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harness training

  1. sunnysara


    I'm looking for a size 6 AvianWeb harness. My Sunny didn't really like the aviator but I can't find it anywhere! Anyone know where I can get one?
  2. T

    Harness disaster

    I’ve recently gotten an aviator harness for my caique and have tried getting him used to it. He wasn’t that afraid of it but was more curious, and would put his head through partially to get treats. However, when I tried to put his head through the loop fully while encouraging him with treats...
  3. H

    Best Harnesses?

    Best harnesses for Mr Jolly (Triton cockatoo)?? I tried the Aviator on him. Absolutely *hated* it. He was so good and well behaved getting it on, but the neck piece was far too tight and started choking him I had to cut it off immediately. Ugh very distressing for both parties. I don't believe...
  4. Diveks

    Harness for softbills?

    Hello, I have a softbill (chestnut breasted malkoha) that stick with me wherever I go around the house. He acts almost like a toucan although insectivorous/carnivorous and tend to chase every single moving thing that’s small. He is very hyper and jumps around everywhere, how should I put the...
  5. Mia V

    Harness training?

    So I did what the avian fashions said to and I think I still screwed it up. Stuck it nearby the bird for awhile. Even gently pet him with it. He got to the point where he didn't fly away from it, he just nibble and bit it (which honestly seems like as good as it gets with this bird cause thats...
  6. D

    Harness training idea

    I have a male cockatiel roughly 9 months old. He will sometimes allow me to touch his wings briefly, and he doesn’t mind his harness as a nearby object or even really as an object laid over him (although he’s not planning to just stand for fun under anything). So obviously we have a LOOONG way...
  7. coward


    i have a white faced cockatiel, no clue how old he actually is but the breeders i got him from claim that he was about a month old when i got him and ive had him since late july. i wanted to know if anyone has any tips on how i can just generally train him, if it's not too late. i'm planning on...
  8. Seulregi

    Socialising baby conures

    Hey guys! Please let me know if this is the wrong place to post this (cross posted here and behaviour byway as I’m not sure which is the best place to post for this question) so I’m currently hand rearing a green cheek conure (it’s sibling will be pulled from the nest next week) and I’m...
  9. dollfish

    A big achievement and a minor setback with Astro in harnes training

    Astro is making huge progress in harness training. She can comfortably put her head through the loop all by herself and wait patiently until she receives her treat, which is banana. This morning I rushed a little bit and put one wing through, which freaked her out but then I was able to quickly...
  10. Perrybird

    Harness training

    Is there any good training advice for letting me lift my gcc’s wings for putting on her harness? Treats don’t work because once she sees the treats she’ll be too excited and bite me. Also she doesn’t really comply to commands (like step up ) that she learned before.
  11. tropicdragon

    GCC Harness Training, Impossible to put wings through...

    So this is my first post here. I have exhausted any ideas I have or anything I could research online so I decided it would probably be best to ask others! I have been training my one year old, greencheek conure, Gordi, to wear an aviator harness for almost 3 months now. At this point, my green...
  12. Weelasmaree

    Harness Training for Gromit

    Hi all! I have started to entertain the idea of harness training with Gromit and was hoping some of you could point me to some great threads regarding harness training and even the best harness to purchase for a cockatiel. I know they usually come with DVD's but extra tips would be awesome...
  13. PrettyBirdy

    Avian Web EZ Harness?

    Hello! I am finally going to get a harness for my Canary Winged (Bebe) Parakeet, Sam. I have my Goffin harness trained with an Aviator Harness and it is just the best thing in the world! I know that aviators are well respected, but the idea of the EZ harness is quite intriguing to him. Aviator...
  14. H

    Bird harness? Help?

    I got 2 budgies about 3-4 months ago and finally got them hand tamed and learning some simple commands and hand gestures. I've seen some people take their birds outside but only with a harness on them, does anyone know where I can get a harness? I can find all sorts of leashes for the harness...
  15. Lelushio

    Bird is starting to pluck

    So I bought a nice harness about 3 days ago and started harness training my lovebird, Lily. She seemed to be responding well enough, even though she seemed really uncomfortable with it, we were making good progress so I thought it was fine. She was starting to put her head through the hole...
  16. issajoy

    Tips for training a baby (6 months)?

    Hello, I've recently adopted a juvi blue&gold macaw, his name is Ollie and he's six months old. We've been playing and training with him, he is very good at step up, is quickly learning step down, and is learning "nice" (letting us touch his beak without him going to lick or nip our fingers). He...
  17. Parakeet88

    Has anyone harness trained their conure?

    I just ordered an aviator harness for my GCC but I dont know if I'll ever get it on him. I made him a little scarf and he will put his head through for a treat and he will leave it on for a few seconds if I offer him multiple treats in my palm but even with the treats he backs out of it...
  18. Parakeet88

    Tips on harness training?

    I have a GCC and I would love to harness train him so we can go for walks together. Getting him harness trained now seems like a good idea so that if for some reason I ever need to harness him he'll already be trained. I also want to do it while he's young, he's about 9 months now. He doesn't...
  19. pez0910

    Harness training my macaw

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but I'm trying to harness train my B&G because I've seen her gazing out the window, wanting to go out. She's not afraid of the harness and willingly sticks her head through the head hole but once it's on she panics at the sensation of it being...