I'm new here. Anyway, I'll go straight to the main topic. I got my lovebird about 6 years ago with no knowledge about lovebirds. (Actually even now I'm not very knowledgeable about birbs. I just know I want to keep a happy and healthy birb.) My lovebird is orange and green. When I first got him at a local pet store (not tamed, and I don't know its age/gender etc.). The shop owner told me "its simple to keep a bird. Feed it food and water daily, shower it and clean its cage weekly." --> so I followed the instructions. I also researched about birds and tried to feed him fruits and vegetables. But he is really picky. He doesn't eat any of it except a bit of apple. He has no past history of medical condition and has been a very happy birb.
In June-July 2020, I noticed Pudding is losing some feathers around his neck area (I could see his down feathers) but I thought nothing of it, I thought it was moulting season. And nothing happened. In fact his feathers grew back to normal. But recently, I noticed he is losing even more feathers and there are blatant signs of him pulling his own feathers. I am planning to bring this little fella to the vet soon. I just wanted to get more opinions as to how I should keep Pudding a happy and healthy birb.
Here is a photo of his bald butt.
I'm new here. Anyway, I'll go straight to the main topic. I got my lovebird about 6 years ago with no knowledge about lovebirds. (Actually even now I'm not very knowledgeable about birbs. I just know I want to keep a happy and healthy birb.) My lovebird is orange and green. When I first got him at a local pet store (not tamed, and I don't know its age/gender etc.). The shop owner told me "its simple to keep a bird. Feed it food and water daily, shower it and clean its cage weekly." --> so I followed the instructions. I also researched about birds and tried to feed him fruits and vegetables. But he is really picky. He doesn't eat any of it except a bit of apple. He has no past history of medical condition and has been a very happy birb.
In June-July 2020, I noticed Pudding is losing some feathers around his neck area (I could see his down feathers) but I thought nothing of it, I thought it was moulting season. And nothing happened. In fact his feathers grew back to normal. But recently, I noticed he is losing even more feathers and there are blatant signs of him pulling his own feathers. I am planning to bring this little fella to the vet soon. I just wanted to get more opinions as to how I should keep Pudding a happy and healthy birb.
Here is a photo of his bald butt.