Moving in
Hello! I'm Shayla and i have owned many animals growing up from dogs to amphibians, due to my mum and family owning a pet shop! Currently we still own quite a few animals (check the information on my profile to see what we have) but the ones that i personally own are the cockatiels, goldfish, beta and hermit crabs lol.
I love the cockatiels the most because i hand raised them and couldn't bring myself to give them up for sale. We were hand-raising 3 baby cockatiels at the time and my mum thankfully allowed my to choose to keep one because it was nearly my birthday. I was hoping to pick a boy because i named them Elliot, which is mostly a boy name, but 'he' ended up being a 'she', which is fine lol. My sister got to choose one too and she chose the one identical to mine (the 3rd one was a pearl grey, who ended up being the boy out of the 3) so now they cant tell the difference but i'm used to being with them so its easy for me.
Anyway 2 years later and they grew up to be gorgeous birds, although i will probably end up posting some questions later on because there are a few problems i'm having, but that's not important for now. I do own both of them now because my sister wanted to get a new bird because although these two sit and cuddle with us, they don't like being pat, and she wanted a more affectionate bird. She ended up getting a budgie and over time left me to look after these two, i'm not complaining though aha.
Sorry to bore you guys with that long story lol but those two will most likely be the majority of my content if i'm posting but i may post about the other birds too. Well that's all, thank you and bye for now!
Below is a few pics of them if you want to see (the one on the cage and by itself is Elliot, my original bird)

I love the cockatiels the most because i hand raised them and couldn't bring myself to give them up for sale. We were hand-raising 3 baby cockatiels at the time and my mum thankfully allowed my to choose to keep one because it was nearly my birthday. I was hoping to pick a boy because i named them Elliot, which is mostly a boy name, but 'he' ended up being a 'she', which is fine lol. My sister got to choose one too and she chose the one identical to mine (the 3rd one was a pearl grey, who ended up being the boy out of the 3) so now they cant tell the difference but i'm used to being with them so its easy for me.
Anyway 2 years later and they grew up to be gorgeous birds, although i will probably end up posting some questions later on because there are a few problems i'm having, but that's not important for now. I do own both of them now because my sister wanted to get a new bird because although these two sit and cuddle with us, they don't like being pat, and she wanted a more affectionate bird. She ended up getting a budgie and over time left me to look after these two, i'm not complaining though aha.
Sorry to bore you guys with that long story lol but those two will most likely be the majority of my content if i'm posting but i may post about the other birds too. Well that's all, thank you and bye for now!