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Possible Respritory Infection?


Meeting neighbors
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I have an almost 5 year old cockatiel (Alba) and she suddenly began to have a strange noise as she was breathing, such as whistling in her nose. It was very sudden and happened as of yesterday morning (it's currently 5am the next day) and she's been sneezing excessively and seemed to struggle to breathe a bit. I thought there was a seed shell lodged in her nose. It's a bit difficult to tell, but I worry that she may have a respritory infection.

Everything else is fine, she eats and drinks, she was walking around and playing, flying on shoulders and such after I got home from work as usual. I checked on her while she slept and she perches fine, no tail bobbing and if it is it's very minor as if she's just normally breathing. Her posture looks fine and her face is buried in her wings at the moment she's asleep.

It's a bit difficult at the moment about 2 months ago or a little more she got treated for some infections at the vet which amounted to a $500 bill I believe or $400 and now I fear I may have to take her back and I don't know the cost it could lead up to. I work in a retail store and the hours are changing and it's getting busy due to holidays. I used to do mornings and end at 3 but now I begin mid day and end around 5 to 6 so it's a bit harder to keep tabs on her throughout the day. I have a constant severe anxiety when anything seems off with her, she means the world to me and I fear I may not be taking care of her properly and I'm not sure how to go about this, I'm scared that I won't be home and something may happen.
I would of course pay any price for her to be okay, she's my best friend and the idea of losing her is something I can't even think about without crying, however it can be very costly and difficult to work around my schedule unless I call out for emergencies.

My mom works around the same hours, the only thing I can think of is having my boyfriend come check on her or my grandma but I don't have an extra key. Does anyone know if she may be okay? Or the cost if I take her and it ends up being an infection? Sorry for the long post it's been keeping me up!


Biking along the boulevard
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
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Sorry you had to find us because of a worry..

i would be very concerned if this was my bird , and I would be going back to the vet. Especially with a past infection a few months ago, as relapse are common, sinus infection are notoriously difficult to clear. I completely understand the stress and hardship of the expense ..I have had to balance decisions for my own health and my pets too.

the hing is birds instincts are to mask illnesses, so behavior and eating aent going to tell the story. By the time you get to what we think of as "classic sick bird symptoms" like being fluffed, not very active , or not moving, not eating, they are critical often 48 hrs from death .

it also could be as you say , some debris. No way to know from here.

diet plays a big role in respiratory health and immunity. If they are a seed junky , then they are missing critical nutrients. Foods high in vitamin A are yellow and orange pepper like bell, tho all peppers are a great source even green. Cooked sweet potato, many birds take to it served warm and mashed up a little.


Biking along the boulevard
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Southern VA, US
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Meghan (she/her)
Hello and welcome! :hello1:

I'd call the vet and explain what's going on - sometimes a vet offers payment plans. But I'd definitely look into getting her seen sooner rather than later.


Meeting neighbors
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Sorry you had to find us because of a worry..

i would be very concerned if this was my bird , and I would be going back to the vet. Especially with a past infection a few months ago, as relapse are common, sinus infection are notoriously difficult to clear. I completely understand the stress and hardship of the expense ..I have had to balance decisions for my own health and my pets too.

the hing is birds instincts are to mask illnesses, so behavior and eating aent going to tell the story. By the time you get to what we think of as "classic sick bird symptoms" like being fluffed, not very active , or not moving, not eating, they are critical often 48 hrs from death .

it also could be as you say , some debris. No way to know from here.

diet plays a big role in respiratory health and immunity. If they are a seed junky , then they are missing critical nutrients. Foods high in vitamin A are yellow and orange pepper like bell, tho all peppers are a great source even green. Cooked sweet potato, many birds take to it served warm and mashed up a little.
Thank you for the warm welcome I really appreciate it! Sorry I came on here so suddenly with no hello I spoke with the vet and unfortunately they said they cannot give medical advice from the phone so I'll have to take her, the appointment starting pay is $111. I see something stuck in her nose, but I don't want to attempt to take it out so I don't hurt her. Thank you for taking the time to reply to me and give your advice!:) I'm hoping the seed shell is all it is. Take care:)


Meeting neighbors
Real Name
Hello and welcome! :hello1:

I'd call the vet and explain what's going on - sometimes a vet offers payment plans. But I'd definitely look into getting her seen sooner rather than later.
Thank you for the warm hello! I should have definitely introduced myself first and said hello to everyone :,)

I think she has debris in her nose from what I see but I'll try take her to get it out, thank you so much! <3


Meeting neighbors
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Update on Alba, I took her to the vet and she does have a tract infection still, she may also have an egg as her abdomen felt hard. They are testing her for chlamydia. I really hope she will be okay, I feel so upset with myself because I feel like it's my doing somehow. I constantly have severe anxiety that something will happen to her to the point I get stomach issues and nausea because I can't imagine losing her. I hope that she will be treated easily, She's currently back on medication. The bill was very expensive, unfortunately they do not do payment plans anymore, I want to help her, my fear though is that this will keep reoccuring and I will not be able to afford it anymore.