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Please help! Cockatiel terrified of everything


Checking out the neighborhood
Before I get started let me say that I have searched and searched for answers. They are all about untamed cockatiels... So. My baby Morty was born in May of last year. I have had him since Sept. He was hand fed and will step up and eat out of my hands etc. BUT, he is terrified of everything. We have to be careful when we handle him because he will screech and flap off our finger and land back in the cage or in the past he has fell on the floor. Thank Heavens he was not injured. He has a play pen that is no more than 6 inches off of the floor, he will get spooked over nothing, screech and flap onto the floor. He has broken all of his tail feathers off, so we only let him be on the solid ground, which doesn’t help because he still flaps and screeches. His flight feathers are growing so maybe when he can fly he will be more confident? I have 2 other cockatiels Lucy and Munch that he loves, but he is just afraid of everything. I do not Know what to do to help him or calm him down. We can hardly hold him because of this problem and it’s heartbreaking. (Lucy was a rescue and is terrified of hands, she will finally step up on a stick and hang out around us, but is TERRIFIED and will fly away if we get our hands too close. I don’t want this to be the case with Morty. Munch is my perfect angel baby, my first Cockatiel and is just as friendly and loving as a cockatiel could be. Anyways sorry, wanted to give a back story with that. But please help!! F7A91B62-6BD5-48A4-B08D-06F705E51466.jpeg


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Ripping up the road
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Oh my goodness- Monty is so cute! I think being able to fly will help. Are you sure there's nothing frightening him- like shadows, or seeing things move outside, etc? I am always amazed over things that startle my birds that I'm oblivious too. Do you play music or keep the TV on? Silence can be scary for them too. Maybe make play area for him in the corner of the room? That way he doesn't have to be on alert for danger from all sides?