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Scared about new parakeet's health!


Checking out the neighborhood
Hello! I'm new to these forums, and I made an account because I'm worried about my new parakeet.

I have two budgies: Sock and Glove.

I have had Glove for almost 2 months and we have a great bond. She's healthy, adorable, a bit cranky sometimes, but she's very loving.

I got Sock a few days ago from our one and only animal shelter. He is about a year old, and he was found wandering alone. It seems that he was alone for a while as his nails are quite long and his wings are not clipped. He is finger trained and quite tame around me. So his backstory is a bit unknown.

The thing that concerns me is his left leg. There's a large scab (I believe it is a scab) around his left thigh. It was fine at first, but I notice that feathers are falling off. He's also picking at it. I'm trying to get a closer look, as well as a photo, but he is still shy and doesn't want me too close to him. Other than that, he seems very healthy. He wags his tail, eats, sleeps, sings constantly, and plays with his toys. He has a vet appointment in 5 days. I'm just worried that it needs to be looked at now. However, there's only one avian vet on this island, and that's the only time he can meet (sad, I know). I have sprayed his cage, as well as his feathers with mite spray. Do you think that this is an emergency that must be looked at now? I'm guessing that maybe while he was out he was bit by something small. Or he could have a disease that the animal shelter didn't bother to test him for. I emailed the shelter recently to see if they thoroughly examined him before setting him up for adoption.

Has anyone else have experience with scabbing/defeathering, and how severe was it? Do you know what the cause of it could be?
I know without photos, it's impossible to tell how bad it is. I will try to get them as soon as possible.


Ripping up the road
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Welcome! I will tag some other people to see if they can perhaps answer you better than I can. I would be careful about using the mite spray. If it's like here, birds should only be treated if they definitely have mites as sometimes the sprays can be harmful.

@Birdbabe ? @cassiesdad?


Ripping up the road
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Erie PA
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Bob Weisman
Welcome to you, Sock and Glove...cute names, by the way.

Are the birds quarantined from each other? If not, they should be...knowing nothing about Sock's history, it's the best way to go. If the "scab" is intact and not bleeding or oozing, then the best bet I think is to monitor him to make sure those conditions occur, and to get to the vet when scheduled. If he pulls the scab off and it bleeds, you have a problem, though...active bleeding is considered an emergency (obviously) and should be tended to immediately.

As @sunnysmom said, I'd go VERY easy on the mite spray...the chemicals are quite nasty.

Good luck with Sock...let us know how everything turns out...


Ripping up the road
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the zoo
Welcome to AA. Agree with both cassiesdad and sunnysmom. Hope all will be well with Sock. Would be a good idea if you could get him into the vet sooner than 5 days.