Hello! This is my first time posting here! I figured i needed to discuss this with people who are more experienced than me!
so I have a green cheek yellow sided conure, ive had him for a year and a half almost
the past few days he has been acting sick? He is all puffy and sleeps more then usual and his energy dropped! He (3 days ago when this began) used to fly and jump around
anyways i took him to the vet (avian vet not just a regular one)they checked his weight (healthy) and breathing and everything and told me he is generally fine? And that he might just be affected by the changes in weather, Told me to give him a multivitamin and sent me home (also told me if I wanted I could give him an antibiotic for five days “just in case” whatever that meant)
that was yesterday, today I woke up and he is even more puffy and tired
I went and got him the antibiotics and i am using it as i was instructed
i am really worried and I cannot afford anything to happen to him, mom told me not to worry because who would know better about a bird than an avian vet? Can someone please help me through this? I am stressing out between all the quarantine things and university switching to online classes I really cannot stop worrying
thank you, here is my little cuddly baby, ajay
so I have a green cheek yellow sided conure, ive had him for a year and a half almost
the past few days he has been acting sick? He is all puffy and sleeps more then usual and his energy dropped! He (3 days ago when this began) used to fly and jump around
anyways i took him to the vet (avian vet not just a regular one)they checked his weight (healthy) and breathing and everything and told me he is generally fine? And that he might just be affected by the changes in weather, Told me to give him a multivitamin and sent me home (also told me if I wanted I could give him an antibiotic for five days “just in case” whatever that meant)
that was yesterday, today I woke up and he is even more puffy and tired
i am really worried and I cannot afford anything to happen to him, mom told me not to worry because who would know better about a bird than an avian vet? Can someone please help me through this? I am stressing out between all the quarantine things and university switching to online classes I really cannot stop worrying
thank you, here is my little cuddly baby, ajay
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