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Updates On Jedi


Meeting neighbors
I haven't posted in awhile, so I wanted to give some updates on Jedi concerning his diet, enclosure, and training.

Jedi's been on Harrison's pellets for over a year now, but Amazon is now wanting nearly a hundred dollars for a one pound bag... so no thank you.

I ordered some of BirdTricks' pellets yesterday. Does anyone else use these? The pellets look a little big for a lovebird and Jedi is a really picky eater, so hopefully he'll like them. They're the healthiest brand I've found, and now that Harrison's is getting difficult to find, nothing even comes close. I'm also planning on ordering the cookbooks from BirdTricks to incorporate some fresh food into Jedi's diet, which I'll be ordering later.

I'm moving houses soon, and I thought this would be a good time to spruce up Jedi's enclosure. I'm getting new toys and perches for his cage, and I'm wanting to put up some perches and create kind of a bird room. The idea is that I can let him fly around under supervision (now that he's fully flighted. No more clipping!! ). Right now he doesn't have much choice but to be within a few feet of the rabbit, which is when he gets aggressive with her. He has no problem if he's far enough away, which is why I think giving him the top part of the room while the bunny is on the floor would be a good idea.

As for training, Jedi and I just started recall and target training. I haven't decided whether I should train him for freeflight or not yet, but as of now, I'll just be doing preventative flight training and some tricks.


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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I ordered some of BirdTricks' pellets yesterday. Does anyone else use these?
@MauiWendy uses them :)

The pellets look a little big for a lovebird
Maybe you could try smashing them slightly?

Don´t leave the bird and the bunny alone. He might hurt her.

Your upgrades for Jedi sound great! I´m sure he will be a much happier bird for it :)

I haven't decided whether I should train him for freeflight or not yet,
Please take my advice and don´t do it.
Lovebirds are not compatible with free flight.

Stick to recall in the house. A small bird can get plenty of exercise indoors.

Good luck with the target training and everything else.
I wish you a smooth move into your new home :fairy2:


Meeting neighbors
@MauiWendy uses them :)

Maybe you could try smashing them slightly?

Don´t leave the bird and the bunny alone. He might hurt her.

Your upgrades for Jedi sound great! I´m sure he will be a much happier bird for it :)

Please take my advice and don´t do it.
Lovebirds are not compatible with free flight.

Stick to recall in the house. A small bird can get plenty of exercise indoors.

Good luck with the target training and everything else.
I wish you a smooth move into your new home :fairy2:
Thanks for the advice!

Jedi will only be around the rabbit under close supervision, and you're probably right, I won't be freeflying Jedi outdoors.