Sitting on the front steps
Hello Everyone,
I am new here, and I was guided here by @Atomiklan to seek out some advice regarding his society finch, Atticus, and my zebra finch, Boo.
I have a fair amount of experience with birds, having raised a couple of wild birds and also rehabbing several abused/neglected parakeets. A friend of mine messaged me recently about her Zebra Finch. She was about to move across the country in a matter of days and had desperately been trying to rehome him with no luck when she remembered my history and connection with birds. I have always admired finches, but have never had them in my care before, so I made sure to do plenty of research about them before I told her I would take him. I drove 2 hours away to pick him up, and now he's been with me for a little over a week. His name is Boo, as in Boo Radley. Boo was born to two zebra finches that had been given to my friend originally by someone else. He had 5 brothers, all of which unfortunately did not live long, and his parents passed as well. My friend guessed Boo to be about 4 years old. He's a sweetie, but is not tamed and was not hand raised, so he is pretty afraid of people. He has not had a companion since his brothers died and he has never had a mate. He's very energetic and chatty, but I can definitely tell that he is lonely. So, I began my search for a companion for Boo earlier this passed week, looking everywhere online that I could; adoption sites, breeder sites, and I have asked local pet stores. I finally came across a listing online posted by @Atomiklan about his hand-raised society finch, Atticus Finch. Once I saw the name, I immediately felt like it was kismet that I found the listing; Boo Radley & Atticus Finch, seems meant to be. Andrew and I have had some really pleasant exchanges through email, and I would really love to give little Atticus a forever home, and for he and Boo to become companions. So now comes my question for all you experienced finch owners on here:
Will Atticus and Boo make good companions for one another? I have been reading that society finches can live pretty comfortably with zebras, but I am wondering if it makes a difference if its only the two of them, being that they are both males. I would really hate for there to be aggression between the two of them, I know this may be the case with two male zebras, but I am not sure if the same applies to two males of a different species. I have an adequately sized cage for the time being, though I am planning to purchase an aviary for my screened-in porch, and when I am home I plan to leave the indoor cage open anyhow so they can come and go as they please, which would provide them space from each other when/if they need it. Additionally, it would be my hope that perhaps Atticus, being hand raised, would encourage Boo to be trusting of me and humans in general. @finchly , Andrew also specifically suggested to tag you for advice on this since you already know and understand his reasons for rehoming Atticus. Any advice or opinion you could give would be greatly valued! Same goes for anyone else's input! Thanks in advance
I am new here, and I was guided here by @Atomiklan to seek out some advice regarding his society finch, Atticus, and my zebra finch, Boo.
I have a fair amount of experience with birds, having raised a couple of wild birds and also rehabbing several abused/neglected parakeets. A friend of mine messaged me recently about her Zebra Finch. She was about to move across the country in a matter of days and had desperately been trying to rehome him with no luck when she remembered my history and connection with birds. I have always admired finches, but have never had them in my care before, so I made sure to do plenty of research about them before I told her I would take him. I drove 2 hours away to pick him up, and now he's been with me for a little over a week. His name is Boo, as in Boo Radley. Boo was born to two zebra finches that had been given to my friend originally by someone else. He had 5 brothers, all of which unfortunately did not live long, and his parents passed as well. My friend guessed Boo to be about 4 years old. He's a sweetie, but is not tamed and was not hand raised, so he is pretty afraid of people. He has not had a companion since his brothers died and he has never had a mate. He's very energetic and chatty, but I can definitely tell that he is lonely. So, I began my search for a companion for Boo earlier this passed week, looking everywhere online that I could; adoption sites, breeder sites, and I have asked local pet stores. I finally came across a listing online posted by @Atomiklan about his hand-raised society finch, Atticus Finch. Once I saw the name, I immediately felt like it was kismet that I found the listing; Boo Radley & Atticus Finch, seems meant to be. Andrew and I have had some really pleasant exchanges through email, and I would really love to give little Atticus a forever home, and for he and Boo to become companions. So now comes my question for all you experienced finch owners on here:
Will Atticus and Boo make good companions for one another? I have been reading that society finches can live pretty comfortably with zebras, but I am wondering if it makes a difference if its only the two of them, being that they are both males. I would really hate for there to be aggression between the two of them, I know this may be the case with two male zebras, but I am not sure if the same applies to two males of a different species. I have an adequately sized cage for the time being, though I am planning to purchase an aviary for my screened-in porch, and when I am home I plan to leave the indoor cage open anyhow so they can come and go as they please, which would provide them space from each other when/if they need it. Additionally, it would be my hope that perhaps Atticus, being hand raised, would encourage Boo to be trusting of me and humans in general. @finchly , Andrew also specifically suggested to tag you for advice on this since you already know and understand his reasons for rehoming Atticus. Any advice or opinion you could give would be greatly valued! Same goes for anyone else's input! Thanks in advance
