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love bird

  1. KiwiTheLov

    How do i get my lovebird to eat out of my hand?

    I got my lovebird around 5 days ago, and he seems pretty comfortable when I'm around him. I've been trying to feed him apple or millet out of my hand but he just ignores it and tries to sleep/stays still. Whenever I am changing his food bowls or go to sit down next to him he doesn't freak out...
  2. S

    Fisher Love bird

    Hi my fisher is 5-6 weeks old. I am concerned about its weight he weighs 31g . what should I give him to increase his weight.as he looks underweight to me Doesn't cry for the feed so I have to feed him from a soft tube . I feed him formula 3 times a day around 5-6 cc. Though he is active and...
  3. S

    Help me identify age and gender

    Hi guys! Could someone who knows help me identify the age and gender of the birb? Thank you in advance!
  4. B

    falling in love with 2 love-birds

    Hello All, First of all, I send my love and respect to everyone here. It is amazing to find a place for bird lovers, and to be joined by a bird dummy (ME) I got two love birds, One fisher, the other is Rose.. they live great together. I just wish to know since I have seen 2 billion online...
  5. T

    Advice when leaving bird

    I have had this lovebird for around eight months (unsure of gender, referring as "her"), and I absolutely love her. My family and I work from home, so we always have her flying around the home, eating fresh foods, and bonding with us. She is always sitting on one of our shoulders or playing...
  6. CrystalPep

    Introduction help

    Hello, so im a fairly new bird owner. i adopted a love bird from a shelter. shes very fearful of people cause she was never interacted with. shes starting to warm up to me a little bit. but i have been thinking about getting another love bird as a companion. but before i do so i want to ask...
  7. L

    candle question…

    So i live in an apartment that’s pretty big and extremely well ventilated- especially in my room. my room has a pretty big window which can be opened (screened) and i keep an air purifier running next to Archie’s cage on full blast 24/7. we also have the ceiling fan on periodically to increase...
  8. Luvbirds

    Does this mean it's mate time??????

    Hello my bird friends, Thank you all for your help in my current birdy journey. It hasn't been easy but you guys have helped a lot My current question now is... Is it time for a new mate for my Lovebird Pepita??? I went to the vet yesterday and she is fine just needs to eat more because the...
  9. Z

    Beak issue?

    Hi all, Noticed My lovebirds beak looks as though the end has peeled and has gone brown at the tip. Can you please let me know if this is normal? Otherwise healthy as far as we can tell!
  10. alyxctt

    hand fed lovebirds starting to reject food

    My baby lovebirds are a little more than 35 days. Both are fully feathered and are able to perch, preen, chirp, and try to fly. The white lovebird (no name yet, feel free to leave some suggestions!) likes to flap her wings in the brooder when she thinks nobody is around. Kind of like the adult...
  11. PistachioR

    New Friend Pistachio

    Hello to those reading this lovely thread. Our family recently rescued a beautiful Lovebird my daughter has formally named Pistachio. We are first time bird owners, trying to navigate how to properly take care of this lovely creature. We have gotten her quite a large cage, tons of toys...
  12. S

    Elder lovebird attacking younger lovebird.

    Hi everyone, I had a lovebird for 2 to 3 months. Its age would probably be 4 months. It never interacted with any other bird. It is very responsive to the birds sounds coming from outside. However it doesn’t climb to fingers and bare skin but it do sits on my shoulder and head and play with my...
  13. vuilos

    dark shade above lovebird beak?

    Hi everyone I am new here and I’ve been trying to look up on google about my concern regarding a almost brownish dark color above my birds beak, in which lead me here. I saw some other people were discussing about it but I wasn’t sure if they were talking about the same thing. They said it was...
  14. vani

    Bird-Loving Roommate(s)

    Hello again cool friends of avian avenue!!! Hopefully this is the right place to ask this question. I need to move out, but my lovie is priority number one. I could afford to live in an apartment alone with him, but I worry about the noise he may make. He's definitely not the loudest...
  15. Zblurt

    Gender identification: Lovebirds

    I was wondering if there was any ways I could identify my lovebirds gender simply with behavior? If not, could anyone send me a link to a DNA testing I can buy online? Rico, my supposed male lovebird, loves tearing apart paper and stuff it in his feathers (like if he was preparing for a nest)...
  16. S

    I want to help my bird

    I rescued common myna from the park and he is eating good but today when I touch him I feel his body is not warm as it was before and sometime his body is shivering little bit and one thing he go to sleep right after eating and he is sleeping more than before when I take him to my house he was...
  17. ktluvszoe

    Mixed dog/bird home safety?

    Hi, I notice that some of you seem to have birds and dogs. Wondering how you manage to get peace for the two? Currently I live at home with my parents and expect to for at least the next 2 years. We used to only have my lovebird and she got lots of out of cage time, but my grandmother recently...
  18. N

    Aggressive male lovebird

    Hi everyone! I am new to forums so forgive me if I am doing anything incorrectly. I'm seeking out the help of fellow bird lovers because of an issue I have. So I have a sweet old man lovebird (he is about 12 y.o) and a very energetic 2 year old lovebird (also male). We adopted him after the...
  19. C

    My lovebird is biting me after I introduced her to a new lovebird

    Okay so this is going to be a long post but I'm generally confused. So Kiwi, rosy-faced my 3-month-old lovebird, my "female" lovebird (according to a breeder) flew to my dad while he was standing outside and she was really tamed. This was 28 days ago. She was extremely sweet and used to come to...
  20. Carine

    Weaning help!!

    Hello everyone!!! This is Jive, my cute lovebird, I believe he is around 6-7 weeks old? (Correct me if I’m wrong), I’m trying to start with the weaning process. I started mixing formula with a mix of fine seeds (the one in the picture) and he’s eating from his bowl alone, he also eats from a...