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newbie Took in an IRN


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hey everyone,

We found a fallen IRN and took him to the vet to make sure everything was okay. He just needed some antibiotics and calcium.

We decided to take him in, but I have no experience raising a bird. I'm going to need all the help I can get.

The veterinarian wasn't clear with the age, and how often I should feed him. She just mentioned that it should be done every 3 to 4 hours and notice if the corp is full.

How old is he? I'm guessing around 4 weeks old (he's the size of my hand)...

r/PartyParrot - Took in an IRN

The below are my questions:

  1. How often should I feed him? What are the times I should?
    1. I feed him at 6 am - 10 am - 2 pm - 6pm - 10 pm
  2. How many ML per feeding to avoid over/under feeding him?
    1. I feed him 3 to 4 ml per feeding at
  3. When is the weaning period and how should I start the transition?
  4. Is it normal that he keeps his head bent down most of the time (usually ducks it under the towel), he rarely stands tall?
  5. He keeps moving backwards
In the picture (last night), he looks great.

however, today, he's been very tired and only keeps his head low. When I try carrying him, he just arches his neck downwards.

r/PartyParrot - Took in an IRN
When he's on the floor, he just keeps his head bent down and keeps sliding to a corner. He also keeps moving backwards when I've kept him in the towel, in a way kind of like keeping his tail upwards and head a bit more down.

I'm not sure if I've accidentally hurt him, or if I haven't been feeding right or enough.

I've moved him from a cage to a bowl with a towel and he's curled up in the middle of it.

r/PartyParrot - Took in an IRN
He has a follow up with the Vet in 5 days, but I'm just worried I'm doing something wrong in the meantime.

I'd sincerely appreciate any helpful tips you guys could share.

thank you and stay safe.


Rollerblading along the road
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He/she is a sweetie.... Welcome to the avenue. I am not an expert, but there are experienced people here, they're definitely going to help you.


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When he's on the floor, he just keeps his head bent down and keeps sliding to a corner. He also keeps moving backwards when I've kept him in the towel, in a way kind of like keeping his tail upwards and head a bit more down.
Sounds like he´s scared.

I feed him at 6 am - 10 am - 2 pm - 6pm - 10 pm
Sounds good for now.

How many ML per feeding to avoid over/under feeding him?
  1. I feed him 3 to 4 ml per feeding at
Doesn´t look enough. He looks heavier.
You need to weigh him when his crop is empty (like in the first pic). Then feed him 10% of that per feeding.
When you notice that he´s not eating that amount every feed, you can reduce one feeding per day.
You will need to weigh him daily so you know how much to feed for that day. It will increase slightly daily.

When is the weaning period and how should I start the transition?
Not for a while off yet, so I would focus on the feeding formula right now and we can talk about weaning in a few weeks :)

Be sure that you are preparing the food as per package instructions and serving on a small metal spoon.

If you have a large container to keep him in would be better, like a plastic tub or large critter carrier, lined with 5 inches of aspen shavings (course pine can be used if no aspen available where you are).
When he starts pooping that towel will be a nightmare.


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Have a read through this thread, jam packed full of info and advice, incl, how help knowing if crop is full or empty, instructions for how to mix formula properly, instructions from each brand on how to prepare their formulas, help with slow crop etc;

I forgot to say before, be sure his crop is emptying completely once per day, this is usually at night, so in the morning the crop is completely empty. During the day it is ok to have a little formula still left in the crop. If the crop is completely empty during the day when you go to feed, then feed a litte more frequent or a little more.

If you weigh the bird and the bird is 50g for example, going off what I said before, the food would be 5CC. But if the bird wants to eat 6 or 7, that is ok for him to have an extra CC or two, as long as the food is going down into the crop.


Ripping up the road
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The valley of the sun
My IRN was an adult when I rescued him, I'm not familiar with babies, but as @Zara Says..You could also look online. And even talk to your vet about him, sure is adorable..


Rollerblading along the road
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I can give you some YouTube link, you can see the process.


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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I can give you some YouTube link, you can see the process.
I´m not a fan of the video. The feeding process is ok. but mixing the food with the syringe is not ok. Neither is potty trianing a baby (or any age for that matter) bird.

Mix food with a spoon and smush all the lumps against the container sides so it´s a smooth formula.
When the bird poops, you don´t do anything, just swiftly wipe it up with tissue paper. Silently.

Pat H

Rollerblading along the road
Apple River, IL
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Am not sure about the IRN's, but comparing him w/ a baby Lovebird, he'd be almost 5wks old...


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Am not sure about the IRN's, but comparing him w/ a baby Lovebird, he'd be almost 5wks old...
If you look at all species, the larger birds tend to grow slower than the smaller.
So I don´t feel you could work it out based of lovebird growth as IRNs are larger.

Here is a chart;

Source: Indian ringneck parrot chick growth

Pat H

Rollerblading along the road
Apple River, IL
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If you look at all species, the larger birds tend to grow slower than the smaller.
So I don´t feel you could work it out based of lovebird growth as IRNs are larger.

Here is a chart;

Source: Indian ringneck parrot chick growth
That's a great chart... I was using the length of the tail to approximate the age, so by this chart, he'd be even older, maybe 6 1/2wk? Would have to look back at the original pic.. Thanks for the reference Zara... you have so many good ones!