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Checking out the neighborhood
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kai mitchell
i have a white faced cockatiel, no clue how old he actually is but the breeders i got him from claim that he was about a month old when i got him and ive had him since late july. i wanted to know if anyone has any tips on how i can just generally train him, if it's not too late. i'm planning on getting him a lot of new toys, especially shredder ones, but i wanted to know if anyone knows how to train him how to fly to me on command, as well as how to train him to get comfortable with harnesses/flight suits. i've tried one flight suit/diaper on him, but he really doesn't like it and was showing extreme signs of discomfort while wearing it, so i'm planning on finding a harness that isn't as restricting. when i first got him, he would fly to me on command whenever i held my hand out and called to him, but he stopped. help?!?


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
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i have a white faced cockatiel, no clue how old he actually is but the breeders i got him from claim that he was about a month old when i got him and ive had him since late july. i wanted to know if anyone has any tips on how i can just generally train him, if it's not too late. i'm planning on getting him a lot of new toys, especially shredder ones, but i wanted to know if anyone knows how to train him how to fly to me on command, as well as how to train him to get comfortable with harnesses/flight suits. i've tried one flight suit/diaper on him, but he really doesn't like it and was showing extreme signs of discomfort while wearing it, so i'm planning on finding a harness that isn't as restricting. when i first got him, he would fly to me on command whenever i held my hand out and called to him, but he stopped. help?!?
To teach him to fly to you start small, do things like calling his name then offering a treat to hop from the perch to your hand, as he gets better at that you can slowly increase the difficulty. I find it helps to have two different commands one for just everyday calling and one where every time without fail he gets a treat and is never taken out of a situation he wants to be in this way you can use the seconds for emergency's where you need to make 100% sure he comes to you.


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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