Hey, everybody and everybirdy! Remember Bob? The Giant Leopard Moth caterpillar I've been caring for? Well on the 25th, after hardly moving for two days, then eating and running around for two days, on the 25th he shed his exoskeleton. Looked really painful and took well over 24 hours. I felt bad for Bob. Not the best pictures through the container, but the best I could do.
Bob slept for awhile after that! On the evening of the 28th, Bob was running (undulating) all around his habitat like a crazy caterpillar! He looked awesome!
Here's a short video.
The next evening he didn't come out at all. They're nocturnal. I left him food. Next night same thing. I looked under his leaf. Bob has pupated! In about two weeks he should be a Giant Leopard Moth. It makes me very sad, though, bcuz Giant Leopard Moths have no mouth, therefore they don't eat and they die in about two weeks. I miss Bob. Though I do hope I witness the emergence of Sir Robert! I'll try to video it. Then I will set him free to enjoy the final stage of his life... reproducing!