very worried about her. What could be causing this & what should I do
  14. R

    Cockatiel advice

    He guys, i got my cockatiel 2 days ago and he is very quiet and sits still in his cage, he rarely eats his food, today i got him to eat some apple and spinach from my hand for breakfast, then some millet later on in the day from my hand. he never beats from his food container. we keep a balance...
  15. R

    New cockatiel not eating properly

    Hey guys, I got my cockatiel 2 days ago and he isn't eating properly, he wont eat much seeds/pellets and wont eat his veggies or fruits. Yesterday he would only eat spray millet and today I managed to hand feed him some apple and spinach because he wouldn't eat from the bowl/plate. what should I do?
  16. R

    Cockatiel dust

    Hey guys, I got my cockatiel 2 days ago and I do have asthma, today I've noticed I've had a cough/sore throat but it's like on and off, ill have it for a little bit then it goes and comes back later, its 12 weeks old and I was wondering if there's anything I can do to reduce the dust. Ive tried...
  17. N

    My Cockatiel "Talks" Now But...

    My Cockatiel "Penny" is about 10 months old. I'm still not sure if it's a male or female. Ive always thought that it's a she but I'm not sure now. About two weeks ago, she started "talking". First it was random noises and whistles. And out of nowhere she started saying her name. "Penny penny...
  18. F

    Cockatiel won’t stop laying eggs - do I keep them apart?

    Hi everyone, To try and shorten a long story, I had two female cockatiels that lived together and my mom had a male cockatiel that was so bonded with her he never let the girls near him and they all minded their own business. We ended up having a disaster, what we thought was a safe heater...
  19. Sergior

    Doubts about getting a galah

    Hello to everyone! My name is Sergio, I'm 30 and I'm from Spain. First of all I need to say that I'm not a very good English speaker (but I can understand it without a problem) so hope you can understand me! A few months ago my 5 years old female cockatiel, Whisky, passed away. I'm still...