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  1. M


    Hi everyone! I hope you can help, We’ve had a cockatiel for roughly 5 years with no problems, roughly 2 years ago we bought 2 conures again no problems. however this last year the cockatiel has laid multiple clutches of eggs obviously all infertile. We don’t know what to do with her, is it...
  2. G

    Male won't let female near eggs

    Hello everyone. I have a bit of a problem. I adopted a male two years ago that has always been quite dominant and somewhat aggressive towards my female. They do mate but they dont cuddle or preen each other, they don't feed each other either. The female has recently laid eggs in the aviary I...
  3. E

    Hen wont abandon eggs!

    Hi! Sorry I am new and I think posted this before in the wrong place! My CAG Pebbles recently had the implant to help with her new chronic laying habit. She was nesting on some eggs at the time she got the implant. She laid 5 eggs, the first being over two months ago. She just wont abandon...
  4. Nonna

    New Budgie Owner Here- Need help with nest

    I adopted a bonded pair of Budgies. I had no intention of breeding or anything like that, however, they came with their cage and all accessories, which included a little nest in the cage. I was not educated on the mating habits or hormonal cycles of Budgies, and Duchess laid 9 eggs starting on...
  5. B

    can a sun conure single parent

    hi I was wondering if I bought fertilized conure eggs. and rather come nesting season avoiding giving my conure reasons to nest but encouraged it could my one parrot raise the babies (as well as with me helping ) i know that in theory you could take the babies on day one and do it completely...
  6. C

    Female Canary won't stop nesting

    Just wondering if this is normal behaviour for a female Canary as I'm not sure what to do for the best. Bought a "male" canary (George) from a breeder in October 2022. By February 2023 "he" had started to get hold of top wing feather and dance around holding onto it. Also started gathering...
  7. Gersha

    Budgie noises

    Not sure if this was my budgie or a mouse who made these noises, but it started around 5 am when I heard strange squeaking and small sneezing I think. I shined a light in the cage and noticed one of my birds eggs hatched but I cannot see the baby and am not sure if the strange squeaking came...
  8. D

    Unhatched lovebird eggs

    Hi, I'm new to this forum and have a question .. First let me paint a picture of my pride and joy; I've build an outdoor walk-in aviary (i live in the UK), 3.6m x 1.8m x 1.8m. We started of with 4 cockatiels, 4 budgies and 4 lovebirds. Now we have 4 cockatiels, 10 budgies and 7 lovebirds...
  9. W

    AGP eggs?

    I currently live in Texas and wondering if anyone knows any reputable breeders who has young birds or fertilized eggs. We have a large GCF incubator and wanting to hatch our own. I've always loved the AGP but willing to see what other young birds or fert eggs available. We currently raise...
  10. T


    Hey budgie owners! I hope you and your birds are doing well! I have 1 female and 1 male budgie. I was never planning on breeding the two (in fact, I thought my female was a male until I caught them doing the deed ). My female has laid many eggs in the past few months, but a LOT of them fell down...
  11. D

    First time owner of a female budgie.

    For clarafication, I have 2 love birds, 2 budgies and 2 chickens. I have owned chicken for a 12 years, and parrots 3. But Sweetmeat is my first female budgie. My chickens have never had an egg binding situation because I provide layer pellets or a calcium supplement. My question is, should I...
  12. D

    need urgent help please

    i don't know if this is the right subsection to post in but i have two greencheeck conures, and i guess they've been mating recently, i noticed that they were up to something and the female has laid eggs in our sofa in a nest they made and she comes out barely. it seems she still has more to...
  13. H

    How much should I feed my canary

    I've had several different reccomending tips on how much to feed my guy. I currently just keep his bowl of food in cage all the time, and put fresh veggies out every day. Haven't had any luck getting him to eat any fruit. I put a quarter of a boiled egg in his bowl once a week. Is this...
  14. cindypanny

    What to do with fertilised unwanted eggs

    Hi, my parrot laid fertilised eggs, I don't want them and I cannot separate my parrots because they will become depressed, I've tried before and it wouldn't work out. My parrot is a green cheek conure who already laid 3 eggs, one is being developed and I want to get rid of them asap, how do I...
  15. Birdman696

    Elegant parrots breeding

    Hi, so a couple days ago I bought a breeding pair of elegant parrots, to stock my aviary that should be finished by the time they’re done with the chicks. And they’ve apparently settled in quite fast as the female has been going in and out of the nest box for the last two days, but not long ago...
  16. S

    New eggs need help regarding incubater

    Hi there my cocatiel hen is unwell she could be because she had a clutch not even long after her previous one, could be egg bound she is getting better she fell sick last night. I removed her from the cage and nest box she did not want to go near them and the daddy bird did not want to keep the...
  17. S

    I’ve had my bird for 4 years now and she never has laid eggs

    I got my cockatiel in 2017. I’ve had her 3 years, starting to turn into 4 years in a few months. I’m not too well informed about female cockatiel breeding knowledge since I’ve never experienced any of that kind of behaviour from my bird. I just thought that I didn’t need it. I noticed since the...
  18. E

    Cockatiel eggs pipping

    I currenting have 5 eggs incubating in a homemade incubator everything that is needed for the eggs have been met as all 5 have life. Now the first egg has started pipping 28 hours ago . It still only has a small hole. I have tried to read and do research on the matter but not much is found. I...
  19. A

    Keeping nest box warm in winter

    Hello what's the best way to keep a cage and nest box warm during winter. Is a heating pad enough to place under the wooden nest box. I'm expecting cocatiel eggs any day now don't want her babies to get cold when they leave the nest box to eat. With my other bird I used a heating pad but it was...
  20. A

    Cocatiel hen attacking her babies

    Hi why would the mother attack her babies and will she do this again in the future. She was a first time parent her partner was outside the nest box when she attacked them. I'm just very sacred she does this again the babies was 3 days and Older. I tried to safe all 4 of them. But after a few...